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L1[00:12:09] <KillTyrant> Haha guess you've been strictly in Florida only?
L2[00:31:03] <Natesky9> mostly, yes
L3[00:31:21] <Natesky9> also, how come my color was orange, did roles get color changed again?
L4[00:33:55] <liach> Yea, because the rail baron and i like trains role have too similar colors
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L6[00:45:39] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#136 (mc-1.10.2 - f5eca7c : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L7[00:45:39] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/9880b585cbf4...f5eca7c9638b
L8[00:45:39] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/94449220
L9[00:45:39] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-34-204-89-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L10[00:47:03] <KillTyrant> Oh mang, ya gotta put aside some time to travel
L11[00:48:14] <KillTyrant> https://m.amtrak.com/h5/r/www.amtrak.com/rail-passes
L12[00:48:38] <KillTyrant> Keeping true to this forum, I linked amtrak specials
L13[00:50:12] <Natesky9> I think if I'm going cross country, I'm gonna drive it
L14[00:51:14] <KillTyrant> Done it 3 times now
L15[00:51:43] <KillTyrant> Though if I go again. I'm gonna take a train for that new experience
L16[00:52:22] <KillTyrant> It's a big and gorgeous country out there.
L17[00:52:42] <KillTyrant> Lots of wheat and corn haha
L18[00:53:45] <CovertJaguar> did someone mention snow? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rDjPLvOShM
L19[00:57:18] <KillTyrant> @CovertJaguar
L20[00:57:18] <KillTyrant> They need to install more booster tracks. Takes too long to accelerate
L21[00:57:23] <liach> trains in the usa are poor
L22[00:57:45] <Natesky9> yeah, trains in the us are weaksauce
L23[00:58:03] <Natesky9> the rest of the world is way cooler
L24[01:02:16] <KillTyrant> Lol it's because the USA is sparsely populated thru most of the country
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L26[01:05:12] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#137 (mc-1.12.2 - a406c91 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L27[01:05:12] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/efcd540e3e86...a406c91bdd1a
L28[01:05:12] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/94450355
L29[01:05:12] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-166-26-173.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L30[01:08:10] <KillTyrant> Among other issues. Like 38% of freight is shipped by rail and is usually given priority over passenger trains
L31[01:08:52] <KillTyrant> Amtrak owns almost none of the rail it operates on so its unreliable
L32[01:10:32] <bball.psd> map of train routes that might actually get some use, coast-to-coast is far so people will fly instead, and much of the northeast section would be unusable in winter so how good is it for me to even include on this map? http://tinyurl.com/y9kem3cb
L33[01:11:20] <bball.psd> i should specify passenger use
L34[01:12:18] <KillTyrant> Indeed. Along the coasts are decently populated cities in fairly strait lines
L35[01:12:23] <KillTyrant> Perfect for trains
L36[01:12:40] <KillTyrant> And yet it's more expensive and takes longer than European counterparts
L37[01:13:24] <KillTyrant> Aging rails and little incentive to upgrade
L38[01:13:35] <KillTyrant> It's a sad sight really
L39[01:13:54] <KillTyrant> For instance
L40[01:14:24] <KillTyrant> Taking a train from penn station NYC to penn station Baltimore (I do this once a month)
L41[01:14:36] <KillTyrant> Is only 20nto 30 min faster than driving
L42[01:14:54] <KillTyrant> Mind you its ALOT cheaper due to tolls
L43[01:15:04] <KillTyrant> But time saved is minimal
L44[01:18:03] <KillTyrant> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/rihebezosi
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L47[01:37:46] <KillTyrant> Btw on a more mod related note. Have you guys considered something like the pioneer zephyr for passenger only transport?
L48[01:40:10] <CovertJaguar> they've been upgrading the northwest line in recent years to handle faster trains, at least in some places
L49[01:41:18] <liach> railroads in the us are featured with a ton of grade crossings and curves with small radius, which are leftovers from over one century ago
L50[01:41:55] <liach> modern times high speed rail usually have a turn radius about 1 mile at most
L51[01:42:06] <liach> on a side note, brightline is not a high speed rail
L52[01:45:31] <KillTyrant> @liach
L53[01:45:32] <KillTyrant> It can reach 185 but I think due to local regulations, they aren't allowed to exceed 80 or something to that effect
L54[01:46:23] <liach> 185mph?
L55[01:46:33] <liach> or 185km/h
L56[01:46:34] <KillTyrant> @CovertJaguar
L57[01:46:35] <KillTyrant> I've noticed some parts of my trip between NYC and Baltimore reach around 120 (GPS numbers) but it's usually 50 to 60 most of the trip sadly
L58[01:46:51] <KillTyrant> Mph
L59[01:46:58] <liach> US rails are in general in good conditions for higher speed like 100mph
L60[01:47:05] <liach> but the issue is curves
L61[01:47:23] <liach> @KillTyrant
L62[01:47:44] <liach> have you noticed if the rail you use on your trip is electrified?
L63[01:48:08] <KillTyrant> Sounds like a diesel train
L64[01:48:51] <KillTyrant> Good portion of the track does have the overhead wires for electric tho
L65[01:53:47] <liach> in southern california only the light rail and subways are electrified
L66[01:54:13] <liach> up and bnsf tracks aren't electrified at all; some tracks still have wooden ties while newer ones have stone ties
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L68[02:31:42] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#138 (mc-1.12.2 - 5432053 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L69[02:31:42] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/94456970
L70[02:31:42] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/a406c91bdd1a...54320537ad78
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L72[03:01:40] <KillTyrant> within the last decade, NYC metro and LIRR started upgrading sections with stone ties
L73[03:02:09] <KillTyrant> I know the LIRR has third rails
L74[03:02:10] <liach> what is lirr?
L75[03:02:18] <KillTyrant> Long Island Rail Road
L76[03:02:22] <liach> ah
L77[03:02:29] <KillTyrant> two separate entities in the area
L78[03:02:45] <KillTyrant> LIRR is mostly the island
L79[03:02:57] <KillTyrant> but has a major HUB at Penn station
L80[03:03:07] <KillTyrant> which you can connect to the metro or amtrak
L81[03:04:13] <KillTyrant> finally just got home.
L82[03:04:21] <KillTyrant> brb. gonna shower
L83[03:13:12] <liach> brb
L84[03:43:14] <KillTyrant> i vaguely remember their being a ratio for a large HP boiler and turbines. is it 1 LHPB for 2 Turbines?
L85[03:48:11] <Forecaster> %calc
L86[03:48:29] <Forecaster> !calc
L87[03:48:30] <GearBot> http://calculator.towerofawesome.org
L88[03:50:13] <KillTyrant> Thanks mate
L89[03:51:04] <KillTyrant> btw totally love the 90s feel
L90[03:51:07] <KillTyrant> of that page
L91[03:51:33] <Forecaster> it was one of my first projects :P
L92[03:55:17] <KillTyrant> haha its much appreciated
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L95[07:28:04] <Vectrobe (Paul17041993)> the one problem I have with sydney's trains is they're not allowed to go fast enough
L96[07:28:36] <Vectrobe (Paul17041993)> and you can really tell when they actually hit 130km/h
L97[07:29:04] <Vectrobe (Paul17041993)> but they can only do that outside the city atm...
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L100[09:57:21] <Natesky9> Hyperloop when
L101[09:58:01] <Natesky9> Also, I've been thinking, ever since I got my Prius
L102[09:58:31] <Natesky9> Regenerative braking is truly the way of the future
L103[09:59:20] <Natesky9> Imagine if we actually had that technology in heavy vehicles, even trains
L104[10:01:24] <Natesky9> I don't have much hope in maglev technology, but a hybrid train is actually feasable
L105[11:04:26] <KillTyrant> Vacuum trains will never take off due to the sheer dangers posed by bringing space to ground level.
L106[11:09:28] <Naiten> Regenerative braking for trains has been around for over a century already, @Natesky9.
L107[11:10:38] <Naiten> It's just that they use it mostly for engines and power cars rather than the whole train itself.
L108[11:51:49] <Natesky9> Wait, really?
L109[11:52:22] <Natesky9> I haven't seen any instances where a train uses a hybrid braking system
L110[11:54:51] <Naiten> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground_S7_and_S8_Stock#Features
L111[11:54:52] <Natesky9> Maybe I haven't looked enough
L112[11:56:04] <Natesky9> Right, I only looked at American, Asian, and Russian trains
L113[11:56:36] <Natesky9> All I found was hydraulic or pneumatic friction brakes
L114[11:56:52] <KillTyrant> Sweet! it works! http://tinyurl.com/y8eeus5o
L115[11:57:03] <Naiten> I believe most modern russian MU have it. Suburban and metro trains.
L116[11:57:17] <Naiten> Mean the electric MU
L117[12:01:02] <Naiten> Russian wikipedia article about regenerative brakes mentions ЭР2Р, ЭР2Т and all later trains but those lack english pages @Natesky9
L118[12:04:53] <KillTyrant> Does the steam condense back into water in the turbine?
L119[12:52:36] <Naiten> You talking about real life one?
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L121[12:57:47] <KillTyrant> Ingame.
L122[16:21:36] <CovertJaguar> Yes
L123[16:21:47] <CovertJaguar> It's output from the bottom I believe
L124[16:22:02] <CovertJaguar> There is some loss
L125[16:26:36] <Forecaster> bottom is output yes (automatic)
L126[16:40:53] <KillTyrant> Interesting
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L134[19:31:20] <CovertJaguar> Food for thought.... in the days of steam.... how did they deal with hard water in the steam locomotives? I'm sure that was a major cause of breakdowns, but I've not found much information about it
L135[19:31:59] <CovertJaguar> I know the live steam community is almost fanatical about water treatments
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L139[19:56:45] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#139 (mc-1.12.2 - d7af7f9 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L140[19:56:45] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/54320537ad78...d7af7f9be3cc
L141[19:56:45] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/94584071
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L143[20:02:48] <CovertJaguar> https://www.nationalboard.org/Index.aspx?pageID=164&ID=238
L144[20:03:13] <CovertJaguar> "How to destroy a boiler, parts 1, 2, & 3"
L145[20:26:05] <KillTyrant> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/efuyiqapaf
L146[20:27:06] <KillTyrant> Still currently watching but it's probably the closest to what you are asking about
L147[20:45:56] <Naiten> They used chemical antiscale additives, CJ. The exact compound would vary from place to place and depend on the chemical composition of water in the area. Basically, at some point every major railway had a certain amount of labs which would analyse the natural water present in the area of every station and develop a specific antiscale compound exactly for that station.
L148[20:47:51] <Naiten> That was rather late invention, though. Maybe late XIX centyry or early XX.
L149[20:51:07] <Naiten> Those things are rather toxic, though (tenders used to have "poisoned, do not drink" labels on them, at least here in Russia) and at some point they switched to using condensed water.
L150[20:52:04] <Naiten> I believe it happened when diesels came into use, as diesels still comsume water for cooling the engines.
L151[20:52:56] <Naiten> That was rather late invention, though. Maybe late XIX century or early XX. [Edited]
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L156[22:20:00] <KillTyrant> Can the sparks from the electrified track, set off fires?
L157[22:36:56] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (Forecaster!Forecaster@2001:41d0:800:60f::13) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L160[23:18:47] <liach> no
L161[23:34:31] <KillTyrant> Shame :(
L162[23:42:55] ⇦ Quits: Ajloveslily (Ajloveslily!Ajloveslil@2001:19f0:5c01:79::3) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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