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L1[01:42:07] ⇨ Joins: cloakable (cloakable!~cloakable@cpc87175-aztw31-2-0-cust202.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
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L27[12:04:14] <Forecaster> I'm back online!
L28[12:04:23] <Forecaster> @MrConductor is back!
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L31[12:38:38] <Darkelarious> wb!
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L34[13:20:11] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
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L37[14:07:20] <Darkelarious> if i want the full railcraft experience, which packs and mods do i want?
L38[14:07:29] <Darkelarious> local sp server
L39[14:08:34] <Forecaster> there's not really such a thing
L40[14:09:32] <Darkelarious> ive been out of the loop for a while, wasnt there something like rc and rc cosmetics?
L41[14:09:42] <Darkelarious> or are they one pack?
L42[14:09:50] <Forecaster> they're different mods
L43[14:10:26] <Natesky9> Immersive engineering goes alongside of railcraft very well
L44[14:10:40] <Darkelarious> ack
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L46[14:12:21] <Darkelarious> i see infinity lite here in the list, does that include the cosmetics pack?
L47[14:12:36] <Darkelarious> or can i just add it?
L48[14:13:00] <Forecaster> "the list"?
L49[14:13:59] <Darkelarious> eh, ftb modpacks list*
L50[14:14:36] <Darkelarious> typing on a tablet is a nightmare......
L51[14:15:49] <Darkelarious> i am just trying to find a number of mods to play until i can host a server again
L52[14:16:25] <Forecaster> https://towerofawesome.org/railcraftpack/public_modlist
L53[14:16:41] <Forecaster> these are the mods on the Railcraft patron server
L54[14:16:58] <Forecaster> that's the only pack I'm playing right now
L55[14:17:26] <Darkelarious> nice
L56[14:18:29] <Darkelarious> i guess there isn't a nice zip for those, ready to download, right?
L57[14:18:55] <Forecaster> only if you're a patron I'm afraid
L58[14:19:22] <Darkelarious> yeah, i dont mind donations, but i do dislike patreon
L59[14:20:09] <Darkelarious> maybe for when i can play online again
L60[14:20:24] <Forecaster> why do you dislike patreon?
L61[14:21:20] <Darkelarious> multiple reasons that arenotfunto type on a tablet
L62[14:21:35] <Darkelarious> maybe another timefor discussion
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L67[14:54:32] <vedrit> I understand your pain
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L71[15:10:24] <liach> @swagnillaice the brick buildibg is railcraft workshop
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L84[23:41:43] <swagnillaice> @liach thanks! Nice to know that... will likely end up moving it in my plans to redo the village. With my pickaxe I should be able to grab the manual roller right?
L85[23:42:16] <swagnillaice> I also need to find some sheep and get wool to make a bed.
L86[23:42:34] <swagnillaice> stupid zombie siege
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