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L9[02:17:46] <iamamitten> can Hobbyist's Steam Engines explode?
L10[02:19:36] <Forecaster> no
L11[02:19:36] <Forecaster> or well yes
L12[02:19:36] <Forecaster> if you put water into it when it's hot
L13[02:19:36] <Forecaster> and completely empty of water
L14[02:22:19] <iamamitten> what if I have it setup like this? https://i.imgur.com/MrDyBxl.png
L15[02:22:53] <Forecaster> if you're not actually using the boiler in the engine then no
L16[02:22:56] <Forecaster> it wont explode
L17[02:23:02] <iamamitten> okay, cool
L18[02:23:09] <iamamitten> so I don't need to worry, thanks
L19[02:23:18] <Forecaster> engines don't explode because of pressure, they never have
L20[02:23:19] <iamamitten> if it does explode...
L21[02:23:57] <iamamitten> oh boy, I hit the point where it's voiding all excess power immediately after unpausing the game
L22[02:24:05] <iamamitten> thanks again!
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L31[08:43:47] <darkelarious> aloha
L32[08:44:05] <darkelarious> is there a reason why RC is not in 1.12's direwolf20 pack?
L33[08:47:26] <Forecaster> because there is no 1.12 version yet
L34[08:47:52] <darkelarious> ow
L35[08:48:10] <darkelarious> I completely overlooked that part
L36[08:48:26] <Darkelarious> (might as well continue on discord)
L37[08:49:11] <Darkelarious> is it scheduled for 1.12 already? or not for a while?
L38[08:50:12] <Hanakocz> it needs some time, and we still are on 1.10 yet
L39[08:50:30] <Darkelarious> I was curious, since I haven't seen a modpack without railcraft for a while
L40[08:50:52] <Forecaster> once the 1.10 version is feature complete we'll move on to the other versions
L41[08:51:02] <Hanakocz> blame mojang for not making the mod api, as they were talking about it years ago and still you need rewrite mods quite a lot with every version
L42[08:51:15] <Darkelarious> I can imagine that it's easier to finish one version, than to maintain the same code for two versions.
L43[08:51:17] <Forecaster> the mod api would not help...
L44[08:52:33] <Darkelarious> i also don't understand why minecraft is in need of so many successive upgrades
L45[08:53:05] <Darkelarious> I can understand adding new functions, but why the continuous upgrades..
L46[08:53:30] <Forecaster> it's the jump from 1.7 to 1.10 that is the major step
L47[08:53:31] <Hanakocz> they need more colorful moneygrabs
L48[08:53:41] <Forecaster> from 1.10 to 1.11/1.12 will be relatively minor
L49[08:53:53] <Forecaster> @Hanakocz people don't pay for updates...
L50[08:54:20] <Darkelarious> be happy you don't need to make a transaction for every dungeon or mob spawning
L51[08:54:22] <Hanakocz> ya, but new children don't have an account yet and need some peer pressure that the game is still alive xD
L52[08:54:43] <Forecaster> I don't see what that has to do with updates
L53[08:55:03] <Darkelarious> it makes sense,
L54[08:55:16] <Darkelarious> would you buy a "10 year old game" or "latest minecraft version"?
L55[08:55:47] <Hanakocz> "look, we added new colorful parrots" is definetly a selling point
L56[08:55:56] <Forecaster> well yeah
L57[08:55:57] <Darkelarious> wait, there's parrots now?
L58[08:56:08] <Forecaster> the alternative is they stop updating and the game stagnates
L59[08:56:18] <Forecaster> I prefer the former
L60[08:57:30] <Darkelarious> still, additions do not necessarily require complete recoding of a mod
L61[08:58:42] <Forecaster> sometimes you have to update the core to improve things
L62[08:58:55] <Forecaster> that's just the way of software development
L63[08:59:16] <Darkelarious> still, there's such a thing as backward compatibility
L64[08:59:47] <Forecaster> that severely limits what you can actually change though
L65[09:00:20] <Darkelarious> i guess i'm thinking too modular afteral
L66[09:00:23] <Darkelarious> after all*
L67[09:00:53] <Darkelarious> i would have designed minecraft as an empty core, where all mobs, blocks and functions are actually mods -- that way you keep the core and the content separate
L68[09:00:53] <Hanakocz> well, they do only forward compatibility, no backwards
L69[09:00:59] <Darkelarious> ah well
L70[09:01:21] <Darkelarious> eitherway, thanks for the enlightenment. I patiently will await the 1.12 version.
L71[09:01:36] <Hanakocz> if you load world map in older save, the "unknown" blocks will jsut get deleted
L72[09:01:47] <Forecaster> @Darkelarious I doubt Notch thought that far ahead when he started his tiny project like a decade ago :P
L73[09:01:53] <Darkelarious> true
L74[09:01:55] <Darkelarious> very true
L75[09:02:01] <Darkelarious> but it's not too late for that approach
L76[09:02:14] <Darkelarious> and you would no longer depend on FML or bukkit, which could be considered a win too
L77[09:02:26] <Hanakocz> because of that forward compatibility, you need to do step by step upgrades, though
L78[09:02:56] <Hanakocz> I like how factorio handles mods
L79[09:03:14] <Forecaster> that's basically the approach @Darkelarious talked about
L80[09:03:19] <Forecaster> the main game is just a mod
L81[09:03:25] <Forecaster> or wait, was that Rimworld
L82[09:03:28] <Forecaster> hm
L83[09:04:15] <Hanakocz> well still, it has official support and then it can go long way forward.
L84[09:07:27] <Darkelarious> true
L85[09:08:03] <Darkelarious> and it's not fair to say either that this update system has no potential for future expansions
L86[09:09:58] <Forecaster> well, the more they replace the core systems the less they have to drastically change in the future :P
L87[09:17:23] <Darkelarious> i still am hoping for a non-java version
L88[09:17:33] <Darkelarious> would be awesome to have minecraft in Unreal Engine 4 :P
L89[09:17:46] <Darkelarious> but highly unrealistic that it'll happen
L90[09:17:54] <Forecaster> I don't see what that would add
L91[09:18:12] <Forecaster> it'd basically have to re-written also
L92[09:18:54] <Darkelarious> ++ for java is that it's multiplatform and easy to program, -- for java is that it's slow, uses a lot of cpu and ram
L93[09:19:33] <Darkelarious> ++ for a specific engine is that it will eventually be easier to program, but -- that you need a new version for the different OSes, you need to rewrite everything and mods need to be built from scratch
L94[09:19:47] <Darkelarious> ow, and ++ that it may be faster/more efficient in use
L95[09:20:03] <Darkelarious> but i don't think that weighs up to the pros and cons from java
L96[09:20:31] <Darkelarious> ah well
L97[09:20:55] <Darkelarious> i'll add railcraft to 1.12 when it gets to that stage, plenty of other mods to work through before that point
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L106[11:07:45] <Player> java isn't slow, especially for mc most of the time is wasted independently
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