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L1[00:56:45] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:1940:fb24:c30f:f3d5) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
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L3[01:37:02] <AngelOfDeath> how do i get the 3d rails
L4[01:40:08] <liach> @AngelOfDeath Pinned message in #add-ons
L5[01:40:39] <AngelOfDeath> yea i knew that duh
L6[01:41:42] <AngelOfDeath> works with 1.10.2 ?
L7[01:48:50] <AngelOfDeath> Very Sexy http://tinyurl.com/y9n6mc8n
L8[01:51:08] <liach> it might not work with some other texture packs though. be careful
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L18[06:01:07] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (WatchtowerOrator!~Watchtowe@
L19[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L20[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/C8_9WIYl5JU - RailcraftLP [Episode 68] - Feature Creep
L21[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: building,ic2,industrialcraft2,reactor,opencomputers,code,lua,programming
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L54[12:59:14] <AngelOfDeath> @liach yes i know this i was useing and old version when i was asking if switch rails where added http://tinyurl.com/ycljnad5
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L61[16:08:49] <AngelOfDeath> im looking for players to help write lua , gui for a market system involving railcraft and opencomputers AE2 is being played with for mas storage its creative mode
L62[16:08:49] <AngelOfDeath> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnTJKTC9TJY
L63[16:09:24] <AngelOfDeath> if any one is intrested message me
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L70[17:38:19] <liach> @CovertJaguar are you sure the old tanks' logics are right? it seems they look for master without checking validity
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L72[18:09:26] <CovertJaguar> I thought they just inherited the logic from the superclass
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L74[18:10:00] <CovertJaguar> Do you have a specific line in mind?
L75[18:10:07] <CovertJaguar> @liach
L76[18:42:39] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L77[18:56:35] <liach> crashes here: https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/blob/mc-1.10.2/src/main/java/mods/railcraft/common/blocks/machine/beta/TileTankIronValve.java#L118
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L79[19:07:28] <AngelOfDeath> why are mod developers so speratic over all the minecraft versions
L80[19:09:01] <AngelOfDeath> what is the best verion of minecraft to use for mods uptodate but still has lots
L81[19:09:03] <Natesky9> because having to nearly rewrite large portions of your code because of an API change is kinda dumb, and mod authors don't want to do it every 3 months
L82[19:09:14] <Natesky9> 1.7.10 is about the most feature-rich version
L83[19:10:11] <Voxel_Friend> hoo boy, gonna be one of those kinds of discussions.
L84[19:10:55] <Voxel_Friend> It honestly depends on which versions has the mods your looking for.
L85[19:11:08] <AngelOfDeath> and documentation for intergration support like OMG
L86[19:11:59] <AngelOfDeath> im useing railcraft and opencomputer mostly but buildcraft is only to 1.12
L87[19:12:25] <AngelOfDeath> i was useing buildcraft
L88[19:12:40] <AngelOfDeath> im moving from 1.7.10 to 1.10.2
L89[19:13:23] <Voxel_Friend> honestly the only thing I use out of buildcraft was the quarry. wish there was a standalone way to destroy chunks like that.
L90[19:13:24] <AngelOfDeath> cause i want 3d rails and im sure it runs alittle better and looks alittle better in mods too
L91[19:13:37] <AngelOfDeath> yea exactly
L92[19:13:45] <AngelOfDeath> i want the quarry and pump
L93[19:14:03] <Natesky9> So many mods have better, less laggy, and less destructive quarries
L94[19:14:23] <Natesky9> Buildcraft is an archaic mod that has all but died off
L95[19:14:51] <Voxel_Friend> I dont use the quarry for resources, I use it for a hole in the ground to sink my base into.
L96[19:15:24] <Voxel_Friend> I have to resort to explosives.
L97[19:15:32] <LuigiHutch> Not really just because it missed a few versions doesn’t mean it’s died off
L98[19:15:47] <AngelOfDeath> i can use steves carts to destroy chunks but it takes time to set it up in survival
L99[19:16:45] <AngelOfDeath> and colects the lava and water kinda
L100[19:16:49] <Voxel_Friend> I feel like steve's carts could use a visual update.
L101[19:17:07] <AngelOfDeath> yup
L102[19:17:37] <Voxel_Friend> the carts look fine, but the blocks and components could use some tlc
L103[19:17:56] <AngelOfDeath> kinda wish i could use steves carts alittle more efectivly with RC
L104[19:18:24] <AngelOfDeath> like a torch cart or mob cage
L105[19:19:07] <AngelOfDeath> or vaccum cart or shooting cart but they pwoer them selfs and wanna push and pull the trains
L106[19:19:08] <Voxel_Friend> honestly a torch cart in railcraft would be dope
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L108[19:19:37] <Natesky9> I always just use lanterns anyway
L109[19:19:54] <Natesky9> I don't like the look of torches everywhere
L110[19:20:02] <AngelOfDeath> or even the mining drills in steves having the ability to offload to coneccted carts
L111[19:20:18] <bball> tunnel bores con do that too
L112[19:20:23] <bball> *can
L113[19:20:44] <AngelOfDeath> yea but the tunnel bore is not really for mining
L114[19:20:53] <bball> fair
L115[19:27:43] <liach> torch cart?
L116[20:02:09] <Voxel_Friend> cart that places torches whenever the tunnel gets too dark
L117[20:06:16] <Natesky9> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L118[20:07:47] <Natesky9> honestly, if you're going to make a tunnel, you're going to light it up anyway, whether in making it or laying the tracks. Very rarely would you have to re-place torches on a section of track. So I don't think there's a point to it
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L122[22:55:37] <watcherman> Did 1.12.2 availible?
L123[22:57:35] <Natesky9> I think it's still 1.10.2
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