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L1[00:10:16] <Jmari0> For thoese of you reading with no idea
L2[00:10:19] <Jmari0> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply
L3[00:10:40] <Jmari0> For those of you reading with no idea [Edited]
L4[01:05:10] <Forecaster> I'd have to measure the server power usage to make sure it could last at least 15 minutes or so
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L8[03:22:30] <Jmari0> What are the specs?
L9[03:24:31] <Jmari0> or, at least, what power supply do you have.
L10[03:27:00] <liach> @Jmari0 Please go to #off-topic for this discussion
L11[03:27:08] <liach> Thanks!
L12[03:30:58] <Jmari0> ok~ay
L13[04:44:19] <Forecaster> I don't remember
L14[04:44:35] <Forecaster> probably 400
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L18[07:52:13] <Player> in europe an ups is imo a bad idea
L19[07:52:31] <Player> they tend to fail more often by themselves than the grid power
L20[07:56:09] <LizzyTheSiren> at work our UPSes are constantly in use because the input mains voltage from the grid fluctuates by about +/-5V, which for a simple computer pulling 300W max is fine. not so much for an entire server stack pulling probably about 12kW
L21[07:58:24] ⇨ Joins: [Enrico] (~chiccoroc@2001:41d0:8:d518:192::1003)
L22[08:04:58] <Forecaster> Player you mean europe make bad UPS units?
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L24[09:01:18] <Player> no, ups units aren't 100% reliable in general - likely less reliable than what you get from the socket
L25[09:02:12] <Player> +-5V must not cause problems btw, the allowed voltage range on the grid is much larger
L26[09:04:51] <Forecaster> probably depends what you pay for one
L27[09:05:04] <Forecaster> I'm sure the cheap ones are particularly unreliable
L28[09:05:52] <Player> well my reference is mostly the more expensive apc units
L29[09:08:30] <Player> and with a regular outage only every several years, the reliability requirements for an overall improvement are quite tough..
L30[09:09:05] <Forecaster> maybe I should just make it auto-start when power comes back :P
L31[09:09:38] <Forecaster> we've got a vent fan that starts going when power's been out
L32[09:09:50] <Forecaster> the switch relies on the ground connection in some way
L33[09:09:59] <Forecaster> that should be all that's needed
L34[09:10:31] <Player> should be just a bios setting..
L35[09:11:14] <Forecaster> does all BIOS systems support that?
L36[09:12:10] <Player> probably not for every desktop mainboard, you'll have to check
L37[09:12:42] <Forecaster> it'd require shutting the server down though :|
L38[09:13:11] <Player> manual? :P
L39[09:14:02] <Forecaster> I don't know what the motherboard is
L40[09:15:08] <Player> dmidecode
L41[09:19:27] <Forecaster> Apparently it's an Asus P5G41T-M LX3
L42[09:22:13] <Michiyo> @Forecaster, "Restore on AC Power Loss [Power Off]"
L43[09:22:24] <Michiyo> for the P5G41T-M LX, I can't find the manual for the LX3
L44[09:22:36] <Forecaster> Might we worth checking then
L45[09:22:46] <Michiyo> anyway, set it to Last State, or Power On
L46[09:25:20] <Forecaster> then I just need to figure out getting the screen session set up the way I want it on startup
L47[09:26:08] <Hanakocz> in europe, you can get really cheap server housing in datacenters...
L48[09:27:10] <Forecaster> I like not having to pay for harddrive space
L49[09:27:27] <Forecaster> well, more than the one-time cost of buying the drives
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L51[09:29:19] <Hanakocz> well, yea, the thing is that you pay for it anyways by buying it for yourself. And then you pay for electricity anyways. The thing is that if things go wrong, datacentre covers the costs for new equipment itself, your own home server might be gone for good. But if you have good conditions, it is probably better to have own, but that is usually not a case for average people
L52[09:29:57] <Forecaster> You assume two things, that I'm average, and that I'm the one paying for the power :P
L53[09:30:54] <Forecaster> and an average harddrive can last years without failing
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L58[11:50:13] <Forecaster> hm
L59[11:50:19] <Forecaster> slight issue...
L60[11:50:30] <Forecaster> I don't think I can run things as sudo in screenrc
L61[11:50:59] <Forecaster> and the Idea license server needs to be started with sudo
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