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L32[17:00:08] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
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L35[18:51:55] <UE> Greetings!
L36[18:51:55] <UE> I've been feeling a bit on the lost side in figuring out the sum total of the additions Railcraft brings to 1.10.2. Searching youtube and wikis seems to be a mash of outdated and/or version indiscriminate information.
L37[18:51:55] <UE> Is there any known solid resource? I'm just trying to figure out what I *have*, as opposed to *what was* or *exists for other versions*.
L38[19:12:48] <abculatter_2> The changelogs are a pretty good resource
L39[19:17:06] <UE> Ah, I suppose that's something. Feels a bit like reverse engineering a feature list, but it would at least be complete! I'll look into it, but if somebody else has other thoughts I'd love to hear them.
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