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L1[00:07:59] <kuzetsa> UmbralRaptor: for a moment I thought your joke was referring to how much computing power can fit in a pringles can - I nearly pointed out that a generic / offbrand $40 smart watch is like an order of magnitude more than you need for that old game
L2[00:08:40] <kuzetsa> heck, $5 raspi zero is plenty
L3[00:09:06] <kuzetsa> and that can be wedged between the chips and the can an not crunch any of the chips I think
L4[00:09:24] <kuzetsa> ('cause pringles are non-circular footprint)
L5[00:10:19] <kuzetsa> 58x23mm hmm yeah I dunwanna do the math on that actually
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L7[00:12:55] <kuzetsa> https://i.imgur.com/yOVuDBV.jpg <<< makes a 9v battery look huge O_O
L8[00:13:11] <kuzetsa> heck, the MicroSD looks big even
L9[00:13:29] <Althego> i make the biggest 9v batteries in the world. nobody makes them bigger than me. huge, tremendous, believe me
L10[00:13:31] <kuzetsa> "we live in the future" [tm] and IoT is absolutely getting silly <3
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L12[00:13:48] <kuzetsa> Althego: get out
L13[00:13:49] <Althego> the s in iot stands for security
L14[00:14:05] <Althego> come on, that guy only exist to be made fun of
L15[00:14:20] <kuzetsa> you reminded me of... actually nevermind why I... just no
L16[00:14:27] <kuzetsa> :/
L17[00:14:34] <kuzetsa> :( :(
L18[00:14:47] <Althego> sorry, i will go to the bakery now
L19[00:15:13] <kuzetsa> I should be in bed
L20[00:15:31] <kuzetsa> I noticed someone pinged me on twitter talking about #KSPOfficial
L21[00:15:45] <kuzetsa> "oh right I think I'm lurking in that channel I'm gonna say hi"
L22[00:16:10] <kuzetsa> hi everyone take care of val she's great :D
L23[00:16:17] <kuzetsa> 'night tho heh
L24[00:16:20] <Althego> where i can buy the burned bread, and the ever decreasing quality other products
L25[00:30:22] <Althego> products as expected
L26[00:31:57] <Althego> capitalism ho
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L54[03:30:46] <Althego> heh the game plots the an dn points for the wronge ttrajectory
L55[03:31:12] <Althego> not on the nearest one i need, but on the one after the encounter that shouldnt happen
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L57[03:53:36] <taniwha> Althego: reduce the number of patches (pause menu)
L58[03:54:18] <taniwha> it's an unfortunate consequence of being able to plot multiple flybys
L59[03:57:45] <Althego> thanks
L60[03:58:37] <taniwha> but yeah, sometimes even 3 patches is too many
L61[03:58:41] <Althego> somehow the result became worse, cant force an equatorial orbit from there
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L63[03:59:24] <Althego> and this ship is not able to aerobrake on eve, just the individual pieces
L64[03:59:48] <taniwha> you need to both hit the SoI at the body's equator and have zero north/south body relative velocity
L65[04:00:01] <Althego> if i choose to have a near encounter from a different point i will not be on an equatorial orbit
L66[04:00:35] <Althego> alexmoon's calculator tricked me... even with 200 m/s reserve this is not enough
L67[04:00:45] <Althego> it should have been 2 m/s correction
L68[04:02:06] <taniwha> after my (very partial) reading of "Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design", I suspect many people don't correctly interpret the calculator
L69[04:02:51] <taniwha> astrogation isn't all that easy
L70[04:03:17] <taniwha> (easy enough when you have plenty of ΔV, but being on a budget makes it more difficult)
L71[04:03:44] <Althego> if i set mid course plane change i would expect an injection, a plane change in solar orbit and a capture
L72[04:04:08] <taniwha> odds are, you won't be equatorial, though
L73[04:04:08] <Althego> or maybe
L74[04:04:32] <taniwha> only for Kerbin and Mun will an in-plane transfer result in an equatorial orbit
L75[04:04:34] <Althego> it is not taking into account the equatorial constraint. because why would it
L76[04:04:54] <Althego> it just give me an orbit
L77[04:04:57] <taniwha> yeah
L78[04:04:58] <Althego> i can reach
L79[04:05:25] <Althego> nobody said anything about parameters. you can set only 1, altitude
L80[04:05:46] <Althego> i guess i have to do a very caution aerobraking
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L82[04:07:59] <Althego> i really dont want to design an inflatable heatshield into this
L83[04:08:30] <Althego> it is also nowhere big enough
L84[04:09:16] <taniwha> <whisper>succumb to the power of the mod side</whisper>
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L88[04:45:49] <Althego> managed to capture in an elongated orbit with node at the far point, so i can correct for inclination
L89[04:46:01] <Althego> but still need to do aerobraking because not enough fuel
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L91[04:57:22] <Althego> hmm, inclination 0.03 deg, and i may have enough fuel for complete circularization
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L93[05:06:52] <Epi> floor it
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L95[05:09:10] <Rolf> if its close enough you can get out and push it
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L97[05:13:58] <Althego> 80 m/s remained 110 km circular
L98[05:14:15] <Althego> separation added 3 km altitude, i need to think of that next time
L99[05:16:35] <Rolf> nice
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L102[05:29:12] <Althego> ascent stage landing, under 20 km
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L104[06:08:12] <Althego> landed 35 km from the ascent stage
L105[06:08:22] <Althego> i could probably do better but good enough with the plane
L106[06:08:48] <Althego> i am not exactly sure how i am going to stop on water, but i will have to find out
L107[06:22:26] <daey> is there something like an randomizer for the solar system that mixes the planets moons?
L108[06:23:21] <daey> the thing that bugs me the most is that i wiki'd too much and know about all the moons/ planets without never actually visiting them :/
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L110[06:39:53] <Althego> now to fly 45 km with 30 m/s on the infinite prop
L111[06:40:30] <Althego> daey: you can try one of the planet packs, like outer planets or galileo or whatever they are called
L112[06:41:39] <Truga> i'm playing gallileo and it's neat, but none of the rocky planets have any craters
L113[06:41:42] <Truga> which is super odd
L114[06:42:05] <Truga> or moons for that matter
L115[06:42:44] <Truga> i mean, there's moons, they just don't have craters
L116[06:44:25] <Althego> i dont know if its normal or not
L117[06:55:38] <Althego> descending towards ascent vehicle. 38 m/s speed
L118[07:01:30] <Althego> heh swimming is so slow i dont want to swim 4x220m
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L131[08:41:47] <Althego> test flight complete. margins are quite small, but aside from 2 minor issues everything works perfectly
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L134[08:54:01] <Althego> i dont dare to try to fix the second minor issue. the return ship tanks start to oscillate which would lead to destruction if physics is constantly running. strangely it does this only if in orbit around eve
L135[08:54:09] <Althego> maybe thermal issue
L136[09:06:59] <ve2dmn> Good morning
L137[09:07:28] <ve2dmn> I bought more games this weekend on HumbleBundle and Steam...
L138[09:07:39] <ve2dmn> I think I need help
L139[09:07:50] <Althego> listened to 8 hours of dragonforce
L140[09:08:22] <ve2dmn> Either that or a 6 month vacation to try all these games...
L141[09:10:20] <ve2dmn> Or maybe start a youtube channel where I try all these games
L142[09:10:25] <ve2dmn> 1h each
L143[09:11:44] <Arcanitor> Althego: dragonforce?
L144[09:11:47] <ve2dmn> I'm sure I could get around 15 viewers
L145[09:12:27] <Althego> Arcanitor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i7qZxICwgQ&index=1&list=RDQMXNnGP3N9KXs
L146[09:12:28] <kmath> YouTube - Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm
L147[09:12:34] <ve2dmn> Dragonforce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDj1_5ekxg
L148[09:12:34] <kmath> YouTube - Guitar Hero 3 Through The Fire and Flames 100% Expert 100
L149[09:17:17] <Althego> and the speakers are still not here
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L152[09:20:46] <Iskierka> TTFAF on GH is actually harder than playing the actual song because they made it so silly. The actual band can only complete it on medium
L153[09:23:30] <Althego> lol
L154[09:28:43] <ve2dmn> Iskierka: the actual bands are usually really bad at guitar hero/Rockband
L155[09:34:53] <Iskierka> They do actually try play GH. This wasn't just some one-off gimick, they just can't play it beyond medium, even though they can do it for real :p
L156[09:35:23] <ve2dmn> I believe them
L157[09:36:10] <ve2dmn> That song on GH3 is requires beyond human habilities
L158[09:49:33] <ve2dmn> Anyone tried No Man Sky or Everspace?
L159[09:49:48] <Althego> hehe
L160[09:50:04] <Althego> i know a guy who goes by the name "Anyone" on discord
L161[09:50:17] <ve2dmn> that must be annoying
L162[09:51:00] <Althego> i think no man's sky is officially not recommended
L163[09:51:12] <Althego> meaning, most people dont like it
L164[09:51:20] <ve2dmn> sad. It looks ok
L165[09:51:23] <Althego> there were some upgrades to it lately, scott had video about it
L166[09:52:07] <ve2dmn> I have No Man Sky, Elite Dangerous *and* Space Citizen...
L167[09:52:16] <Althego> star sitizen
L168[09:52:17] <ve2dmn> havent' played them
L169[09:52:29] <Althego> i have e:d, havent played it since... 2015?
L170[09:52:40] <Althego> spent too much time on ksp and dreadnought
L171[09:52:59] <ve2dmn> dreadnought?
L172[09:53:17] <Althego> a free to play spaceship shooter
L173[09:54:29] <GlassYuri> https://twitter.com/___HEDFON___/status/932236461683892225
L174[09:54:29] <kmath> <___HEDFON___> 〜電話にて〜 俺「あの、周辺まで来たんですけど…」 主催「周り居酒屋ありますよね」 俺「はい」 主催「信じられないくらい細い扉ありません?」 俺「こwwwwwれwwwwww」 主催「そこなんですよー!」 https://t.co/kgqvohyPxe
L175[09:54:46] <Althego> what is that
L176[09:55:03] <GlassYuri> a door
L177[09:55:07] <Althego> a really narrow door
L178[09:55:25] <GlassYuri> built to keep the american invaders out
L179[09:55:31] <Althego> lol
L180[09:55:36] * Arcanitor is a skinny 'murican
L181[09:56:06] *** UmbralRaptor is now known as NomalRaptor
L182[09:56:26] <ve2dmn> I would able to use it
L183[09:56:34] <ve2dmn> barely
L184[09:59:41] <ve2dmn> Reminds me of the ticket booth 'service doors'
L185[10:01:17] <ve2dmn> (in Japan)
L186[10:01:33] ⇨ Joins: Lumindia_ (~Lumindia@
L187[10:02:47] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: I have a question... do you feel like the language barrier in Japan creates 2 different twitters or are they used in very similar ways?
L188[10:04:21] <GlassYuri> well first due to the difference in how many characters you need to express something there are no tweetstorms
L189[10:04:42] ⇦ Quits: Lumindia (~Lumindia@ (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L190[10:05:18] <GlassYuri> but really I'm not used to english language twitter anymore nor do I follow a particularily representative bunch of people
L191[10:05:53] <ve2dmn> a lot more or a lot less Emoji?
L192[10:10:07] <NomalRaptor> Note to self: tweet more weird things to mess with GlassYuri.
L193[10:11:41] <GlassYuri> ve2dmn, very little emoji in my feed
L194[10:12:00] <GlassYuri> depends on who you follow though
L195[10:12:04] <ve2dmn> NomalRaptor: define weird
L196[10:12:59] <NomalRaptor> ve2dmn: good point.
L197[10:13:15] <GlassYuri> I just found my ikegami line free ticket again
L198[10:13:26] <NomalRaptor> (lately it's RTing sciency silliness and whining about computers)
L199[10:14:10] <GlassYuri> so last month tokyu railway had this brilliant idea to make one of their lines free for one day, as part of an effort to promote housing development along that line
L200[10:14:19] ⇨ Joins: Arcanitor_ (webchat@
L201[10:14:20] <ve2dmn> GlassYuri: isn,t that a private line?
L202[10:14:44] <GlassYuri> you still needed a ticket for some reason, but they had their employees placed everywhere handing out tickets for free
L203[10:14:59] ⇦ Quits: Arcanitor (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L204[10:15:03] <GlassYuri> it got so ridiculous that at some point I had bent my ticket so I got a new one
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L206[10:15:39] <GlassYuri> ve2dmn, yeah
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L208[10:19:07] <Iskierka> https://i.imgur.com/OYrjiee.jpg
L209[10:19:41] <ve2dmn> Iskierka: No. Just No.
L210[10:24:58] <GlassYuri> NomalRaptor, I don't think you really want to outweird some of the people I follow
L211[10:26:12] <NomalRaptor> Hah
L212[10:27:07] <GlassYuri> like for example that one guy who climbed the wall and now specializes in all sorts of content that would get deleted on the other side
L213[10:28:55] <ve2dmn> climbed the wall?
L214[10:29:18] <GlassYuri> great firewall of china
L215[10:29:35] <GlassYuri> wall climbing seems to be slang for VPN usage there
L216[10:31:20] <GlassYuri> https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary?page=worddict&wdrst=0&wdqb=%E7%BF%BB%E5%A2%99
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L218[10:33:00] <ve2dmn> make sense
L219[10:39:40] <Althego> make: *** No rule to make target 'sense'. Stop.
L220[10:40:01] <NomalRaptor> make makemake
L221[10:40:25] <NomalRaptor> (This is an actual line in the Principia codebase IIRC)
L222[10:41:08] <Althego> sometimes i already have make written, i forget it, i type it again, then it turns into makemake (which is a kuiper belt object) and i find it funny
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L224[10:45:39] <ve2dmn> makémaké?
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L227[10:47:06] <ve2dmn> TIL: The dwarf planet's code name was "Easterbunny".
L228[10:47:37] <Althego> and i still cant get over the name of the li-ion inventor
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L232[11:15:15] <Blaank> Russia lost another sat.
L233[11:16:06] <NomalRaptor> The frigate wanted to visit the wayward boat.
L234[11:16:16] <NomalRaptor> http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/694
L235[11:18:00] <Arcanitor> Blaank ?
L236[11:18:25] <Blaank> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor-M_No.2-1 Now named Meteorite-M No.2-1
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L238[11:40:13] <Althego> http://kep.index.hu/1/0/1888/18888/188885/18888521_603f24c87f43771a9a2a6dc589c21de4_x.jpg
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L240[11:45:19] <Arcanitor> if I put big fins on my rocket should I add decouplers to ditch them once they become unusful
L241[11:45:49] <ve2dmn> Blaank: <Insert conspirary>
L242[11:46:19] <Blaank> decouplers add weight.
L243[11:46:21] <Blaank> And drag
L244[11:46:36] <Blaank> I usually have the fins on lower stages or boosters so they get discarded anyway.
L245[11:46:47] <Blaank> Sometimes I need them longer so I attach them to a stage further inwards.
L246[11:47:00] <Blaank> For example SRBs usually burn out before fins become unessecary.
L247[11:47:01] <Arcanitor> I almost always put at least small fins on boosters
L248[11:47:13] <Arcanitor> so the lopsided drag pulls them away from the rocket and each other
L249[11:47:19] <Blaank> So attaching them just to the SRBs leads to them dropping off when you still need them.
L250[11:47:58] <Blaank> You can have extra small fins that are elevron 1 and have them on the booster and the lower stages so you do lose about half of them when the boosters jettison but you are still well within atmos.
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L252[11:52:14] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XakK81edKFA
L253[11:52:14] <kmath> YouTube - Crawl through a B-29 Superfortress IN FLIGHT! + Real-Time procedures / ATC - Oshkosh AirVenture!
L254[11:52:33] <Althego> if we could have such a cockpit in ksp
L255[11:52:45] <Althego> the cupola is too restricted because of the beams
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L270[13:10:37] <ve2dmn> TIL that english is VERY popular in the Netherlands: https://i.redd.it/4inkgjdtnq001.jpg
L271[13:12:38] <legion> yup.
L272[13:12:59] <ve2dmn> I wonder why
L273[13:13:13] <legion> and German being our tertiary language is because they are our neighbors
L274[13:13:25] <ve2dmn> I can understand 30-40%... but over 90%?
L275[13:13:59] <legion> it is required for your diploma's.
L276[13:14:18] <Althego> english specifically?
L277[13:14:33] <Althego> cant choose anything else?
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L280[13:15:00] <legion> yup. you can drop german and french, take latin/spanish/others, but can't drop English
L281[13:15:41] <legion> and compared to german, engish is used EVERYWHERE, even on tv
L282[13:15:52] <legion> *english
L283[13:16:11] <Althego> engish must be what engineers speak :)
L284[13:16:33] <Truga> yeah
L285[13:16:41] <Truga> english is required pretty much everywhere these days
L286[13:16:47] <Truga> to finish school
L287[13:17:31] <legion> i started reading english sci-fi/fantasy as soon as i could...
L288[13:18:03] <legion> way before i actually had english classes
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L290[13:20:21] <Truga> same, but monkey island
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L292[13:21:23] <ve2dmn> legion: we don't even have those numbers in Canada...
L293[13:21:59] <ve2dmn> I think more people speak French-as-a-second-language in the Netherland then in Canada
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L295[13:29:45] <kubi> ve2dmn: because Dutch language is like a drunken English sailor wants to find a German hooker
L296[13:30:42] <Althego> with a lovely g sound :)
L297[13:34:24] <ve2dmn> legion: don't want to go into politics but I know a lot of monoligual people in a country with 2 official languages...
L298[13:34:28] <legion> depends on where you hear it... so, so many accents
L299[13:35:08] <legion> like Belgians? you are either speaking french or flamish (sort of dutch)
L300[13:35:22] <ve2dmn> kind of like that, yes
L301[13:35:54] <Althego> hehe belgians...
L302[13:35:55] <ve2dmn> Except in Canada, the distances are MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger
L303[13:36:00] <legion> also, notice that nowhre on that list is Dutch itself.
L304[13:36:24] <legion> even in Belgium
L305[13:36:48] <ve2dmn> numbers are too complicated in dutch?
L306[13:37:24] <legion> nah, just weird.
L307[13:37:48] <legion> no less weird than the french numbers though...
L308[13:38:23] <ve2dmn> sadly
L309[13:38:32] <legion> also, why is English on the list for UK?
L310[13:39:03] <ve2dmn> legion: because around 15% of the citizens of UK comes from outside the country
L311[13:39:24] <ve2dmn> also, scottish and welsh...
L312[13:40:30] <Blaank> https://imgur.com/gallery/tfNXSIT
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L319[14:01:54] <ve2dmn> Blaank: in the book that explosion is a bit more.... impressive
L320[14:02:06] <ve2dmn> The end result is the same
L321[14:02:15] <Deddly> kubi, please remember this is a place for all ages
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L325[14:18:17] <Althego> what a brave new world we live in https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/10/drms-dead-canary-how-we-just-lost-web-what-we-learned-it-and-what-we-need-do-next
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L333[14:43:40] <Althego> ahahaha https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/935572279693516800
L334[14:43:41] <kmath> <elonmusk> Why is there no Flat Mars Society!?
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L343[14:57:43] <ve2dmn> Althego: https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/935573404547248128
L344[14:57:44] <kmath> <DJSnM> @elonmusk I like to point out that while it's trivial to show the earth is a globe, it's a lot harder to prove the… https://t.co/6Eba0yyKfU
L345[14:58:36] <ve2dmn> Anyone run on MacOS High Sierra? Can you check if this bit is true? https://twitter.com/lemiorhan/status/935581020774117381
L346[14:58:36] <kmath> <lemiorhan> @AppleSupport @Apple You can access it via System Preferences>Users & Groups>Click the lock to make changes. Then u… https://t.co/fhb3TaplKu
L347[15:00:41] <Althego> hehe, i saw the 1.3 trailer just now
L348[15:01:17] * UmbralRaptor hasn't upgraded yet. An probably won't now.
L349[15:02:20] <ve2dmn> I own no Apple product, so I can't test it
L350[15:03:33] <Althego> so how is it trivial to show earth is round yet at least thousands of flat earthers cant do that
L351[15:03:40] <Althego> (ok they dont want to)
L352[15:11:04] <ve2dmn> Althego: it's more subtle then that.
L353[15:11:27] <ve2dmn> What they think is that someone, or something, is hiding the truth.
L354[15:11:42] <ve2dmn> a sort of conspiracy.
L355[15:12:10] <Althego> the truth that you can see for yourself with a theodolite?
L356[15:13:18] <ve2dmn> the only thing they want to do is see flaws and destroy. Any good explanation is flagged as 'must be flawed, I'll have to check later'
L357[15:13:57] <ve2dmn> They are like movie critics which care only to find flaws and destroy a perfectly good movie
L358[15:14:31] <ve2dmn> They are looking for the truth. They are looking for the conspiracy
L359[15:14:47] <UmbralRaptor> It's a rejection of large chunks of consensus reality, including a lot of trust in instrumentation technologies. Compare with the "were you there?" from young earth creationists.
L360[15:15:08] <ve2dmn> They are *NOT* looking for the truth. They are looking for the conspiracy
L361[15:16:15] <sandbox> cheese
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L363[15:18:38] <Althego> the were you there...
L364[15:18:57] <Althego> i can shoot that right back. ah god created earth in 6 days? how do you know, were you there?
L365[15:19:12] <Althego> but let's stop with this here
L366[15:19:18] <Althego> i want to sleep
L367[15:22:47] <ve2dmn> Althego: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/
L368[15:24:29] <sandbox> an interesting thought just occured to me... how long was a day before the earth was created? :P
L369[15:24:36] <Althego> hehe
L370[15:24:42] <Althego> or after
L371[15:24:50] <Althego> because there was light before the sun or something
L372[15:25:49] <ve2dmn> sandbox: a day is not a static thing
L373[15:25:56] <ve2dmn> it used to be shorter
L374[15:26:18] <Althego> it is already not long enough
L375[15:26:35] <ve2dmn> Some fossil records shw
L376[15:26:39] <Althego> would be lot worse if it was shorter
L377[15:26:41] <Althego> i know
L378[15:26:46] <ve2dmn> Some fossil records show around 425 days per years
L379[15:26:58] <ve2dmn> but I don't know how long ago that was...
L380[15:27:40] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/1iNg8Pp.jpg
L381[15:28:08] <sandbox> it worries me how seriously people take the things I say sometimes
L382[15:28:17] <Althego> haha
L383[15:29:15] <ve2dmn> sandbox: I come from the Litteral.net where we take thing far too seriously and litteraly
L384[15:29:56] <ve2dmn> (I don't know if this is an actual website.)
L385[15:30:07] <Althego> literal genie trope
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L388[15:31:27] <Judge_Dedd> Religious discussion (for or against) is really off limits here, sorry people
L389[15:31:35] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L402[16:27:12] <Fluburtur> woooo
L403[16:27:21] <Fluburtur> they finally added the australians to rs2
L404[16:27:38] <sandbox> ?
L405[16:27:45] <Fluburtur> vietnam
L406[16:28:05] <sandbox> ?
L407[16:28:13] <Fluburtur> the game
L408[16:28:18] <Fluburtur> rising storm 2
L409[16:28:59] <sandbox> apparently I own that
L410[16:31:11] <Fluburtur> good game
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L412[16:59:59] <sandbox> I wonder what happened to Abyssal Lurker (and various other people)
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L434[19:05:30] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/fa45c5c6698d3eb4670d1ba53fde6807/tumblr_oyhqhfsgqN1w064qto1_500.jpg
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L465[22:43:53] <Guest96996> ?
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L467[22:48:26] <UmbralRaptor> Well, that's not a helpful question.
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L474[23:35:44] <Althego> https://youtu.be/BGk6_KEFtLE
L475[23:35:44] <kmath> YouTube - Geek Spinner Demonstration
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L477[23:40:29] <Althego> https://newatlas.com/shape-memory-alloy-rover-wheel-nasa/52344/
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