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L1[00:49:58] <Crown Breaker> Born too late to play 10.2; born too early to play 1.12.2 ?
L2[02:23:23] <texaswriter> I still like 1.7.10
L3[02:23:51] <Natesky9> well yeah, 1.7.10 was the pinnacle of mod options
L4[02:24:02] <Natesky9> alot of them never even made the jump to 1.8
L5[02:24:22] <texaswriter> Yup... exactly. it was a sweet spot for mods... i think somebody tricked all the mods makers into targeting it ... anything that worked in 1;.7.10 was supposed to work in 1.8.. but i think it was very different... vastly different
L6[02:25:23] <Natesky9> yeah, the version management really screwed over alot of developers, who had to rewrite major systems from the changes up to 1.10
L7[02:25:36] <Natesky9> it's still a little rough and buggy
L8[02:26:23] <texaswriter> was that MC that caused that for forge or forge that caused that for the mod makers? i know there was some drama, but I never knew enough to really understand who caused it.
L9[02:26:45] <Natesky9> at this point, I really don't remember anymore
L10[02:27:49] <Natesky9> I know that minecraft was going through a major internal change with ids being changed from numbers to mod:value, a bunch of other things that broke old stuff
L11[02:28:20] <Natesky9> and something about texture handling, where they actually fixed their code, but forge's hack didn't work anymore
L12[02:29:06] <texaswriter> yeah. i think the mod scene isn't 1/3 of what it used to be... even now. mods never recovered.
L13[02:29:27] <texaswriter> I'm sure a lot of those changes were for the better, but at what cost
L14[02:30:49] <Natesky9> Well, I mean, alot of the "big dogs" were able to keep up, but only because they were so invested in it. TeamCofh was probably one of the first dozen to finish porting theirs over, next to Optifine, IC2 and a few others
L15[02:30:59] <Natesky9> Heck, even Azanor wasn't too far behind
L16[02:31:20] <Natesky9> However, I think railcraft has been kinda lagging behind :(
L17[02:32:24] <Natesky9> Even some of the spiritual sucessors of older mods have made a comeback, like mfr
L18[02:32:30] <Natesky9> Oh, and bewitchment
L19[02:32:58] <Natesky9> my friends won't stop blabbering about that, asking me when we're going to add it
L20[02:33:10] <texaswriter> oh to this server?
L21[02:33:24] <texaswriter> yeah... BC + MFR was nice... best from each mod.
L22[02:33:57] <Natesky9> Buildcraft is.... it's a dying mod
L23[02:34:19] <texaswriter> BC is my favorite... it makes blocks that seem SO much a part of the game.
L24[02:34:53] <Natesky9> I'd like to say that it's still good, but honestly, it hasn't changed much at all, and other mods have just evolved past what it offered
L25[02:35:03] <texaswriter> If Ihad to pick ONE mod... it would be BC. it doesn't try to change the game much... it really augments the game perfectly where it didn't do anything.. liquid/item movement
L26[02:35:19] <texaswriter> yeah. I agree.. most everybody has routing... I just thought it was so elegant how vanilla it seems
L27[02:36:22] <Natesky9> I just wasn't fond of the quarry meta it encouraged. The pipes were grand for their time, but caused major issues
L28[02:36:31] <Natesky9> I think everyone remembers their first """spill""
L29[02:36:47] <texaswriter> hehe... no doubt!! why the hell are there wood planks everywhere.....
L30[02:36:49] <texaswriter> lol
L31[02:37:19] <Natesky9> I was actually fond of redpower, when it was in it's prime
L32[02:37:50] <texaswriter> I've never played MC back that far... 1.7.2 was the earliest... so I used project red, which I understand is a clone of redpower when the mod owner "abandoned" her mod
L33[02:38:00] <texaswriter> didn't she write that for like 1.4?
L34[02:38:08] <texaswriter> and then promise another version, but never get around to it?
L35[02:38:31] <texaswriter> and then got so pissed at everybody for cloning her mod.
L36[02:38:39] <Natesky9> Yeah, I think I started modded at about 1.3, I remember the volcanoes all too well
L37[02:39:28] <Natesky9> well, when there's a popular mod, people depend on it. When it goes inactive, and that category is left blank for too long, someone will eventually step up and fill that demand
L38[02:40:44] <Natesky9> *cough cough* ~~~traincraft, better railroads, immersive railroading,expanded rails, signals~~~ *cough cough*
L39[02:41:30] <texaswriter> lol
L40[02:41:43] <texaswriter> i feel like you are trying to say something
L41[02:41:49] <texaswriter> but can't quite make it out
L42[02:41:50] <texaswriter> oh well
L43[02:41:54] <texaswriter> i guess i'll never know
L44[02:42:43] <texaswriter> Well, I hear nothing but good things about redpower... so would've been nice if it could have ported... but project red was pretty good. 1.7.10 was best i think... lost some features afterwards
L45[02:44:17] <Natesky9> yeah, old redpower was if you combined the frames mod with bundled redstone and some logic gates
L46[02:44:30] <Natesky9> along with a few machines
L47[02:44:50] <Natesky9> it was actually pretty fancy for it's time
L48[02:45:13] <Natesky9> the developer went to design her own game based off of the mod
L49[02:45:22] <texaswriter> was it ever released?
L50[02:45:35] <texaswriter> i used to watch it on twitter.. didn't know it was released
L51[02:46:06] <Natesky9> I've not heard anything in years
L52[02:47:46] <Natesky9> anyway, I've got to sleep, busy day tomorrow
L53[02:48:06] <Natesky9> the developer went to design her own game based off of the mod (from what I heard) [Edited]
L54[02:48:52] <texaswriter> okay. nice chat. gn
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L58[10:06:59] <Its_Chris_2003> !faq
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L60[12:11:07] <liach> oh fyi the latest patreon beta has some,multiblocks
L61[12:11:51] <liach> go to http://patreon.com/covertjaguar to be a patron
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