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L4[02:49:05] <Lilithvia> lang @ 098603e My brain is going to explode
L5[02:49:05] <Lilithvia> lol
L6[04:31:26] <Lilithvia> @liach how much can a cargo cart hold?
L7[05:10:54] <liach> 15 stacks
L8[05:57:05] <Natesky9> The nice thing about cargo carts is that you can filter them to only ever accept one item
L9[05:58:39] <Forecaster> not "can", they will only ever accept one item
L10[05:59:25] <Forecaster> though technically they can hold multiple different items if you change the filter between them
L11[05:59:41] <Forecaster> but that only works manually of course
L12[06:01:36] <liach> cargo is fun indeed
L13[06:01:55] <Natesky9> I was actually hoping that cargo carts would have a more... filled visual, instead of the cardboard models
L14[06:02:53] <liach> @Natesky9
L15[06:02:55] <liach> like how
L16[06:03:07] <liach> sorry i pressed enter twice so i pinged early
L17[06:03:09] <Natesky9> Trying to find a good example, this is the best I can find
L18[06:03:19] <Natesky9> http://tinyurl.com/ycvmactv
L19[06:03:29] <Natesky9> like, blocks would be rendered like this
L20[06:04:10] <liach> Hmm, good suggestion. The main issue is that I don;'t know how to rotate it on y axis, but others are fine
L21[06:04:45] <Natesky9> I don't know if it's my google related search, but there aren't many images of railcraft
L22[06:07:11] <liach> most of the pics are of rails of war or so
L23[06:07:31] <Natesky9> I saw more traincraft and only 1 rails of war picture
L24[06:07:48] <Natesky9> google caters to your frequent searches or whatnot
L25[06:08:29] <Natesky9> "Personalized search"
L26[06:08:32] <liach> oh, dunno if any of them is from immersive railroading
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L29[07:20:38] <Lilithvia> I'd like when coal is in the cargo carts for it to resemble coal laden cars
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L34[12:14:22] <Lilithvia> Quick question
L35[12:14:43] <Lilithvia> Is #1462 going to be assigned a priority?
L36[12:15:02] <Lilithvia> Will it make it to 1.12.2 release?
L37[12:15:17] <Lilithvia> Or will locomotives need to be updated first?
L38[12:16:32] <Lilithvia> Actually, that's three questions
L39[12:26:48] <Generalcamo> Tender Carts are already apart of Cosmetic Addons I believe
L40[12:26:58] <LuigiHutch> 1) depends if its actually going to be implemented (needs actual discussion), 2) See point 1, 3) also see point 1
L41[12:27:06] <Generalcamo> In my mind, if added, it would be input-only
L42[12:27:12] <bball.psd> I dont think theyre in cosmetic additions
L43[12:27:17] <Generalcamo> No output allowed to prevent it from becoming a super-chest cart
L44[12:27:53] <Generalcamo> It's also only useful for one locomotive
L45[12:28:12] <Generalcamo> Diesel, Essentia, and Electric locomotives would have no use for it
L46[12:29:52] <LuigiHutch> also makes the building actual infrastructure such as water/fuel refueling stations less important/useful
L47[12:30:19] <Generalcamo> Well not necessarily
L48[12:30:37] <Generalcamo> I would just remove storage slots from the locomotive and reduce the water capacity
L49[12:32:18] <LuigiHutch> that wan't part of the suggestion though, that's just a balance change for the sake of adding this feature
L50[12:32:47] <Generalcamo> Suggestions always come with necessary balancing
L51[12:32:52] <Generalcamo> Like the Plate ore dicting
L52[12:33:05] <Generalcamo> You got it, now live with more complicated recipes to resolve the recipe conflicts that are now inevitable
L53[12:35:49] <Lilithvia> Luigi, It doesn't really make water/refueling stations less useful. Just for when you've actually got the rail line and resources to set them up
L54[12:36:53] <Lilithvia> Besides, it uses half or less of either cart
L55[12:37:35] <Lilithvia> Tender carts will be fairly tame upon implementation
L56[12:38:27] <LuigiHutch> what? ` allow for the locomotive to go farther without manually refueling/watering a locomotive` so you don't need to build refueling stations as they can now go further without refilling
L57[12:39:16] <Lilithvia> Are you really going to carry 50,000 water buckets in your inventory when setting up a base somewhere?
L58[12:39:35] <Generalcamo> No, you are going to build a water tank and a fluid loader
L59[12:40:01] <Lilithvia> But how much time does setting up and taking down take?
L60[12:40:21] <LuigiHutch> why would you take it down?
L61[12:40:33] <Lilithvia> 26 blocks for a water tank + fluid loader
L62[12:40:42] <Lilithvia> That adds up quickly
L63[12:42:01] <Lilithvia> It's not like the tender is going to be OP as hell
L64[12:42:26] <Generalcamo> I disagree
L65[12:42:31] <LuigiHutch> just seems pointless imo
L66[12:42:35] <Generalcamo> Unless I remove storage slots and make it _mandatory_
L67[12:43:03] <Lilithvia> That actually sounds like a great idea
L68[12:43:16] <Generalcamo> No because then the other locomotives look even more enticing
L69[12:43:38] <Lilithvia> Could add the equivalent of a tender cart for each loco
L70[12:44:01] <Lilithvia> Electric probably won't need it except when going over unpowered rail sections
L71[12:45:35] <Generalcamo> Please give me an example of a diesel locomotive with a tender cart and I will gladly take it into consideration
L72[12:49:12] <Lilithvia> You are suggesting the other locos are OP, and the tender will balance things out, but you refuse?
L73[12:49:12] <Lilithvia> What?
L74[12:51:16] <Generalcamo> They aren't. The Tender makes things unnecessarily complicated
L75[12:51:27] <Generalcamo> That's what's going to cause issues with the balance
L76[12:51:36] <Lilithvia> That's if you make them mandatory
L77[12:52:06] <Generalcamo> And if I don't make it mandatory, then either infrastructure is useless or the amount of storage is so low it's best to not even bother
L78[12:52:34] <Generalcamo> As LuigiHutch mentioned
L79[12:52:58] <Lilithvia> What if you increase hauling capacity or hauling torque if you use a tender?
L80[12:53:20] <Generalcamo> How does that make sense at all?
L81[12:53:25] <bball.psd> ^
L82[12:53:27] <Generalcamo> Add a tender = somehow more power to the engine?
L83[12:54:00] <Lilithvia> I thought we were trying to balance things
L84[12:54:08] <Generalcamo> They are balanced as-is
L85[12:54:51] <Lilithvia> I mean, having to chase down a steam loco after exiting a minecart just to refuel or water it is pretty balanced...
L86[12:55:08] <Generalcamo> Why would you need to chase it? You have refueling station setup
L87[12:55:12] <Generalcamo> Why would you need to chase it? You have refueling stations setup [Edited]
L88[12:55:17] <Generalcamo> COal and water are loaded there
L89[12:55:27] <Lilithvia> Not if you are just laying down a new line you don't
L90[13:39:23] <Forecaster> you can stop the train, then refuel
L91[13:39:36] <Forecaster> :P
L92[13:47:19] <abculatter_2> Or just have the passenger cart on the front of the train so you can refill it without getting out
L93[14:18:37] <Pandaple> Anyone got a quick link to the 1.12 github?
L94[14:18:44] <Pandaple> Can't find it for some reason, I must be blind.
L95[14:19:10] <bball.psd> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft
L96[14:19:16] <Pandaple> Cheers
L97[14:40:13] <bball.psd> !quote 466690029385678849
L98[14:40:27] <Gearbot>
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L111[19:42:09] <Natesky9> I just thought about something
L112[19:42:33] <Natesky9> How to solve the "item transportation" issue, but also make railcraft thematically correct
L113[19:42:58] <Natesky9> Why not just have a source of "ore" that a machine like the tunnel bore mines out
L114[19:43:24] <Natesky9> and then a cart moves this "ore" value, not as item form, but as a value in a minecart
L115[19:43:46] <Natesky9> and then that goes to the processing plant, somewhere above ground
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L118[20:46:46] <Generalcamo> Doing things like that means broken compatibility with item capabilities
L119[20:47:05] <Generalcamo> I'm doing a PR to forge to fix them so we can use them fully
L120[20:47:28] <Generalcamo> Kindof counterproductive if we end up going with our own system
L121[21:02:50] <Natesky9> That's the thing though, the ore won't be an "item" until it's been processed
L122[21:03:05] <Natesky9> It'd kinda be like a fluid, except not a forge fluid
L123[21:05:17] <Natesky9> It'd be a way of having a proprietary ore generation system, similar to how Mekanism handles their ore multiplication, to prevent exploits
L124[21:05:48] <Natesky9> except instead of multiplying the output, it's controlled ore generation
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L126[21:50:20] <abculatter_2> Why don't you just make it produce poor ore, and make the processing plant be a more efficient way of processing poor ores?
L127[21:50:45] <abculatter_2> Also, what would prevent the player from just putting the plant next to the ore vein?
L128[21:50:53] <bball.psd> ^
L129[21:54:26] <abculatter_2> I do like the idea of location-dependent resource generation, like saltpeter ore spawners or IE-esque positional ore deposits (whether that be done by tile entities, chunk data, or whatever)
L130[21:55:15] <abculatter_2> Although, one issue with it is the lack of a large-scale need for resources for the typical play run
L131[21:56:44] <abculatter_2> You could use it for aesthetics, sure, but most people, in my experience, don't bother putting that much effort into the game before getting bored and doing something else, usually a different modpack
L132[21:58:37] <abculatter_2> Factorio, I feel, accomplishes the desire for ever increasing resources quite well, though unfortunately automation in minecraft tends to run into non-trivial performance concerns pretty quickly...
L133[21:59:05] <abculatter_2> Unless it's very vanilla-esque in style, with very few tile entities, if any at all
L134[21:59:16] <abculatter_2> But few mods go that route
L135[21:59:40] <abculatter_2> Notable, not railcraft, since all it's machines are tile entities
L136[21:59:54] <abculatter_2> Which isn't a bad thing, mind you
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L139[22:44:27] <Generalcamo> A lot of our blocks are tile entities to conserve IDs
L140[22:44:55] <liach> Yeah
L141[22:51:47] <Generalcamo> That's why stairs and slabs can't be moved with a piston
L142[23:36:54] <Natesky9> Yeah, a lack of any real end-game items really makes it hard to build a game around that fact
L143[23:37:11] <Natesky9> In fact, making a train is about as complex as it gets
L144[23:37:25] <Natesky9> aside from an ME system
L145[23:37:47] <Natesky9> Mass fabricator is the only other real infrastructure I can think of
L146[23:38:21] <Natesky9> but of course, no need for that when there's no demand, and the fact that *if you can make a mass fabricator*, chances are you don't need resources
L147[23:44:19] <abculatter_2> Well, my understanding is that non-ticking tile entities aren't a big deal for performance
L148[23:44:30] <abculatter_2> I was more refering to ticking tile entities
L149[23:46:23] <abculatter_2> Also yeah Nate, tbh I feel like you really need to do a major overhaul of a lot of things to make that kind of end game and it's just... annoying, and time-consuming to do as a pack maker...
L150[23:47:37] <Natesky9> In the discussion we had like, a few days ago, it was argued that pack makers are responsible for balancing mods
L151[23:47:41] <Natesky9> I'm confused
L152[23:48:19] <Natesky9> Also, what if machines only ticked while their owner was online?
L153[23:48:32] <abculatter_2> replace 'things' in that last sentence with 'recipes'
L154[23:48:43] <abculatter_2> Sorry, should've specified
L155[23:49:06] <abculatter_2> Also that only fixes server lag
L156[23:49:25] <abculatter_2> Which... tbh I feel like multiplayer is overrated, most people player singleplayer
L157[23:49:45] <abculatter_2> Which... tbh I feel like multiplayer is overrated, most people play singleplayer [Edited]
L158[23:50:08] <Natesky9> I'm very much a social gamer. I lose interest in a game very quickly without others
L159[23:50:52] <Natesky9> Probably why I'm running two servers, so that there's always someone to play online with
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