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L6[04:22:55] <IGNORER> can i do it in eclipse? I do not understand idea very well. And how i can port it to ide???
L7[04:37:59] <liach> do gradle setupDecompworkspace eclipse
L8[04:38:05] <liach> and import gradle project in eclipse
L9[04:38:24] <liach> and run minecraft client configuration (change the jvm args to set memory)
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L11[05:45:04] <IGNORER> Ok, thanks!
L12[06:18:15] <IGNORER> And can i play it with other non-jar mods(these in github), like bewitchment? And if yes, how?
L13[06:24:29] <Forecaster> I don't think so
L14[06:29:03] <IGNORER> Ok ?
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L16[06:47:49] <Chocohead> You should be able to
L17[06:48:02] <Chocohead> As it will run out of a folder which will have a mods directory
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L19[07:03:49] <IGNORER> Yes, both have mods dir, but none of them can run from mods directory(or can?)
L20[08:14:36] <Chocohead> They should be able to
L21[08:14:50] <Chocohead> Given Forge can do runtime deobfuscation
L22[08:27:51] <IGNORER> I mean i cant put them to jar
L23[08:28:01] <IGNORER> To be able to run in mods
L24[08:30:02] <Chocohead> You could merge all the src/main folders into a single one then run that
L25[08:30:47] <Chocohead> Although that would be a pain to maintain for any kind of long term use short of remerging them every update
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L29[09:47:43] <IGNORER> so simply merge src folder form railcraft with that in bewitchment? Or any other folder either?
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L32[10:49:50] <Forecaster> as many as you want I guess
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