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L1[00:02:34] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@ip70-171-63-205.ga.at.cox.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[00:07:13] <daniel> @liach: no need for a bouncer with a machine that is pretty much always on ?
L3[00:08:53] <liach> i cannot login that often... hexchat is cpu eating
L4[00:09:02] <TriTUSK> why hexchat?
L5[00:09:15] <TriTUSK> i use both irssi and weechat
L6[00:10:02] <TriTUSK> (it depends on which workspace i am using tho, right now i am in the workspace where i have irssi installed)
L7[00:58:47] <liach> discord is not banned in china
L8[00:58:49] <liach> is it?
L9[00:59:29] <liach> @TartaricAcid Is on discord
L10[00:59:52] <liach> And there's a chinese channel on discord @TriTUSK
L11[01:02:32] <TriTUSK> https://xkcd.com/1782/
L12[01:11:34] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (~chead@node-1w7jr9qohyzeua9fb02uvb7c0.ipv6.telus.net)
L13[01:21:22] <liach> just stop.using irc
L14[01:25:17] <Forecaster> he can use what he wants
L15[01:25:23] <Forecaster> there's a link to irc for a reason
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L20[02:14:37] <LizzyTheSiren> ^
L21[02:36:09] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 (~chead@node-1w7jr9qohyzeua9fb02uvb7c0.ipv6.telus.net) (Quit: Leaving.)
L22[03:00:42] <Raffnyx> Hello I have a question it would be possible the rail door of 1.10 also in 1.7.10 embed Please.
L23[03:00:42] <Raffnyx> I know that they do not really develop the 1.7.10 in itself but it would help a lot of people to use the rail craft with computercraft or open computers or other automations that are being laid underground.
L24[03:00:43] <Raffnyx> I would be very happy to receive this one extension with best regards Raffnyx
L25[03:01:27] <Forecaster> rail door?
L26[03:01:28] <Forecaster> what?
L27[03:03:15] <Forecaster> I'm thinking this was google translated or something
L28[03:39:28] <LizzyTheSiren> @Raffnyx what do you mean by "Rail Door"? Could you provide a picture of the block you are referring to?
L29[03:41:59] <Raffnyx> this is the trapdoor rail
L30[03:42:23] <Raffnyx> but yes make you a picture of the rail
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L34[04:01:06] <nythawk2> lol
L35[04:10:24] ⇨ Joins: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E4C191875F276C801917BF0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L36[04:10:48] <Forecaster> although regardless the changes in 1.10 will not be backported to 1.7
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L43[09:15:14] <TartaricAcid> @liach yes, we can use discord.
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L60[13:52:06] <bball> i think hes talking about gated track, which does exist in 1.7.10
L61[14:09:49] <Forecaster> I think they may be talking about the trapdoor track or whatever it's called
L62[14:10:05] <bball> the dumping track?
L63[14:10:15] <Forecaster> that one
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L67[15:57:41] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L68[16:07:53] <Pedro Oliveira> will version 1.11.2 be worked?
L69[16:08:14] <bball> eventually
L70[16:08:45] <Pedro Oliveira> Do you have any predictions of when you leave? I'm really anxious about mod
L71[16:09:21] <bball> No, we always say Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/zidepekepu
L72[16:10:17] <Pedro Oliveira> Ah yes, thank you.
L73[17:09:49] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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