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L21[10:04:42] <AngelOfDeath> This is a proper block chain correct or what am i doing wrong i cant connect the red light http://tinyurl.com/y7xjmrh7
L22[10:05:52] <Natesky9> The signals are most likely getting confused about the tracks so close together
L23[10:15:08] <AngelOfDeath> seems that was the problem thanks
L24[11:15:01] <Syd> Just checked in to see how production was going for 1.11 and 1.12 release. Saw some encouraging reads in the threads and on github. Any indications as to whether or not Railcraft migration for 1.12 will be out this current year, definitively later than that, or is there currently no reliably knowable timescale as of yet?
L25[11:15:23] <Hanakocz> whenver its ready
L26[11:16:16] <Syd> Alrighty. Thank you.
L27[11:18:23] <vedrit> Which means to say, whenever CJ approves the build that the contributors put together
L28[12:01:31] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L29[12:37:16] <liach> code is ready but there are a ton of bugs and possible improvements. I'd delay release and do all the improvements first
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L38[17:35:36] <vos6434> @liach you got approved to make a release? or whats going on?
L39[17:50:24] <Schtyger> That would be brilliant if CJ approved you to be liable to release the 1.12 update once it's readt
L40[17:59:04] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
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L43[19:41:26] <liach> no i did not
L44[19:41:32] <liach> i am just keeping updating
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