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L4[00:17:30] *** TheKosmonaut sets mode: +b AccordingToAllKnownLawsOfAviat!*@*
L5[00:17:54] <TheKosmonaut> Don't need a name that long. Especially someone that tries to paste the Bee Movie script into the channel.
L6[00:18:03] <TheKosmonaut> Thank goodness his client crashed last he tried.
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L24[03:03:16] <oren> I am seriously considering writing a compiler backend to kOS machine code. Am I insane? or am I not insane enough?
L25[03:11:30] <kubi> what compiler?
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L27[03:16:16] <oren> kubi: I was thinking I'd take TCC and hack it to porduce kOS
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L30[03:45:00] <oren> By my calculation, my ship has 4200 delta v. that ought to be enough to get to Duna orbit
L31[03:48:20] <oren> but kerbal engineer disagrees by a wide margin
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L41[04:45:21] <Fluburtur> oh boy it's christmas again https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/406761530378551296/DSC_8314.JPG
L42[04:45:29] <Fluburtur> exept I got this when I was like 10
L43[04:55:09] <Fluburtur> also https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/292820311760699392/406761567590285322/DSC_8315.JPG
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L51[05:35:28] <Fluburtur> uh
L52[05:35:35] <Fluburtur> im out of 5mm power jacks
L53[05:53:26] <Mat2ch> Oh noes!
L54[05:57:06] <Fluburtur> this means that I need to find another way of powering my 2nd CB
L55[05:58:30] <Epi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pc_-ruSq7M
L56[05:58:31] <kmath> YouTube - Tractorpulling FAIL Compilation!! #4
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L60[06:11:32] <GlassYuri> mfw I handwrote '550' on a printout of a technical drawing and then read it as '590' several times
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L62[06:12:36] <GlassYuri> and of course I didn't create my CAD model in a way that allows me to just change one variable to fix it
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L64[06:13:36] <GlassYuri> every goddamn time I do something the long and complicated way it turns out to be a waste of time, and every goddamn time I take a shortcut it turns out to cost a lot of time
L65[06:14:09] <Epi> kinda like programming. You get better at that
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L71[06:47:21] <Fluburtur> I've got a sky map with the telescope too
L72[06:47:22] <Fluburtur> nice
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L74[06:47:52] <Fluburtur> so let's say I want to look ath the sky tonight at 11pm
L75[06:48:03] <Fluburtur> I will be able to see a whole bunch of stars
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L89[09:08:28] <UmbralRaptor> Fluburtur: Orion nebula? Beehive cluster? M81 & M82?
L90[09:08:33] <GlassYuri> so I just spotted a food crumb on my desk and instinctively almost ate it
L91[09:08:52] <Fluburtur> orion yeah
L92[09:08:56] <GlassYuri> but the color was a bit weird so i took a closer look and it appears to be leaded solder
L93[09:09:16] <Fluburtur> beehive not sure
L94[09:09:27] <Fluburtur> andromeda
L95[09:09:49] <Fluburtur> it's a thing for begineers and the map isn't that big so i guess it only has the easiest to observe
L96[09:11:08] <UmbralRaptor> Pleiades, Hyades, double cluster, M35-38, and 41 if you want more open clusters.
L97[09:11:51] <Fluburtur> yeah
L98[09:11:57] <Fluburtur> the messier catalogue is nice
L99[09:12:11] <Fluburtur> and I have done like no serious space observation yet
L100[09:14:42] <Fluburtur> I should try to hook up my camera to the thing too
L101[09:23:38] <Fluburtur> oh cool I can do that
L102[09:23:52] <Fluburtur> exept the un-inverting lens inverts the view for the camera
L103[09:24:11] <Fluburtur> so I will try to glue it to the 90° angle mirror thing
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L106[09:31:13] <GlassYuri> so since everything looks huge in CAD I decided to zoom out to real size
L107[09:32:26] <Fluburtur> I sometimes model stuff with ridiculous precision and then im like "wait no thats useless"
L108[09:33:02] <GlassYuri> so apprently high detail 3d printing reaches higher resolutions than my monitor
L109[09:33:49] <Fluburtur> 3d printing accuracy of the average printer is like between 0.2 and 0.4mm since that's the usual nozzle size
L110[09:34:40] <GlassYuri> ...should actually be lower than nozzle diameter I think
L111[09:34:54] <Fluburtur> well it depends how you print it
L112[09:35:03] <Fluburtur> layer height can be very low
L113[09:35:18] <Fluburtur> but with is always the size of the nozzle or slightly larger
L114[09:35:21] <Fluburtur> width*
L115[09:35:38] <GlassYuri> disclaimer: I have never operated a printer myself
L116[09:36:53] <GlassYuri> basically right now I'm doing the axle bearing of this https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/JNR205-TR235.jpg
L117[09:38:03] <Fluburtur> there are good tutorials for bearings
L118[09:38:22] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o4Fj8OxkB8
L119[09:38:22] <kmath> YouTube - Design a parametric, 3d-printable Slew Bearing with Fusion 360
L120[09:38:31] <GlassYuri> it's just gonna be a fake bearing
L121[09:38:43] <Fluburtur> oh then it's fine
L122[09:38:57] <Fluburtur> I should try to make a double conical bearing
L123[09:39:03] <Fluburtur> good radial and axial loads
L124[09:39:26] <GlassYuri> except that there still needs to be enough material in there to support the weight of the model
L125[09:39:53] <Fluburtur> it's all in the design
L126[09:40:19] <Fluburtur> but well, I can't give you any advice unless I have the thing in my hands so I will let the design part to you
L127[09:41:33] <GlassYuri> so according to the NMRA standards each car should weight 156 gram
L128[09:42:47] <GlassYuri> wonder how heavy a motor car could get
L129[09:43:38] <Fluburtur> most of those are painful to watch https://youtu.be/FuiUd13Mt5g
L130[09:43:38] <kmath> YouTube - RC CRASHE'S HELICOPTER,JETS,AIRPLANE MIX 2017
L131[09:45:03] <GlassYuri> the problem is that I have literally no idea what I'm doing
L132[09:45:20] <sandbox> what's with that title?
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L135[09:45:49] <GlassYuri> somehow nobody in the model rail hobby ever wrote a comprehensive guide about engineering your own rolling stock
L136[09:48:20] <Alanonzander> There were several articles in the early 70's in Model Railroad Magazine
L137[09:49:37] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, their website lists back issues to '86
L138[09:50:14] <Alanonzander> Maybe it was Model Railroader
L139[09:50:54] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, also I presume they are mostly about scratchbuilding? most scratchbuilders use commercial locomotive frames and bogies
L140[09:51:10] <Alanonzander> full range
L141[09:51:22] <Alanonzander> depending on the issue
L142[09:51:29] <Fluburtur> can I take pics of the moon with my camera mounted on the telescope or will the sensor get too hot?
L143[09:51:39] <GlassYuri> if it goes more in depth than that it would be very interesting to see
L144[09:52:14] <Alanonzander> I know for a fact there was an article on scratchbuilding a cattle car in the late 70's, since my father and I used to to build one.
L145[09:52:43] <UmbralRaptor> Fluburtur: Moon is safe, sun requires special filters.
L146[09:52:45] <GlassYuri> there's so little scratch and kit building content online
L147[09:52:49] <Fluburtur> alright
L148[09:53:01] <Fluburtur> I can open only half the aperture of mine if I need
L149[09:53:13] <Alanonzander> I wish they hadn't been destroyed when the basement flooded. Reading issues #1 would be interesting today.
L150[09:53:16] <Fluburtur> and I know I can do indirect observation of the sun
L151[09:53:29] <Fluburtur> however I think I friend a lens like that
L152[09:53:32] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, I built a chinese boxcar, and misplaced it somewhere
L153[09:53:34] <Fluburtur> fried*
L154[09:53:43] <Alanonzander> Fluburtur: :(
L155[09:53:56] <Fluburtur> I fried the filter too
L156[09:54:07] <Fluburtur> plastic in the lens was melted
L157[09:54:19] <Fluburtur> however he lens itself seems to be fine
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L159[09:54:48] <Fluburtur> I guess I can use other lenses with bigger glass elements
L160[09:54:56] <Fluburtur> to dissipate the heat voer a larger area
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L162[09:55:41] <Fluburtur> anyways I have to go take a shower
L163[09:57:26] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, https://twitter.com/glsfrg/status/915930671608209408 and https://twitter.com/glsfrg/status/929336326326861825
L164[09:57:26] <kmath> <glsfrg> HO???? https://t.co/VJJMukur7u
L165[09:59:24] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, oh and the terrible mess in the 3rd and 4th pic here https://twitter.com/glsfrg/status/929705547988746240
L166[09:59:25] <kmath> <glsfrg> ?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????… ????1/87????????????????????????? #????… https://t.co/oJM3hHq0Fy
L167[10:00:40] <Alanonzander> hmmm
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L170[10:03:09] <GlassYuri> Alanonzander, the thing with that car is that someone else was going to design the 3d printed bogies for it but hasn't finished them yet
L171[10:03:48] <GlassYuri> I don't think he has given up because I thought that three times before and then he came back each time
L172[10:04:30] <GlassYuri> once I finish my DT50 bogies I will test them on that car even if they are completely wrong for it
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L176[10:25:53] <Alanonzander> :)
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L206[14:20:56] <Mathuin> It is really frustrating to require separate installs for games with different mods.
L207[14:21:54] <Mathuin> In related news, TIL the stock tech tree has only two "and" dependencies, everything else is "or".
L208[14:22:18] <Mathuin> Nuclear Propulsion requires Adv. Fuel Systems and Heavier Rocketry, Large Volume Containment requires Adv. Fuel Systems or Specialized Construction.
L209[14:22:58] <Althego> nuke is one of them
L210[14:23:05] <Mathuin> Ion is the other.
L211[14:23:12] <Mathuin> Science Tech and Unmanned Tech
L212[14:23:12] <Althego> but who uses ions
L213[14:23:30] <Mathuin> I'm writing a spreadsheet for designing small(-ish) probes.
L214[14:24:05] <Mathuin> So if I track every part's tech level, I can determine the max tech levels for each vessel.
L215[14:24:45] <Mathuin> And just checked in my virgin install, those two are 'requires all', the rest are 'requires any'.
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L218[14:37:38] * darsie uses ions.
L219[14:38:01] * darsie also uses ants.
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L228[15:07:31] <Mathuin> I like ants when I don't yet have the "normal"-looking tiny engine.
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L234[15:23:07] <Mathuin> Hrm. Assuming a perfect synchronous orbit around Kerbin, how much time is spent in the dark?
L235[15:23:46] <APlayer> There are tables on the Wiki, IIRC
L236[15:23:57] <APlayer> Also, some mods provide calculators for that
L237[15:24:27] <APlayer> And TIL there are online ones too: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~bnichols8/projects/kspdarkness/main.shtml
L238[15:26:30] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/b51a2dff57609d9e681c20218817c930.png - Testing a new design, each core has 16 Thuds clipped together
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L240[15:27:34] <APlayer> Kerbal Slideshow Program?
L241[15:28:06] <Mathuin> I didn't see a table but I did search. I'm out of the game at the moment on a computer that can't play it. :-( That mod looks pretty good, though.
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L245[15:29:32] <Mathuin> And that URL you linked gave a link to 'Orbit_darkness_time' which is the wiki page with the aforementioned table.
L246[15:29:53] <Mathuin> Alas, the table is for a circular orbit at a non-synchronous altitude.
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L259[16:07:23] <Mathuin> Okay, I've got a probe spreadsheet that tells me the amount of time it can run in the dark, the time required to recharge, the total cost and mass, plus the maximum part size.
L260[16:07:42] <Mathuin> Calculating the techs required to build the probe is hard.
L261[16:09:06] <Mathuin> If the probe requires Basic Science, Advanced Electrics, Unmanned Tech and Precision Engineering, then the code should output Unmanned Tech, Advanced Electrics.
L262[16:09:40] <Mathuin> (PE is a prereq of UT, BS is a prereq of AE, Electrics is a prereq of PE and AE)
L263[16:14:49] <Mathuin> If anyone out there is an Excel/Google-Sheets wizard with this stuff, feel free to reach out to me for more details.
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L291[20:49:46] <Fluburtur> oh very well https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/407003213217136671/20180128033556_1.jpg
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L307[22:39:39] <ckindley> This is driving me crazy. I haven't figured out which it is, but I think some mod is breaking rings. Anyone seen this before? https://imgur.com/cYP2lu0
L308[22:39:39] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/cYP2lu0.jpg
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L310[23:23:40] <oren> ckindley: not sure what the problem is
L311[23:23:53] <oren> other than earth doesn;t usually have rings?
L312[23:24:37] <ckindley> oren: It's from Galileo's Planet Pack. Tellumo has rings, they are normally very inviting and regular-dusty-rocky-ring-like, but.... Something went terribly wrong.
L313[23:33:09] <oren> ckindley: what sorts of visual mods do you have installed
L314[23:33:58] <oren> from that screenshot, obviously EVE
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L316[23:37:53] <ckindley> oren: Just the set that comes with Galileo's Planet Pack. I fresh installed and deployed GPP and its requirements, and it worked, so I worked backwards removing mods but pared it down and it was still broken.
L317[23:38:33] <ckindley> Could there be any files outside of GameData that control scatterer or something else, maybe?
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L319[23:43:05] <oren> hmm I don't see any in my install
L320[23:45:05] <oren> I have rings around duna I'll see what they look like
L321[23:45:44] <oren> yeah mine don't cast a shadow on the planet or vice versa
L322[23:46:47] <ckindley> All planet rings look like that once they break. I'm all but convinced it is Scatterer...
L323[23:47:55] <ckindley> Flattened the install, trying again.
L324[23:53:13] <ckindley> Brand new downloaded install, installed GP and its deps and reproduced the issue. Huh...
L325[23:53:35] <ckindley> It worked last time I started fresh. interesting.
L326[23:54:39] <ckindley> I only care because I can't let it beat me...
L327[23:56:33] <oren> I'm trying to reproduce this
L328[23:56:48] <oren> by randomly changing scatterer settings
L329[23:57:51] <ckindley> Maybe it's not scatterer. Was only a hunch because I had strange-looking stars when lens flare shader was disabled.
L330[23:58:08] <ckindley> The line-like appearance of these glitched rings reminded me of that.
L331[23:59:44] <oren> what mod is it that makes the rings cast shadows
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