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L9[07:05:12] <Natesky9> I'd comment, but I'm actually almost passing out
L10[07:05:17] <Natesky9> stayed up waaay too late
L11[07:05:59] <LuigiHutch> its a neat idea but has no info on how it would work etc
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L16[11:14:48] <Darkelarious> I'm trying to get the railcraft blocks to show up on Dynmap, but I'm having trouble finding the right mod(s) and/or scrapers for that. Anyone experience and/or good suggestions?
L17[11:39:53] <liach> I think you have to find a mod that generate dynmap models for railcraft blocks
L18[11:40:11] <liach> this is a known bug. It happens after 1.6 since dynmap railcraft compat is dead
L19[11:53:25] <Hanakocz> usually one asked dynmap authors to add compat?
L20[11:53:46] <Hanakocz> but well, that needs some finalized version first ?
L21[11:54:02] <liach> rc needs to be completed first
L22[11:54:20] <liach> @Hanakocz if you want to work on cosmetic addon now you can grab railcraft as a git and gradle submodule
L23[11:54:53] <Hanakocz> thx, should do it sometimes huh
L24[11:58:10] <abculatter_2> "(This is one of the ways Railcraft can attract users)"
L25[11:58:10] <abculatter_2> Why is this your goal?
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L28[12:12:58] <Darkelarious> actually I agree with that.. didn't you make railcraft because *you* (all) like to play and work with it?
L29[12:14:27] <liach> well, railcraft is on minecraft-style railways and some technology related to railways
L30[12:26:58] <abculatter_2> Right, and I'm for ideas inspired by real life, but putting popularity down as your goal is... not good
L31[12:27:17] <Chocohead> Your could argue it's just something new and interesting to add to the coke oven that otherwise hasn't changed in a long time
L32[12:27:53] <Chocohead> And that's independent to the number of people using Railcraft
L33[12:28:35] <Chocohead> The point definitely shouldn't be about trying to draw users in for the sake of getting used though
L34[12:37:51] <Darkelarious> this^
L35[12:38:10] <liach> well, when railcraft gets more downloads on curse, it's benefitting covertjaguar not me
L36[12:42:08] <Chocohead> Keeping the theme is the goal over making it more appealing, if something manages both that's idea
L37[12:42:19] <Chocohead> Keeping the theme is the goal over making it more appealing, if something manages both that's ideal [Edited]
L38[12:43:39] <Chocohead> It's the theme that keeps people coming, IC2 and BuildCraft for example could have sold out to RF to get more downloads but then they've lost a key aspect of what set them apart
L39[12:44:29] <Chocohead> These comments are all more warnings in that sense than criticisms, don't let downloads go to your head is all I'll say ?
L40[12:58:44] <liach> well, people just care about !cd
L41[12:58:46] <liach> !cf
L42[12:58:46] <K9> This command requires at least 1 argument.
L43[12:58:57] <liach> yeah like that, curseforge download and points
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L64[20:51:23] <liach> fyi https://discord.gg/zpKp3kU ask questions for forge on minecon
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