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L1[00:03:39] <Thowardus> @CovertJaguar Is your track its own enity so that it can follow its own rules or are you tied into vanilla mechanics for your tracks (rails)?
L2[00:08:10] <Tilk> I actually like pics 1 & 2. Brings me memories! And Also, reminds me. You guys should make the doors of that multiblock craftable for decorative purposes ? looks very nice
L3[00:14:16] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:d190:91c1:6854:ff7e)
L4[02:01:49] <liach> @Thowardus what do you mean? They are just minecart tracks
L5[02:03:53] <liach> I've fixed steam oven textures now!
L6[02:08:04] <Thowardus> that follow minecraft logic if you make them your own entity couldnt you have them follow better logic?
L7[02:08:38] <liach> We use vanilla logic for compatibility with other mods
L8[02:09:01] <liach> we won't modify vanilla logic since that's a coremod's job
L9[02:09:35] <liach> other mods, such as steves carts, botania add minecarts, too
L10[02:10:29] <Thowardus> the east west north south when making a station is problematic when building underground i spend way to much time realigning my track to get the right turning or straight when powered.
L11[02:11:07] <liach> Use a map
L12[02:11:52] <liach> vanilla one or voxel(zan's), reis , journeymap
L13[02:12:03] <liach> Or just F3
L14[02:12:58] <Thowardus> still i would love to be able to signal box when a train should take a spur or stay on the straight
L15[02:13:07] <liach> We can add an item, too. Open an issue if you want
L16[02:13:21] <Thowardus> and not worry if the train is going east west or north south
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L18[02:15:39] <Thowardus> if the issue wouldn't be considered then it would waste my time but I know i can't be the only player that hates Vanilla track/rail operations
L19[02:17:02] <Thowardus> where do i open the issue at?
L20[02:18:35] <Thowardus> is it the minecarts that set the way track/rails function or is it the track/rails that dictate minecart travel?
L21[02:20:28] <Thowardus> why cant you make a track/rails that is vanilla minecart compatible but follows that logic that would make more of a useable track/rail system?
L22[02:20:35] <Forecaster> what's wrong with the switches railcraft adds?
L23[02:21:05] <Thowardus> they still follow vanilla rules don't they?
L24[02:21:46] <Forecaster> what vanilla rules?
L25[02:22:25] <Forecaster> are you using vanilla "switches"?
L26[02:23:16] <Thowardus> have you ever build a track and thought you had it all set up to make a right hand turn when the cart hits the signal track the signal track lights the redstone and turns the track but turns it he wrong way?
L27[02:23:41] <Forecaster> what's a signal track?
L28[02:24:06] <Thowardus> pressure plated track i forget the name of it now..
L29[02:24:25] <Thowardus> its 2:30 in the morning here
L30[02:24:46] <Forecaster> you're gonna have to show a screenshot of the setup that is giving you issues
L31[02:24:56] <Thowardus> ok hang on
L32[02:25:09] <Thowardus> takes a few for my minecraft to start
L33[02:27:26] <liach> @Forecaster Can you give a list of missing machine blocks by priority? I've ported 4 multiblocks
L34[02:27:49] <Forecaster> tanks
L35[02:27:52] <Forecaster> I want tanks
L36[02:28:12] <Forecaster> the tiny tanks on the server are terrible in comparison
L37[02:31:04] <liach> Ah! Then it will be the next!
L38[02:48:50] ⇨ Joins: travis-ci (travis-ci!~travis-ci@ec2-54-204-244-121.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L39[02:48:50] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/c754357e5fbd...260fc4df9990
L40[02:48:50] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/322096085
L41[02:48:50] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#925 (liach-1.10.2 - 260fc4d : liach): The build passed.
L42[03:06:34] <Thowardus> damn it can't find the right world...too tired will get back with you but the tracks in vanilla have to be placed a certian way to get the cart to turn or go straight when the curve is hit with a redstone signal if its not set right then the cart goes in the wrong direction...
L43[03:07:44] <Thowardus> you have to buile like north and east or something to that effect or east and north
L44[03:07:52] <Thowardus> build*
L45[03:08:09] <Thowardus> the signals in railcraft fix that?
L46[03:10:15] <Forecaster> you are using vanilla "switches"...
L47[03:15:30] <Forecaster> @Thowardus use Railcraft switch tracks.
L48[03:15:39] <Forecaster> not vanilla track "switches"
L49[03:16:28] <Forecaster> in 1.10+ you use them by making a vanilla intersection, then right click the switch with a spike maul
L50[03:16:39] <Forecaster> that will convert it into a Railcraft switch track
L51[03:19:37] <liach> @CovertJaguar Can you modify the github bot to report activities in the api and localization repos?
L52[03:22:16] <Thowardus> and the swith track will ignore regular minecarft logic and go the way i want it to?
L53[03:22:22] <Forecaster> yes....
L54[03:22:30] <Forecaster> obviously
L55[03:23:01] <Forecaster> @liach we'll need to add additional webhooks for other repos
L56[03:23:37] <Thowardus> so the switch track is your own enity that allows for vanilla carts and your locos.. without the need for a coremod
L57[03:24:02] <Forecaster> it's not an entity, it's a block
L58[03:25:18] <Thowardus> ok...sorry new to java programing what would be the difference?
L59[03:26:08] <Thowardus> you gave the block the ability to ignore normal minecrat behavior and still act like a vanilla track/rail
L60[03:27:55] <Forecaster> in minecraft, an entity is something like a creature or an item, basically most things that aren't blocks
L61[03:29:38] <Thowardus> so tracks/rails are considered blocks?
L62[03:30:13] <Thowardus> so what determins the behavior of the blocks?
L63[03:30:21] <Forecaster> code...
L64[03:32:07] <Thowardus> so then you had to hook vanilla rail blocks into your code and the carts (I think the carts are blkocks..?) and change the way that vanilla handles the switch...right?
L65[03:38:38] <Forecaster> carts are entities...
L66[03:41:10] <Thowardus> so you change the behaviour of the item (cart) when it reaches a Block (railcraft switch) so that it behaves in the proper fashion?
L67[03:41:56] <Forecaster> yes...
L68[03:42:09] <Forecaster> except a placed minecart is not the same thing as an item...
L69[03:42:40] <Thowardus> oof ok so what is a placed minecart if no longer a item?
L70[03:45:44] <Thowardus> please forgive me if I am asking too many questions... the last time i tried to mod for minecraft there were block and item limits and the world wasn't infinate it was like really quite small
L71[03:48:10] <Thowardus> from what i understand now the limits have been removed
L72[03:48:35] <Thowardus> no more id numbers to worry about
L73[03:52:33] <Thowardus> which makes it easier to put a modpak toghether as you dont have id conflicts anymore but you still have recipe conflicts...
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L75[04:27:35] <CovertJaguar> there are still limits and ids, they are just larger and generally managed automatically instead of having to assign them yourself
L76[04:28:10] <CovertJaguar> minecart are both an item and an entity, the item places the entity in the world
L77[04:28:25] <CovertJaguar> the cart asks the track block how to behaive
L78[04:28:29] <CovertJaguar> when it passes over
L79[04:32:55] <Forecaster> that's why I said "a placed minecart is not the same as an item" :P
L80[04:33:31] <Forecaster> if you throw the item on the ground though, it's a minecart that's an enity, and an item
L81[04:33:45] <Forecaster> if you throw the item on the ground though, it's a minecart that's an entity, and an item [Edited]
L82[04:35:28] <Forecaster> new channel #showcase
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L84[05:32:27] <Kodos> Herro, just popping in to check the status of the emblem fix
L85[05:33:10] <Forecaster> probably not right at the top of the list of things to do right now :P
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L87[07:44:39] <Kodos> Indeed, but given what else is broken with it, I'd imagine it's not bottom of the list either ?
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L91[11:27:49] <Thowardus> ok thanks that helps me understand a bit beter
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L109[13:44:29] <Nokinoki> Can someone help me xD I was playing with world edit and replace an Huge are with sand. Th eproblem is that I'm playing on skyblock and the falling sand is crasfhing my game xD Is there a way to replace sand file with e.g. air or normal block ?
L110[13:45:57] <Forecaster> use replace?
L111[13:46:26] <bball> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/xanibelega in 1.11 and below
L112[13:46:26] <bball> Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/iravovefin in 1.12 and above
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L114[14:39:24] ⇦ Quits: Icedream (Icedream!~icedream@has.streaminginter.net) (Quit: A lol made me boom.)
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L118[15:07:52] <Forecaster> On Saturday we resume regular programming, with a video containing more programming
L119[15:08:11] <bball> lol
L120[15:08:40] <Forecaster> bringing us closed to bringing the reactor online
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L128[18:36:15] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
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L132[20:08:20] <Kodos> Ayyy
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L134[20:42:54] <Natesky9> Lmao
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L138[21:42:43] <liach> @CovertJaguar You need to update the latest version on railcraft.info
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L141[22:33:20] <liach> Can we revive railcraft?
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L143[22:47:04] <Kodos> In what context?
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