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L1[01:31:06] <Resuz> yeah, I wondering just erasing and snow particles isn't too hard?
L2[01:32:36] <Natesky9> that's not the thing, you have to consider that it's a compound block if you want snow layers on tracks
L3[01:32:54] <Natesky9> only recently have tracks gotten combinations
L4[01:33:02] <Natesky9> (in the form of track kits)
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L7[03:06:00] <Resuz> even more cool would be if it will universal - when it's snowing it will create snow layers on all tracks - hi speed, wood, reinforced, ...
L8[03:06:37] <Resuz> detectors, branch, wye, etc.
L9[03:27:30] <liach> we would do it ib 1.13 instead with fluid
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L38[21:28:00] <CovertJaguar> The abandoned track already has a grass overlay if its surrounded by grass
L39[21:28:25] <CovertJaguar> snow tracks is an idea that's been bouncing around for a very long time
L40[21:29:04] <CovertJaguar> the main issue is that we could never quite decide how to make it an interesting rather than annoying mechanic
L41[21:31:17] <CovertJaguar> I do kind of like the idea of it being mostly a cosmetic effect
L42[21:32:49] <CovertJaguar> but it would be something I'd prefer to see applied to all tracks, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it...I guess passing minecarts could clear all snow from both sides of the track
L43[21:33:11] <CovertJaguar> and any tracks that have snow on both sides get covered with snow
L44[21:33:32] <CovertJaguar> that wouldn't require any state information in the tracks
L45[21:34:11] <CovertJaguar> it would probably easier to write a model compositor that bake it into the JSONs though
L46[21:36:21] <CovertJaguar> it would probably easier to write a model compositor than bake it into the JSONs though [Edited]
L47[21:37:24] <CovertJaguar> I wonder if we can override vanilla track rendering... we don't control that atm
L48[21:46:45] <CovertJaguar> this would require a somewhat minor reorganization of Railcraft-3D
L49[21:49:49] <CovertJaguar> or maybe not.... I wonder if I can just intercept all four rail models
L50[21:50:18] <CovertJaguar> I suppose the main problem is adding the ExtendedState to the vanilla track
L51[22:17:20] <CovertJaguar> can we replace block classes yet?
L52[23:04:19] <liach> yes. registry substitution works for blocks
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