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Stuff goes here
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Joins: Hgrebnednav
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Joins: Vexatos
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200 seconds)
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Joins: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@
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Joins: SatanicSanta
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Quits: SatanicSanta
(SatanicSanta!~SatanicSa@c-24-22-63-87.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
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Joins: ImQ009
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Joins: Hgrebnednav
<Its_Chris_2003> !faq
<Its_Chris_2003> kk coolios
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Quits: ImQ009 (ImQ009!~ImQ009@89-64-17-188.dynamic.chello.pl)
(Quit: Leaving)
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Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@ (Ping timeout:
183 seconds)
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(Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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(Hgrebnednav!~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout:
202 seconds)
<bball.psd> Discord has changed their
Terms of Service. Unfortunately, this change comes with a
revocation of your legal rights. Discord has revoked your right to
sue (you must go through an arbitrator) and to congregate as a
class action lawsuit. Luckily, there is an opt-out for the clause,
in which you must email arbitration-opt-out@discord.com, but you
must do it within 30 days or you can no longer opt-out
there is actually about just 26 days left
<WarpedJester> it takes all of 10
<WarpedJester> odd, it look slike the
"flat carts" in the 1.7 have no inventory
L22[22:25:24] ⇦
Quits: Lathanael|Away
(Lathanael|Away!~Lathanael@p549606EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping
timeout: 202 seconds)
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Joins: Lathanael|Away
<Cinbrii> Nah I borrowed the miner
from someone else to try finish digging that hole I wanted to build
a city in
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Quits: CoreDuo (CoreDuo!~CoreDuo@ (Remote host closed
the connection)
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Joins: CoreDuo (CoreDuo!~CoreDuo@2001:470:b163::14)