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L34[17:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a
new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L36[17:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on
this video: crafting,building,railcraft,minecart
L37[17:02:07] ⇦
Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host
closed the connection)
<Forecaster> Uh
<Forecaster> Dammit
what's wrong
<Forecaster> That wasn't supposed
to publish yet
L42[17:17:41] ⇦
Quits: Vexatos
(Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye β)
<Forecaster> I'll have to re
upload it tomorrow morning and have it re publish at the correct
time... :|
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