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<Forecaster> the shunting wire was for
bridging gaps caused by non-electric tracks (like holding
<Forecaster> with track kits it's
not required for that anymore
L5[01:45:57] ⇨
Joins: Hgreb
however, when you travel vertically, you'd still use wires to
reduce loss by a little bit
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host closed the connection)
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timeout: 180 seconds)
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183 seconds)
Tea> that sounds more like it
Tea> it never used to be a problem close to it
Tea> and then when driving away it lost power
Tea> even though there was well over enough
Tea> chunks
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180 seconds)
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timeout: 190 seconds)
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Joins: SatanicSanta
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timeout: 200 seconds)
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KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)
L29[19:20:44] ⇦
Quits: Vexatos
(Quit: Insert quantum chemistry joke here)
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timeout: 202 seconds)
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