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L1[03:34:32] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (Hgrebnednav!~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be)
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L16[12:37:05] <CovertJaguar> ftp won't log in hmm
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L21[13:31:03] <Forecaster> boop
L22[14:58:01] <Durzan> nice to see that your back CT
L23[14:58:07] <Durzan> nice to see that your back CJ [Edited]
L24[15:13:28] <Darkelarious> @Forecaster: with questions, this is what i had in mind :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b56eAUCTLok
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L26[15:25:08] <Darkelarious> "we already have rail spike man. how about signal tuner?"
L27[15:25:42] <Darkelarious> "other village said you were a louzy train driver, you forget to stop at his station twice"
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L29[15:38:58] <bball.psd> I HAVE DONE SOMETHING AMAZING http://tinyurl.com/y73vmam4
L30[15:40:01] <PiperWright> Glad to have you back, CJ!
L31[15:41:35] <liach> @bball.psd did you derail them and put them back on track
L32[15:41:49] <bball.psd> nope
L33[15:42:10] <liach> reminds me of nazi artiliery... did you just link them across
L34[15:42:46] <liach> oh, there was no gap between two railways.
L35[15:42:55] <bball.psd> linked them in the inner, switched the loco onto the outer, kept the passenger cart on the inner, removed the switch and set them loose
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L37[15:44:04] <liach> cool
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L42[15:58:17] <Forecaster> I still need to get the platform up to snuff and put the creative pack on there
L43[15:58:52] <Forecaster> I want to migrate it to my new boilerplate system which is going to be some work
L44[16:02:49] <liach> @Forecaster What is https://github.com/Forecaster/rail_planner
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L47[16:13:31] <Forecaster> uh
L48[16:13:44] <Forecaster> something I meant to make as a prototype
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L50[16:16:01] <Forecaster> it uh
L51[16:16:08] <Forecaster> it's not really anything unfortunately
L52[16:16:10] <Forecaster> https://towerofawesome.org/rail_planner/
L53[16:16:26] <Forecaster> it's just a picture of a track piece
L54[16:16:52] <Forecaster> It's supposed to be a thing where you can design track setups with signals and share them
L55[16:17:03] <Forecaster> I'll get back to working on that some time
L56[16:17:14] <Forecaster> probably move it to the boilerplate as well...
L57[16:18:31] <Forecaster> the idea is similar to this: https://towerofawesome.org/starbound_wire_planner/
L58[16:19:48] <Forecaster> if you can, try that in firefox by the way
L59[16:19:56] <Forecaster> the wires are invisible in Chrome
L60[16:20:01] <Forecaster> but they still work
L61[16:22:25] <Forecaster> that's one of the things I need to solve before I can make the rail planner
L62[16:37:27] <liach> @Forecaster Can you make a railway cost calculator
L63[16:41:28] <Forecaster> I guess
L64[16:47:29] <abculatter_2> The cost is *your soul*
L65[16:49:32] <Darkelarious> Forecaster, i'm not sure if it has been suggested before, but maybe have the rail planner also display some common problems
L66[16:49:33] <Darkelarious> like merging 2 tracks to 1 when trains come from the same directions,
L67[16:49:33] <Darkelarious> intersections, etc
L68[16:50:00] <Forecaster> it'd be like pastebin but for railway blueprints
L69[16:50:15] <Darkelarious> neat
L70[16:50:21] <Forecaster> there could easily be a list of public ones with various designs
L71[16:50:40] <Darkelarious> maybe also add some generic/vanilla blocks to illustrate stations
L72[16:50:48] <Darkelarious> or platform lengths
L73[16:50:57] <abculatter_2> Lanterns
L74[16:51:32] <bball.psd> or use RCA's platform edge with line texture
L75[16:52:00] <abculatter_2> +9001 internet points if you add the ability to export as a Buildcraft builder blueprint
L76[16:52:09] <abculatter_2> + 9001 internet points if you add the ability to export as a Buildcraft builder blueprint [Edited]
L77[16:52:16] <abculatter_2> 9001 internet points if you add the ability to export as a Buildcraft builder blueprint [Edited]
L78[16:52:47] <abculatter_2> I know that probably won't happen but still
L79[16:54:00] <Darkelarious> heh
L80[16:54:19] <Darkelarious> i guess you also want the copy/paste feature then so you can build 5000 block long tracks?
L81[16:54:22] <Darkelarious> oh wait, that's me
L82[16:56:14] <Forecaster> that'd probably be pretty fiddly
L83[16:56:21] <Darkelarious> http://333networks.com:8123/?worldname=world&mapname=surface&zoom=5&x=880&y=64&z=1377 this looks so weird when only vanilla blocks are shown, but not railcraft concrete, etc
L84[16:56:21] <Forecaster> it'd depend on the blueprint format which I don't know
L85[17:00:20] <Darkelarious> anyway, have fun & good night
L86[17:00:43] <Forecaster> I've tried using the Atlas export
L87[17:00:47] <Forecaster> it's proven tricky though
L88[17:00:59] <Forecaster> mostly because I've been unable to get the google map system to work
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L92[17:17:22] <liach> @Darkelarious That is a dynmap issue
L93[17:26:42] <Forecaster> It's a `dynmap is made for vanilla` issue
L94[17:26:58] <Forecaster> You could probably fix that though
L95[17:32:16] <bball.psd> dynmap does support some popular mods, and it also has this LWOT http://tinyurl.com/y7utyw9n
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L99[17:58:36] <liach> The main issue is that other mods rarely interpret railcraft's icon sheets correctly
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L101[19:14:39] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L102[19:29:35] <AngelOfDeath> im currently playing with railcraft 1.10.2 and im using the cargo cart they seem to glitch out and stop rendering whats in them and also stop/freeze when being loaded by the cart loader is this a known bug?
L103[19:43:25] <liach> open github issue
L104[19:54:14] <AngelOfDeath> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5oOFBnrrI4
L105[19:56:13] <liach> !?createissue
L106[19:56:13] <K9> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/new
L107[19:56:26] <liach> @AngelOfDeath can you go to this link and fill out an issue?
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L110[20:31:04] <liach> thanks!
L111[20:31:08] <liach> will address
L112[20:34:22] <AngelOfDeath> im gunna try another cart to see if i get the same result
L113[20:38:37] <AngelOfDeath> do u have any care for railcraft cosmetic additions or is that there problem
L114[21:00:05] <bball.psd> thats their problem :P
L115[21:00:20] <AngelOfDeath> k
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L122[23:33:38] <Moist Scrungus> I know this is probably a very dumb question, but how do I increase the amount of memory the game can use? I've heard that I'm supposed to paste a line into "gradle.properties," but the game runs the same and the memory available still says under 2G.
L123[23:35:08] <liach> run in intellij idea
L124[23:35:16] <liach> and add argument -Xmx4G etc
L125[23:35:22] <liach> VM argument
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