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Stuff goes here
L1[03:34:52] <Forecaster> one of these days
I'll boot up the old server again and move them to the new one
and kick them up again
L2[03:35:36] <Forecaster> it's the same
relay opencomputers uses
L3[05:28:55] ⇨
Joins: Vexatos
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Joins: flappy
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Joins: Vexaton
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Quits: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@port-92-193-113-42.dynamic.qsc.de)
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L7[06:47:06] ⇨
Joins: Vexaphtha
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Vexaphtha is now known as Vexatos
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Quits: Vexaton (Vexaton!~Vexatos@port-92-193-45-191.dynamic.qsc.de)
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L10[07:45:33] ⇦
Quits: flappy (flappy!~flappy@88-113-149-197.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
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Joins: ImQ009
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L13[16:21:15] ⇨
Joins: flappy
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Mimiru is now known as Caitlyn
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Caitlyn is now known as Katie
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Katie is now known as Michiyo
L17[16:39:05] ***
Michiyo is now known as Mimiru
L19[16:52:35] <Soni> well I did manage to
find that railcraft version after some digging