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L20[07:43:10] <Shovinus> Railcraft does not have Ticketer Villagers you can make does it?
L21[07:43:23] <Forecaster> what would that do
L22[07:44:40] <Shovinus> Basically a villager you can create/ask to be a ticketer somehow, and like the ticket machines provides configured tickets for a cost (optional no cost)
L23[07:44:56] <Shovinus> I.e. if you create him you can configure ticket prices etc
L24[07:45:31] <Shovinus> and someone else can come along and buy a ticket from him, probably need a special crate to provide him with tickets or something
L25[07:45:51] <Shovinus> Just something I think would be cool to have in train stations
L26[07:48:34] <Forecaster> you could ask @Hanakocz to add that to the cosmetics addon perhaps
L27[07:51:25] <Hanakocz> neat idea, and probably workable as well (and I need to work on mod again too,), however please elaborate a bit more
L28[07:51:40] <Hanakocz> what ticket, how it will be created?
L29[07:52:18] <Hanakocz> I can just imagine that there is already railroad and villager somehow will get some tickets from A to B and then you can buy them?
L30[07:53:34] <Hanakocz> or just cosmetic ticket ?
L31[07:54:52] <Hanakocz> If item exists already, it is easy to do a villager shop (just nbt editing) but creating tickets can be painful so they have some real meaning
L32[07:55:15] <Hanakocz> @Shovinus ^
L33[07:58:47] <Kobayen> Maybe if you give bim a golden ticket(s) they can make paper ones out oc them automatically?
L34[07:59:09] <Shovinus> Yeh I don't think a standard villager would work with this.
L35[08:00:46] <Shovinus> You would need a custom one with a customer GUI for editing, provide him with the golden ticket to create tickets, set the Tickets name and the price for the ticket
L36[08:01:21] <Shovinus> I think also standard villager GUI for buying might not work too well either
L37[08:01:37] <Hanakocz> so basically you want some living ticket vendors that you *create* yourself
L38[08:01:45] <Shovinus> basically yeh
L39[08:01:47] <Natesky9> Custom villager trades, easy to do
L40[08:01:54] <Natesky9> a little command block magik
L41[08:02:07] <Hanakocz> why would not normal villager gui work?
L42[08:02:20] <Shovinus> For buying it might
L43[08:02:32] <Hanakocz> you just make trade (paper + payment) -> (ticket)
L44[08:02:45] <Shovinus> doens't it require ink too normally?
L45[08:03:31] <Hanakocz> I don't know from memory, that can be dealt with some intermediate item that you would craft...or blank tickets or something
L46[08:03:53] <Shovinus> Still the customer does not normally provide the ticket
L47[08:04:16] <Shovinus> would be nice if you could set a target chest or make it search nearby chests for blank tickets
L48[08:04:26] <Shovinus> and let him restock
L49[08:04:26] <Hanakocz> then probably easiest is to get a villager and click him with golden ticket to transform him into this new kind...and the golden ticket you clicked him with would create the trade
L50[08:04:37] <Shovinus> that would be cool
L51[08:04:40] <Natesky9> You can just have payment = ticket for ALL the tickets, and you'd flip through the trades
L52[08:05:10] <Hanakocz> that's doable, as well as "infinite" accessibility of the trades
L53[08:05:17] <Shovinus> that would be a very easy implentation
L54[08:05:26] <Shovinus> admittedly that does not generate income for you
L55[08:05:32] <Natesky9> Yeah, in fact, our Curio vendor for Thaumcraft has custom trades
L56[08:05:34] <Natesky9> OH
L57[08:05:41] <Natesky9> If you have forestry, you can mail for tickets
L58[08:05:52] <Kobayen> Hah.
L59[08:06:20] <Hanakocz> ...hmm...how it would work with those new villagers in higher versions though? they need to eat and who knows what else ?
L60[08:06:28] <Kobayen> The only issue I see is, no profit.
L61[08:06:42] <Natesky9> Why a villager, and not say, a machine
L62[08:06:51] <Hanakocz> villager is more fancy
L63[08:06:51] <Shovinus> machines are boring
L64[08:07:00] <Forecaster> Probably better to make something custom that interacts with an inventory
L65[08:07:03] <Shovinus> there is a machine for everything in minecraft
L66[08:07:15] <Shovinus> Want me to have a go?
L67[08:07:18] <Hanakocz> also you can make a profit other ways
L68[08:07:21] <Forecaster> Computronics adds a ticket machine
L69[08:07:32] <Kobayen> I'm all for machines but for the sake of differences?
L70[08:07:55] <Kobayen> A machine sells only one type of ticket.
L71[08:08:01] <Shovinus> It is more for immersion anyway, you could easily add both
L72[08:08:06] <Hanakocz> just make villager "remember" the owner and number of sold tickets, and then when owner interacts, villager can give him things
L73[08:08:17] <Shovinus> it is not like we don't have ticket machines IRL
L74[08:08:20] <Kobayen> A villager sells many.
L75[08:08:36] <Shovinus> however olden times which is more akin to railcraft was largely people selling
L76[08:08:58] <Shovinus> that would work hanakocz
L77[08:08:58] <Kobayen> If villagers can only sell one type of ticket, no machines.
L78[08:09:40] <Hanakocz> I did not done a lot with rc tickets, when you get one, can you copy it, or recreate it, even if you don't have golden one?
L79[08:10:06] <Forecaster> No
L80[08:10:22] <Forecaster> You can only make more tickets from golden ones
L81[08:10:48] <Shovinus> Message contained 4 or more newlines and was pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/isisapaqev
L82[08:11:18] <Shovinus> e)click with another golden ticket to set more tickets
L83[08:11:36] <Captain Pirate> Working on a modpack right now and I was wondering if railcraft has carts that can go different speeds? and if the speeds can be set up to lower the acceleration as in it takes longer to get to max speed.
L84[08:11:54] <Forecaster> That'll already require a custom entity
L85[08:12:48] <Captain Pirate> How doable would that be for a novice to accomplish?
L86[08:13:09] <Forecaster> Probably also want to set an owner as well
L87[08:13:27] <Shovinus> Yeh you would def need to set owner
L88[08:13:33] <Hanakocz> custom entity...well, maybe just a villager that will have some listeners... onInteractEvent , if villager=ticket seller and item in hand = golden ticket, spawn villager with one more trade and kill old one?
L89[08:13:50] <Captain Pirate> Oh sorry I though you were talking to me.. my bad.
L90[08:13:59] <Captain Pirate> Oh sorry I thought you were talking to me.. my bad. [Edited]
L91[08:14:04] <Shovinus> still has to remember the purchases hana
L92[08:14:13] <Hanakocz> but yea, it would be easier to just extend and create pseudo villager that will have some normal villager qualities ignored
L93[08:14:16] <Kobayen> Use same too cmet twice on villager to deauthorize ticket?
L94[08:14:32] <Shovinus> ^ yeh
L95[08:14:46] <Kobayen> *same ticket twice
L96[08:14:47] <Shovinus> should also wipe the default trades tbh
L97[08:15:05] <Shovinus> would be nice if it applied a ticketers clothers XD
L98[08:15:09] <Shovinus> *clothes
L99[08:15:49] <Hanakocz> well, we have in cosmetics already uniform for conductor or something, how ticketer cloth would be? probably same uniform, right
L100[08:16:22] <Hanakocz> I guess that best would be to get dev environment running and try things
L101[08:16:32] <Shovinus> does not matter much, but yeh
L102[08:17:51] <Hanakocz> got new computer already, so it might be good idea to setup things on it and also prepare 1.12 update so addon is not 1544411 years later than main mod xD
L103[08:18:17] <Kobayen> I miss redpower. RP Pneumatic pipes would look great on the automated systems to keep the chests full.
L104[08:19:56] <Hanakocz> I am waiting for Eloraam's redpoer-game finished tbh
L105[08:20:25] <Hanakocz> https://imgur.com/luyp4nG
L106[08:20:45] <Natesky9> Hmm
L107[08:20:54] <Kobayen> Doesn't IC2 have vending machines?
L108[08:20:55] <Natesky9> Wasn't that announced like, 5 years ago?
L109[08:21:17] <Hanakocz> well she is still working on it, her twitter is quite active with news
L110[08:21:50] <Hanakocz> https://imgur.com/eUTtDD7 minecraft but no minecraft
L111[08:23:25] <Captain Pirate> So anyone got an answer to my question?
L112[08:23:28] <Kobayen> Minecraft Next more like.
L113[08:24:28] <Hanakocz> @Captain Pirate more heavy carts need more acceleration if you think that
L114[08:24:51] <Hanakocz> you can just add mfe cart and 5 locomotives to get same speed ?
L115[08:25:10] <Hanakocz> but there is no "this cart has limited top speed"
L116[08:25:19] <Hanakocz> rails do limits
L117[08:26:10] <Captain Pirate> Sweet I'm trying to setup a trigger with a cart that will send you to another dimension when you reach a certain speed.
L118[08:26:24] <Captain Pirate> But I'll have to wait for release.
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L122[08:51:31] <Shovinus> Btw at ticket idea you could look how framing for blockheads does its market system
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L135[14:07:05] <vedrit> Wasn't there a ticket machine, way back when?
L136[14:07:24] <vedrit> Not sure it's survived the various version changes
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L138[14:21:04] <Generalcamo> Computronics has one
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L140[14:46:31] <Forecaster> yeah, railcraft has never had one as far as I'm aware
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L142[15:20:24] <vedrit> Huh...coulda sworn...
L143[15:21:35] <vedrit> I recall it being real simple, too. You could put in a golden ticket and a bunch of paper, and other players would just right click on it to get a ticket
L144[15:23:24] <vedrit> Oh, I guess it was from OpenPeripherals
L145[16:28:27] <ZeroMatter> @Hanakocz Is that a resource pack?
L146[16:29:44] <Natesky9> That's Elorram's game that she's been working on. You know, the person who made redpower?
L147[16:30:54] <Forecaster> what is this "person" of which you speak
L148[16:30:55] <Hanakocz> yep, it is outside minecraft, completely written from zero in C++, because she was not satisfied with Minecraft's possibilities
L149[16:30:59] <Hanakocz> Eloraam
L150[16:31:32] <Hanakocz> author of RedPower mod, back from 1.2.5+ times ?
L151[16:31:46] <Forecaster> someone didn't get the joke
L152[16:31:58] <Forecaster> :P
L153[16:37:59] <Hanakocz> I am used to people actually not playing back then heh...or seeing anything as "tekkit" with not knowing what was inside it
L154[16:39:02] <Generalcamo> Eloraam was around up until 1.4.7
L155[16:39:33] <Generalcamo> Well modding. She was around longer trying to block replacements for Redpower
L156[16:40:55] <Hanakocz> well just imagine what all would be around if people weren't needed to completely rewrite after each version
L157[16:41:06] <Hanakocz> thus rather abandoning it
L158[16:51:00] <Natesky9> I still think forge should be the language that modders write in, and forge handles updating their functions
L159[16:51:22] <Natesky9> That'd make mods instantly portable between versions
L160[16:56:49] <Forecaster> that'd also make mods a lot less flexible, and put a much much greater workload on forge
L161[17:00:12] <Natesky9> How so less flexible?
L162[17:00:44] <Forecaster> because you'd be limited to use only the interfaces forge provides
L163[17:00:50] <Forecaster> everything has to go through forge
L164[17:01:26] <Forecaster> because if you interact with minecraft directly in any way, and it changes, your mod breaks and forge can't do anything about it (basically how it is currently)
L165[17:03:34] <Natesky9> You'd still have the option to do custom hooks, forge would just be an intermediate to keep functions and methods constant throughout versions
L166[17:05:06] <Natesky9> If Minecraft changes, for example, how a tile entity is saved, the forge equivalent won't change in it's method for the modder
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L168[17:42:29] <Generalcamo> If you do that then what about mods that have common elements?
L169[17:42:52] <Generalcamo> Under your system, the ore dictionary and fluid system wouldn't exist
L170[17:48:55] <Natesky9> What do you mean? The ore dictionary and the fluid registry are already part of what the system would do
L171[17:50:52] <Generalcamo> Your system makes things a lot harder especially for rewrites
L172[17:51:13] <Natesky9> The idea is so that there wouldn't need to be rewrites
L173[17:51:27] <Natesky9> maybe I'm not explaining it right
L174[17:51:28] <Generalcamo> That's impractical if not impossible
L175[17:52:25] <Generalcamo> There was a system like that. Compatlayer
L176[17:52:48] <Generalcamo> It was abandoned in 1.12 because the rewrites became too much for it to account for
L177[19:34:19] <Kobayen> So what he was wondering was if there was a middleware between mod and MC so mods wouldnt be rewritten every version.
L178[19:34:19] <Kobayen> And as it turns out there was one and maintaining it was too much.
L179[19:40:33] <Generalcamo> It was maintained by AlgorithmX2, one of the best modders in the community
L180[19:41:08] <Generalcamo> He made chisels and bits
L181[19:41:34] <Generalcamo> If even he couldn't do it, then there is no hope
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L183[20:32:37] <3TUSK> Yes there exists more than one such middle ware - Sponge and Bukkit
L184[20:33:12] <3TUSK> If you are open-mind and can accept the fact that they are mods to a certain extent
L185[20:33:28] <3TUSK> Yes there exists more than one such middle-ware - Sponge and Bukkit [Edited]
L186[20:36:56] <3TUSK> And no, CompatLayer was developed by McJty
L187[20:37:29] <3TUSK> There was once a time McJty's mods can run simultaneously on 1.10 and 1.11
L188[20:38:03] <3TUSK> (Welp. He is also one of the best modders in the community, to many extents)
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