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L17[11:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: industrialcraft2,ic2,casting,crafting
L18[11:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L19[11:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/ZTF73SbQUrs - RailcraftLP [Episode 95] - Loco Assembly Begin
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L35[15:17:24] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L36[15:56:20] <Forecaster> bop
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L39[15:57:14] <Forecaster> "Successfully resumed session" was apparently a lie
L40[16:01:31] <Forecaster> It was probably caused by the outtages (which are apparently caused by Google cloud services doing upgrades)
L41[16:01:53] <Forecaster> and JDA still sucks at reconnecting when things fail
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L45[17:03:38] <Natesky9> Creeperhost has been having issues again
L46[17:03:43] <Natesky9> entire service has been down for a day
L47[17:15:37] <liach> ah that's unpleasant
L48[18:02:19] <Natesky9> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/etayenihed
L49[18:02:20] <Natesky9> :(
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L53[22:01:32] <abculatter_2> "Tomorrow" more like Soon™
L54[22:01:51] <abculatter_2> "Tomorrow", more like Soon™ [Edited]
L55[22:02:05] <Natesky9> A friend recommended switching to Bisect hosting
L56[22:28:40] <NightwolfBlue> Bisect has some good deals every so often
L57[22:33:04] <PiperWright> Hi, is this an alright place to ask how to run Liach's 1.12.2 fork? I know nothing about projects like this and don't want to be an annoyance if this isn't the place for that.
L58[22:37:49] <Chocohead> It's as good a place as any for it
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L61[22:50:58] <PiperWright> Alright, glad I'm not disturbing anything. I've downloaded the project's most recent .zip file from GitHub (the button that says "Clone or download" if that makes a difference), but am unsure of how to run the game with it.
L62[22:50:59] <PiperWright> I have tried changing the .zip's extension to .jar, as well as sending the .zip's contents to an archive and renaming that to a .jar, but neither are recognized as mods by Forge.
L63[22:50:59] <PiperWright> Is what I've described at all how I am meant to install the files, or should I try something else instead? Please forgive me if I don't follow certain vocabulary, I haven't ever used GitHub except for downloads.
L64[22:52:00] <Chocohead> It is a little more involved than that, but just for running it you don't have to do too many steps
L65[22:52:22] <Chocohead> The first important thing is whether you have the Java JDK installed
L66[22:52:43] <liach> Must be the latest jdk, older ones might break too
L67[22:53:06] <liach> @PiperWright http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
L68[22:53:16] <liach> Must be jdk8 I forgot to say
L69[22:53:43] <liach> And install git from https://git-scm.com/
L70[22:53:55] <Chocohead> If you're playing 1.12 already you're quite unlikely to have an older Java version at least
L71[22:55:00] <PiperWright> I will install it just in case, if that reduces the risk something goes wrong.
L72[22:56:14] <Mimiru> if you're *playing* 1.12 you likely have the JRE, but you need the JDK for building :P
L73[22:56:56] <PiperWright> While installing, it says I must remove Windows Explorer (PID 3588), is this normal?
L74[22:58:08] <Chocohead> It reduces the chance of having an older JDK as well, although it was more an issue when MC didn't need J8 to run but some mods needed J7 or 8 to compile
L75[22:58:46] <Chocohead> Sounds like Windows is also using a file it's trying to install, so it should be fine
L76[22:59:20] <PiperWright> A while ago I believe I installed Git before, so that may be why. I have the right-click options, at the very least.
L77[23:00:37] <Chocohead> That could cause it if you've got explorer open too, if you've already got Git you should be fine to not need to reinstall or update
L78[23:01:27] <PiperWright> The update has already gone through, I have a few more right-click options now, so I take it that it worked.
L79[23:02:36] <PiperWright> While installing the development kit, I received a prompt saying "this folder is not empty. Please select an empty folder." Should I change the installation folder, or maybe empty it?
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L81[23:04:20] <Chocohead> That sounds like a previous install it's just found
L82[23:04:46] <Chocohead> But it could be for the runtime, as by default it will install both as part of the dev kit
L83[23:05:25] <Chocohead> You should be fine to clear it manually
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L85[23:09:03] <PiperWright> After manually emptying the folder and reinstalling, it says the folder is not empty. Should I close this and continue?
L86[23:10:11] <PiperWright> Cancelling here says it was installed successfully, so I think I have installed both Git and the development kit.
L87[23:13:29] <Chocohead> That sounds close enough
L88[23:14:06] <Chocohead> Now you'll want to unzip the file you download from the Github
L89[23:14:36] <Chocohead> Or actually, since we've got Git we could do it properly
L90[23:15:29] <PiperWright> So it would be preferable to have the zipped archive? I have both, so let's go with the zipped one, if that's how it's supposed to be done.
L91[23:18:34] <Chocohead> If we were doing it by the book you'd clone the repo directly from GitHub using Git, but since you've downloaded it already we should be able to just get the extra bits
L92[23:19:06] <Chocohead> It definitely wants to be unzipped though, we'll need the files inside
L93[23:19:44] <PiperWright> Right then, the Git command line is open and the files are unzipped.
L94[23:20:34] <Chocohead> `git submodule update --init --recursive` should be all you need to get the localisation and api in
L95[23:20:47] <Chocohead> Providing git doesn't complain we've cheated
L96[23:22:24] <PiperWright> I think I followed most of that, but I'm still very new to this, so I gotta clarify something that you'd probably take for granted if you do this stuff at all.
L97[23:23:04] <Chocohead> That's fine
L98[23:23:08] <PiperWright> Do I drag my selection over all the files within the folder, right click and select "git bash" in order to pull up the command line?
L99[23:23:59] <Chocohead> You should be fine to do it on any of the files within the folder
L100[23:25:52] <PiperWright> There was a fatal error, not a git repository (or any of the parent directories).
L101[23:26:09] <Chocohead> Ah, it knew we were trying to cheat
L102[23:26:55] <PiperWright> Yeah, looks like I'll have to learn how to do something for once in my life! Thanks for trying the easy way first, though, I followed that pretty well.
L103[23:28:20] <Chocohead> The easy way was just trying to avoid downloading it a second time, the proper way should still actually only be one command to get everything copied over
L104[23:29:31] <Chocohead> You'll want to start from an empty folder this time, if you've still got your git command line open in the unzipped folder, emptying it would be simplest
L105[23:30:32] <Chocohead> That way we should be sure it's where we it expect it to be
L106[23:34:15] <PiperWright> The folder's empty and the command line is open in it.
L107[23:34:19] <Chocohead> Great
L108[23:35:19] <Chocohead> `git clone --recursive https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft.git` in the command line
L109[23:35:47] <Chocohead> Which once finished should look very similar to what you just deleted
L110[23:36:22] <Chocohead> But the lang and api/railcraft folders shouldn't be empty (compared to what you deleted which did have empty ones)
L111[23:37:55] <PiperWright> Folder's now full up.
L112[23:38:17] <Chocohead> We're close now, that's normally the hard part
L113[23:39:41] <Chocohead> `./gradle runClient` in the command line should kick the compiler into action and start the game once finished
L114[23:40:46] <Chocohead> All being well it will take a fair bit of time the first time as it downloads and setups everything Forge needs, but every time after that it should be much snappier
L115[23:42:24] <PiperWright> No such file or directory, could that have been caused by the files all being put in a folder within the target folder?
L116[23:42:48] <Chocohead> Ah, that would do it
L117[23:43:02] <Chocohead> Is the folder called Railcraft too?
L118[23:43:03] <PiperWright> Would it work it I dragged them all into the original folder?
L119[23:43:39] <PiperWright> It is. Presumably I could also cd or the equivalent command to change folders?
L120[23:43:57] <Chocohead> cd would certainly work
L121[23:45:22] <Chocohead> As would moving it all, but cd is faster
L122[23:46:41] <PiperWright> Think I'm in the right folder now. Repeated "./gradle runClient" and it says ".gradle Is a directory", is that right?
L123[23:47:22] <Chocohead> Try `./gradle.sh runClient`
L124[23:48:24] <PiperWright> That netted me "no such file or directory".
L125[23:49:11] <Chocohead> Oh, it's because I'm telling you the wrong thing all along
L126[23:49:28] <Chocohead> `./gradlew runClient`
L127[23:49:44] <Chocohead> Of course a folder isn't going to run the game
L128[23:50:57] <PiperWright> Seems as if an earlier problem might have come up now.
L129[23:51:07] <PiperWright> Error: opening registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'
L130[23:51:07] <PiperWright> Error: could not find java.dll
L131[23:51:07] <PiperWright> Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.
L132[23:51:27] <Chocohead> Hmmm, that's quite the problem
L133[23:52:06] <Chocohead> Maybe when we emptied that folder to update it, it didn't replace it when cancelled
L134[23:52:19] <Chocohead> (The Java folder)
L135[23:52:20] <PiperWright> It seems as if that happened.
L136[23:52:35] <PiperWright> Should I delete that entire folder and retry, so there would be no reason for it to be not empty?
L137[23:52:54] <Chocohead> That sounds like a very sensible thing to try
L138[23:53:15] <Chocohead> Hard to be more empty than non-existent
L139[23:54:52] <PiperWright> That seemed to have done it, the command works now, or at least created a whole lote of elipses.
L140[23:55:14] <Chocohead> That's it downloading the files Minecraft needs to compile
L141[23:55:24] <Chocohead> You should be beyond the last hurdle now
L142[23:55:30] <PiperWright> Thank you very much!
L143[23:56:04] <Chocohead> You're welcome
L144[23:56:33] <PiperWright> I should be able to repeat these steps for later builds if I decide to install those too, right?
L145[23:58:07] <PiperWright> I really appreciate all this, I could never have done this on my own! I wish I could offer something in return, you did me a real solid!
L146[23:59:49] <Chocohead> You can indeed in future, it should work for anything that might be added or changed in future too
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