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L1[00:13:17] <Natesky9> I'm still not behind the whole "anti RFapi" thing
L2[00:13:44] <Natesky9> because the same issues that were present with RF are going to be even moreso if they just repeat the same thing in FE
L3[00:23:26] <liach> rc is against forge power
L4[00:32:33] <Dame-E-in> against?
L5[00:32:53] <Dame-E-in> is rc doing like a rally to get people to stop using RF and FE
L6[00:34:29] <Kodos> Honestly, the implementation of FE reminds me of https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png
L7[00:41:28] <Dame-E-in> sorta yeah
L8[00:41:38] <Dame-E-in> except i like having different power types
L9[00:41:50] <Dame-E-in> it's so fun doing power conversion creatively
L10[01:20:53] <Generalcamo> @Dame-E-in No, it was a poor choice of words from Liach. It's not that we don't "support" FE, it's that we have a different design for the charge network. FE was designed to replace the unmaintained RF during the 1.10 era, but it was explicitly stated to not be a "universal" system in the likes of the Fluid System or the Ore Dictionary. Rather, it was an optional interface that modders can choose to support or n
L11[01:20:54] <Generalcamo> reasons. But there is still some support to convert FE to Charge, though probably not vice-versa.
L12[01:21:53] <Generalcamo> (interface being Capability in this case, which is why RF still exists as KL prefers coding interfaces rather than forge capabilities)
L13[01:24:46] <Dame-E-in> oh
L14[01:26:05] <Natesky9> wait, cofh is active in 1.12
L15[01:26:21] <Generalcamo> Yes, and RF is its own mod now
L16[01:26:34] <Generalcamo> That's why support for it was dropped
L17[01:26:39] <Generalcamo> That's why support for it was dropped entirely [Edited]
L18[01:26:49] <Natesky9> It's... it's always been it's own mod, hasn't it?
L19[01:26:54] <Generalcamo> No, it was an API
L20[01:27:08] <Dame-E-in> TF now requires it. It originally created it
L21[01:27:24] <Natesky9> back in 1.7, when they split it up into it's 3 component mods
L22[01:27:51] <Natesky9> well, yes, the RFapi was it's own api, but that was always included in cofhcore
L23[01:27:57] <Generalcamo> And other mods
L24[01:27:59] <Generalcamo> Like Railcraft
L25[01:28:17] <Generalcamo> You didn't need CoFHCore with Railcraft or Buildcraft etc.
L26[01:28:38] <Natesky9> what did you need then?
L27[01:28:42] <Generalcamo> Nothing
L28[01:28:57] <Generalcamo> (Well forge, but that's needed for anything that isn't a JAR mod....)
L29[01:29:01] <Natesky9> I swear you needed something to interface with the RFapi
L30[01:29:09] <Generalcamo> Sure, the RF API
L31[01:29:15] <Generalcamo> Packaged in the mod
L32[01:29:28] <Dame-E-in> Eh I use Forge for jarmods too
L33[01:30:00] <Dame-E-in> It's easier
L34[01:30:09] <Generalcamo> CoFH wasn't active in early 1.10 if you recall
L35[01:30:16] <Generalcamo> The RF API was pretty unmaintained then
L36[01:30:36] <Generalcamo> They eventually came back, but by then FE had been implemented as "RF but using Forge Capabilities"
L37[01:32:00] <Generalcamo> These are my own opinions, but I never liked universal power systems
L38[01:32:36] <Generalcamo> The balance is near impossible, designs clash, and it always ends up with you using the cheapest and easiest option
L39[01:33:09] <Natesky9> I think that having a universal system takes the strain off of less experienced, or busy developers, who don't want to build their own system, just to have it incompatable with other precreated systems.
L40[01:33:31] <Natesky9> not to mention it's super frustrating as a player when you need 8 different setups for seperate mods
L41[01:34:26] <Generalcamo> It does, though I recall the 1.4.7 days. Let's say, FTB Ultimate
L42[01:35:03] <Generalcamo> You could use BC engines with their kinesis pipes and worry about limits and overloading and create a setup of gates to counter engine overheating and etc.
L43[01:35:18] <Generalcamo> ....or you can use TE2's Redstone Conduits, and forget all of that
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L46[02:11:31] <Chocohead> The conduits at least had a loss as soon as you used them
L47[02:11:45] <Chocohead> Just it was a flat rate rather than distance
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L52[10:11:42] <liach> the fe is messy because too many can define it, breaking balance possibly. as a result rc uses rc charge and steam
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L56[11:01:22] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L57[11:01:22] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: foundry,Pressure Pipes,opencomputers,casting,crafting
L58[11:01:22] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/4ntdrv9nPJY - RailcraftLP [Episode 106] - A vision, nightly
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L69[17:39:15] <qwusshchsh> how do i transfer power with minecarts
L70[17:45:24] <Natesky9> flux carts and the IC2 battery carts is all I can think of
L71[17:45:33] <Natesky9> other than just shuttling coal between places
L72[17:50:20] <Generalcamo> Flux Carts and the Battery Carts
L73[17:55:30] <qwusshchsh> how much energy does the flux cart hold
L74[17:55:30] <Natesky9> I suppose with the new system, you could probably chain electric rails and charge cables?
L75[17:55:42] <Natesky9> I think it's 2 million?
L76[17:55:53] <Natesky9> and the IC2 carts are based on their IC2 tier
L77[17:56:06] <qwusshchsh> flux cart holds 2 million?
L78[17:59:10] <Natesky9> OH! I know how you can transfer RF power... If you have Thermal Expansion, just use the capacitors as batteries, cart them around in cargo carts, and load/unload with energizer/enervation dynamo
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L80[18:22:22] <qwusshchsh> how do i move carts fast?
L81[18:22:32] <qwusshchsh> do i push them?
L82[18:23:30] <Natesky9> Well, a locomotive is your primary means of moving lots of carts. Alternatives are using a metric shitton of booster tracks, but I don't recommend that
L83[18:24:22] <Natesky9> if you just have a stray cart that you need to push out of the way, you can right click with a crowbar to nudge it, but be careful, because last I remember, that takes a chunk out of the crowbar durability
L84[18:24:41] <Natesky9> ~~~That's why the void crowbar is best~~~
L85[18:25:20] <qwusshchsh> is there a break to a locmovtive
L86[18:31:46] <Natesky9> Same with any cart, just hit it with a sword or crowbar
L87[18:32:07] <Natesky9> keep in mind it won't remember it's steam or fluid, but it will drop any solid fuel it had
L88[18:33:59] <qwusshchsh> i dont want to break the train every stop
L89[18:34:07] <qwusshchsh> is thera a diffrent way
L90[18:35:03] <Natesky9> what are you trying to do?
L91[18:35:11] <qwusshchsh> ill show you
L92[18:35:25] <Natesky9> If you want it to make a "stop", then use locking tracks
L93[18:43:54] <Generalcamo> @Natesky9 Takes no durability, just a chunk of saturation/hunger
L94[18:44:05] <Natesky9> Oh, that was changed? Sweeet
L95[18:44:10] <Generalcamo> It was never changed
L96[18:44:16] <Natesky9> Erm?
L97[18:44:22] <Generalcamo> nudging carts is a feature of 1.10
L98[18:44:46] <Natesky9> I know that was a thing in 1.7.10, because I kept breaking crowbars and complained about it
L99[18:44:57] <Natesky9> I was the one that kept having them crunch around corners
L100[18:46:00] <Generalcamo> You are correct
L101[18:46:05] <Generalcamo> takes 3 damage in 1.7
L102[18:46:13] <Generalcamo> Plus a chunk of hunger
L103[18:46:20] <Generalcamo> Only one damage and a little bit of hunger in 1.12
L104[18:46:33] <Generalcamo> Plus 1.10 added the Smack enchantments so it can be pushed faster and further
L105[18:49:10] <Generalcamo> In-fact, the damage was changed when Liach added the "Smack" enchantments
L106[18:52:38] <Natesky9> Haha, "smack"
L107[18:52:54] <Natesky9> I love it
L108[18:53:04] <Natesky9> does it get a knockback effect on entities?
L109[18:53:18] <Natesky9> or does it just affect carts
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L111[19:49:57] <Generalcamo> Only carts
L112[19:50:13] <Generalcamo> (The Knockback enchantment works for that)
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