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L1[01:05:57] ⇨ Joins: Backslash_ (Backslash_!~Backslash@ip-94-114-162-224.unity-media.net)
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L23[12:51:35] <liach> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft-API/commit/bd9722fe718b20c822337ce092d5a40fafc3f261
L24[12:51:59] <liach> main porting done, will push
L25[13:07:40] <vos6434> nice
L26[13:22:23] <liach> Yo guys! To all of those who try to port and make it compile, I did it already. https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/commit/b0fae9419e44ed9f58e5e69f8416038d61299732
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L28[13:40:15] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#962 (liach-1.12.2 - dc92675 : liach): The build passed.
L29[13:40:15] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/b0fae9419e44...dc92675412ad
L30[13:40:15] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361774596
L31[13:42:47] <CovertJaguar> whats the status on the multi block PR?
L32[13:42:51] <CovertJaguar> is that ready?
L33[13:48:24] <liach> The current situation is that since I suck at rendering, I cannot fix all the multiblocks
L34[13:48:40] <liach> Anyways it is beneficial to split up since we will for sure split blocks up in 1.123
L35[13:48:42] <liach> 1.13
L36[13:50:54] <CovertJaguar> which ones still need work?
L37[13:51:08] <CovertJaguar> I was mostly asking if the issues with the PR have been resolved
L38[13:53:26] <liach> Here https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/1373
L39[13:54:59] <CovertJaguar> what's the issue with the water tank?
L40[13:55:08] <CovertJaguar> its about the simplist multiblock there is
L41[14:09:36] <CovertJaguar> multiblock PR is ready for merge to main
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L43[14:11:43] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#965 (liach-1.10.2 - 4cfe762 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L44[14:11:43] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361788810
L45[14:11:43] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/235d31c515fb...4cfe762f4365
L46[14:14:32] <CovertJaguar> merged
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L48[14:17:19] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#963 (liach-1.10.2 - 235d31c : CovertJaguar): The build has errored.
L49[14:17:19] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/5916dc2d5bd5...235d31c515fb
L50[14:17:19] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361787539
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L52[14:17:53] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#967 (mc-1.10.2 - 188fec3 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L53[14:17:53] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/a6d446b5f117...188fec38670b
L54[14:17:53] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361790796
L55[14:20:56] <liach> cj can you merge my api branch
L56[14:21:28] <CovertJaguar> I'll look at that next, trying to merge the Bore PR now
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L58[14:23:12] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#968 (fix/1335 - 417b6fe : CovertJaguar): The build is still failing.
L59[14:23:12] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/c9974cb90bb4...417b6feb48c0
L60[14:23:12] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361794493
L61[14:27:05] <CovertJaguar> merged the saving PR and the liach-1.10.2 branch into mc-1.10.2
L62[14:30:44] <liach> cj, where can i push to if you dump my branch
L63[14:31:19] <liach> you know i cannot push to mc-1.10.2 and protected branches
L64[14:31:24] <CovertJaguar> uh...well I guess there is that
L65[14:31:56] <liach> that?
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L67[14:32:06] <CovertJaguar> restored
L68[14:34:07] <CovertJaguar> lets see if it builds now
L69[14:36:31] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-92-226-218.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L70[14:36:31] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/417b6feb48c0...9be3a45f8099
L71[14:36:31] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#971 (fix/1335 - 9be3a45 : CovertJaguar): The build is still failing.
L72[14:36:31] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361800298
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L74[14:45:18] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#970 (mc-1.10.2 - 812492a : CovertJaguar): The build has errored.
L75[14:45:18] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361800083
L76[14:45:18] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/188fec38670b...812492a14f69
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L78[14:50:59] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#973 (fix/1335 - aa3c897 : CovertJaguar): The build was fixed.
L79[14:50:59] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361806240
L80[14:50:59] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/9be3a45f8099...aa3c89787d28
L81[14:55:45] <CovertJaguar> ok, the bore PR is merged
L82[14:57:09] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077 (Cast0077!~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
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L85[15:00:39] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#975 (mc-1.10.2 - a1df6c4 : CovertJaguar): The build has errored.
L86[15:00:39] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/812492a14f69...a1df6c4a783a
L87[15:00:39] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361809048
L88[16:03:37] <liach> cj, we need to check block mining to some extent
L89[16:03:45] <liach> i mean multiblock mining
L90[16:03:59] <CovertJaguar> what do you mean?
L91[16:04:13] <CovertJaguar> make sure it drops the right block?
L92[16:04:25] <liach> yeah
L93[16:04:30] <CovertJaguar> k
L94[16:04:49] <liach> after that i think we'd get a beta to check bugs
L95[16:05:00] <CovertJaguar> sounds good
L96[16:21:18] <afdw> what imports order is used in Railcraft sources?
L97[16:25:12] <liach> import order? rc has a formatter
L98[16:25:26] <liach> java at last, alphabetical
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L100[16:55:29] <afdw> thanks
L101[16:55:59] <afdw> formatter? This one? https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/blob/mc-1.10.2/extras/ide/settings/RailcraftCodeStyle.xml But it doesn't include import order settings for some reason
L102[17:15:10] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L103[18:48:01] <abculatter_2> How often do people actualit use wooden rails?
L104[18:48:09] <abculatter_2> How often do people actuallyuse wooden rails? [Edited]
L105[18:48:16] <abculatter_2> How often do people actually use wooden rails? [Edited]
L106[19:08:41] <abculatter_2> Also, I just had an idea for that mechanical chain-rail idea on the guthub issues, what about making the chain-rail a unique base track type, which provides a steady boost to all carts that are on top of it? These tracks would also automatically form a 'network' that contains all contiguous tracks of the same type, and this network would contain how many tracks are in itself, how much mechanical energy is being
L107[19:08:41] <abculatter_2> chain is going in, and maybe also the drag value of all carts currently being pushed by it.
L108[19:08:41] <abculatter_2> Mechanical energy would be a single 'torque' value, and would be put into the network by adjacent mechanical engine blocks. The number of tracks currently in the network would act as a kind of 'base' energy input that must be exceeded in order for the network to push anything. If cart drag value is also tracked by the network, that would be added to the track number for the duration that the cart is being pushe
L109[19:08:42] <abculatter_2> Also, I just had an idea for that mechanical chain-rail idea on the guthub issues, what about making the chain-rail a unique base track type, which provides a steady boost to all carts that are on top of it? These tracks would also automatically form a 'network' that contains all contiguous tracks of the same type, and this network would contain how many tracks are in itself, how much mechanical energy is being
L110[19:08:42] <abculatter_2> chain is going in, and maybe also the drag value of all carts currently being pushed by it.
L111[19:08:42] <abculatter_2> Mechanical energy would be a single 'torque' value, and would be put into the network by adjacent mechanical engine blocks. The number of tracks currently in the network would act as a kind of 'base' energy input that must be exceeded in order for the network to push anything. If cart drag value is also tracked by the network, that would be added to the track number for the duration that the cart is being pushe
L112[19:09:14] <abculatter_2> Also, I just had an idea for that mechanical chain-rail idea on the guthub issues, what about making the chain-rail a unique base track type, which provides a steady boost to all carts that are on top of it? These tracks would also automatically form a 'network' that contains all contiguous tracks of the same type, and this network would contain how many tracks are in itself, how much mechanical energy is being
L113[19:09:14] <abculatter_2> chain is going in, and maybe also the drag value of all carts currently being pushed by it.
L114[19:09:14] <abculatter_2> Mechanical energy would be a single 'torque' value, and would be put into the network by adjacent mechanical engine blocks. The number of tracks currently in the network would act as a kind of 'base' energy input that must be exceeded in order for the network to push anything. If cart drag value is also tracked by the network, that would be added to the track drag number for the duration that the cart is being
L115[19:11:40] <abculatter_2> A limitation of this track type could be either that it can't form corners/turns, or that it can't be made into intersections
L116[19:16:14] <abculatter_2> Mechanical engine blocks can be fed either a redstone signal, for weak but essentially free torque, or provided either steam or charge for full power.
L117[19:16:15] <abculatter_2> Could potentially make one engine for steam/redstone, and another for charge
L118[19:16:15] <abculatter_2> Mechanical engine blocks can be fed either a redstone signal, for weak but essentially free torque, or provided either steam or charge for full power.
L119[19:16:15] <abculatter_2> Could potentially make one engine for steam/redstone, and another for charge
L120[19:16:15] <abculatter_2> Mechanical engine blocks can be fed either a redstone signal, for weak but essentially free torque, or provided either steam or charge for full power.
L121[19:16:16] <abculatter_2> Mechanical engine blocks can be fed either a redstone signal, for weak but essentially free torque, or provided either steam or charge for full power.
L122[19:16:16] <abculatter_2> Mechanical engine blocks can be fed either a redstone signal, for weak but essentially free torque, or provided either steam or charge for full power.
L123[19:16:45] <abculatter_2> Could potentially make one engine for steam/redstone, and another for charge
L124[19:19:23] <Mimiru> ... that was... a thing on IRC lol
L125[19:19:42] <Mimiru> https://michi.pc-logix.com/hexchat_2018-04-03_19-19-38.png
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L127[19:23:56] <abculatter_2> Oh, yeah, sorry... Discord does that when you have shitty internet reception
L128[19:28:00] <LizzyTheSiren> tbh i'm not even sure how discord fucks that up, because at least with the consumer API, you get a response back that your message was posted. it seems like the discord client wont wait for that to come back...
L129[19:28:55] <abculatter_2> Also, another addendum, ideally I feel like this would work best as a cheaper and simpler alternative to the other forms of moving carts around, which has some benefits of its own but mostly is just cheap. So making it use the wooden tracks as a base seems like a idea imo
L130[19:29:04] <abculatter_2> Also, another addendum, ideally I feel like this would work best as a cheaper and simpler alternative to the other forms of moving carts around, which has some benefits of its own but mostly is just cheap. So making it use the wooden tracks as a base seems like a good idea imo [Edited]
L131[19:48:31] <abculatter_2> Probably a good ballpark for iron/steel cost would be about the same or a bit cheaper per each then a standard track, and ideally would also come with its own iron-based holding track that provides no boost or direction, simply holds the cart above it when it doesn't get a redstone signal and does nothing if it does get a redstone signal
L132[19:59:31] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
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L134[20:12:28] <Natesky9> Wasn't there also a suggestion for a electric rail style of overhead rail?
L135[20:25:24] <liach> yeah, there was one by wooky
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L143[20:48:30] <Natesky9> As much as I like the concept of different styles of rails, the problem still lies with practicality
L144[20:49:24] <Natesky9> Unless you have large farms scattered throughout the world, there's rarely any purpose for expansive rail networks
L145[20:49:43] <Natesky9> I've rarely even seen the force track emitter used practically
L146[21:54:50] <abculatter_2> Tbh, I agree with you on that, but almost everybody's too busy coming up with "IC2 but BETTAR" to actually try to explore actually interesting gameplay like that, soooo...
L147[21:55:59] <abculatter_2> Personally, when play with RC, I make up rules for my auto farms that force me to set up large rail networks
L148[21:56:12] <abculatter_2> Personally, when I play with RC, I make up rules for my auto farms that force me to set up large rail networks [Edited]
L149[21:57:23] <abculatter_2> Like, for example, wheat in plains, wood in woodlands, ores in extreme hills or mountains (with seperare 'veins' for each ore, if I can)
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L151[22:21:07] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361951330
L152[22:21:07] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#977 (liach-1.12.2 - cd34ac7 : liach): The build passed.
L153[22:21:07] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/dc92675412ad...cd34ac709ad2
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L157[23:15:11] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#975 (mc-1.10.2 - a1df6c4 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L158[23:15:11] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/361809048
L159[23:15:11] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/812492a14f69...a1df6c4a783a
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