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L1[04:43:53] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (Vexatos!~Vexatos@p200300C107205E35C813C4F9054C2B4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L9[15:54:22] <Navarone> Can I change recipes from machine such Rolling machine with CraftTweakers?
L10[15:58:46] <LuigiHutch> `I'd be mighty surprised if any of the Craft Tweaker stuff works right now.` CovertJaguar on 2 Jan
L11[16:04:52] <Kane Hart> hehe rolling machine does not hide when the modules disabled so I would say pretty sure no lol
L12[16:05:13] <Kane Hart> or should I say JEI recipes for it
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L14[16:58:14] <msticninja> So, I've explored about a 1000x1000 block area in a world with Railcraft-b4 installed, and the server log is up to "Saving 551 trains" by now. Does anyone know what these "trains" are and why there are so many? Are they generated in abandoned mines or something?
L15[16:58:57] <Xhale> I've got about 950 trains at this point. Seems like way too much
L16[16:59:44] <msticninja> Yeah, it doesn't seem to affect server performance, but it must in some way. Starting to get a little worried. My daughter will kill me if the world becomes unloadable.
L17[17:01:10] <msticninja> Like seriously. She got a Naruto knife for christmas, and she already asked me to sharpen it. ?
L18[17:35:03] <Kam> Is there currently a way to retrogen ore using the 1.12 beta?
L19[18:24:43] <msticninja> Have you tried this: https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft-Retrogen
L20[18:25:27] <msticninja> It looks like it's working for 1.12.2 but I haven't personally tested.
L21[18:32:49] <Kam> I looked at it, but didnt know what file to download ^^'
L22[18:44:17] <msticninja> This looks like the latest built release: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/railcraft-retrogen/files
L23[18:44:37] <msticninja> Says 1.10.2, but I'm betting it works. Back up your world first. ?
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L25[19:23:02] <Kam> kk, thanks, I'll try it
L26[19:32:19] <Kane Hart> @msticninja cj said you should not have lag unless you got like 3 million and even then it sounds minor lol
L27[19:32:35] <Kane Hart> we have like 3-4k trains
L28[19:32:49] <msticninja> Perfect, thanks for the info. I really just needed an idea of the acceptable ranges.
L29[19:53:30] <Trinsdar> I think the 1.12 version on github works as I built it myself and used it. I wouldn't reccomend the 1.10 version as it's meant for 1.10 and forge won't let you load a mod fr the wrong version of minecraft
L30[19:54:18] <msticninja> The latest commit was Nov, and the curseforge version was uploaded in Dec, so I figured it was the same build.
L31[19:54:45] <Trinsdar> Maybe someone can get covert jaguar to release a build of it for 1.12
L32[19:54:46] <msticninja> Not hard to build through gradle though if it is different.
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L35[20:44:55] <Kam> I take it won't work if I convert the file name to .jar? ^^'
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