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L13[09:36:51] <AngelOfDeath> is there a tutroial on how to build from source ?
L14[09:38:20] <Forecaster> !1.12.2
L15[09:38:20] <GearBot> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/1454
L16[09:41:11] <liach> if you have questions ping me
L17[09:48:16] <Forecaster> you could move that to the wiki section you know
L18[09:48:28] <Forecaster> I'm not sure why it's an issue, or what's up with the labels
L19[09:50:30] <AngelOfDeath> what editor should i use for git ?
L20[09:51:27] <Forecaster> editor?
L21[09:52:09] <AngelOfDeath> im installing git it self its asking me to set a default editor is says the vim editor is not that easy to use
L22[09:52:38] <Forecaster> you can use whatever text editor you want
L23[09:52:52] <AngelOfDeath> oh so notepadd++ is fine ?
L24[09:52:57] <Forecaster> sure
L25[09:55:49] <AngelOfDeath> adjusting your path enviroment ? .... use git from git bash only or use git from the windows command prompt ?
L26[09:57:10] <Forecaster> I'd stick to the git bash
L27[09:57:15] <AngelOfDeath> kk thanks
L28[09:57:27] <Forecaster> it's probably better than windows command prompt
L29[09:57:50] <AngelOfDeath> https transport backend ?
L30[09:58:07] <AngelOfDeath> openssl or native windows ?
L31[09:59:00] <Forecaster> I have no idea what the context for that is
L32[09:59:28] <AngelOfDeath> which ssl/tls library would you like git to use for https connections ?
L33[10:00:13] <Forecaster> I have no idea
L34[10:00:24] <Forecaster> I don't use git like that, I use SourceTree
L35[10:00:34] <Forecaster> or IntelliJ's built-in git client
L36[10:01:50] <AngelOfDeath> wait should i be installing this or should i be installing somthing else
L37[10:02:38] <Forecaster> I have no idea what you're installing
L38[10:02:55] <AngelOfDeath> git 2.18.0.setup
L39[10:03:31] <Forecaster> just go with the default settings?
L40[10:03:53] <AngelOfDeath> k
L41[10:06:06] <AngelOfDeath> coool im getting some where:)
L42[10:06:12] <AngelOfDeath> coool im getting some where ? [Edited]
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L44[10:37:39] <AngelOfDeath> lol how do i close it
L45[10:37:58] <AngelOfDeath> oh nvm must have click somthing and it repoend
L46[10:44:05] <AngelOfDeath> just a question am i aloud to record with 1.12 source ?
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L48[11:18:19] <Forecaster> record video? of course
L49[11:18:29] <Forecaster> you just can't distribute a built jar
L50[11:21:09] <AngelOfDeath> alright just making sure
L51[11:22:25] <NightwolfBlue> Are you doing a "Let's Play"?
L52[11:24:59] <AngelOfDeath> no hahaha im not very good at lets plays
L53[11:26:14] <Forecaster> neither am I, but I do it anyway
L54[11:26:16] <Forecaster> :P
L55[11:26:39] <AngelOfDeath> i get to focused on what im doing and dont talk
L56[11:27:09] <AngelOfDeath> im waiting to get internet again so i can stream
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L58[12:46:27] <AngelOfDeath> @liach does it update every time i launch
L59[12:46:27] <AngelOfDeath> cd Railcraft
L60[12:46:27] <AngelOfDeath> ./gradlew runClient
L61[12:49:01] <AngelOfDeath> where do i find the crash log
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L69[15:53:57] <liach> there is a separate procesd to update the code
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L91[21:51:17] <liach> Anyways, the boilers are cosmetically back
L92[21:51:29] <liach> They cannot form multiblocks yet
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L94[21:54:11] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/builds/84078010
L95[21:54:11] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/liachmodded/Railcraft/compare/ec2e83d9aec8...1f4c1861cbcc
L96[21:54:11] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-196-19-73.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L97[21:54:11] <travis-ci> liachmodded/Railcraft#29 (indev-1.12.2 - 1f4c186 : liach): The build passed.
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L99[21:54:22] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/ec2e83d9aec8...1f4c1861cbcc
L100[21:54:22] ⇦ Parts: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-166-255-241.compute-1.amazonaws.com) ())
L101[21:54:22] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/425550320
L102[21:54:22] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#1153 (indev-1.12.2 - 1f4c186 : liach): The build passed.
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L113[23:36:00] <AngelOfDeath> ah alright good to know
L114[23:36:24] <AngelOfDeath> im haveing issuse with steves carts added to the railcraft code
L115[23:37:15] <liach> how
L116[23:38:29] <AngelOfDeath> i add the hardened hull to the assembler all good i try to add the engine to the assembler it crashed the game saying rendering or some time tick something
L117[23:39:27] <AngelOfDeath> i then tryed to open the assembler again after i relaunched MC it crashed again
L118[23:39:53] <AngelOfDeath> so i broke the block it dropped the hull and the engine
L119[23:41:19] <AngelOfDeath> it does this with a few items and addons
L120[23:41:45] <liach> hmm, show me your crash report
L121[23:41:56] <liach> haven't had chance to run these two mods together yet
L122[23:42:20] <AngelOfDeath> well im not havving much succsess making my first cart
L123[23:42:51] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/ya8yas2g
L124[23:42:53] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/y7cnwmgr
L125[23:42:55] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/ybnu2rlp
L126[23:42:57] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/ycopnyk2
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