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L8[01:52:32] <Heimbad> hey I'm trying to set up the railroad system on my server, and I was wondering where I could find the most up-to-date info about how everything works? The wiki isn't very detailed and seems outdated.. the best I found so far were Forecaster's tutorials -- is most of what's in there still the same in 1.10.2?
L9[01:53:21] <Heimbad> Also, I'd like to know just how many transition tracks I need to get to and from max speed for high speed rails? I saw 9 in a couple videos, but it feels like something around 4 is just as fast..?
L10[02:17:56] <Forecaster> 4-6 should do, it depends a bit on the train size
L11[02:18:16] <Forecaster> and yes, it's mostly the same still
L12[02:42:51] <Heimbad> alright, tyvm ?
L13[02:43:09] <Heimbad> and thx for your videos too! they're a bit lenghty, but very informative ?
L14[02:43:42] <Forecaster> can't be helped when there's a lot of information to share I'm afraid :P
L15[02:43:55] <Heimbad> hehe yeah ?
L16[02:44:51] <Forecaster> Though in the future I'm probably going to make shorter videos about more specific things, which means some of them will be shorter
L17[02:45:46] <Heimbad> sounds like a good idea -- this way it'll be easier/faster to find just what we need exactly
L18[02:46:06] <Forecaster> others, like the one that will re-cover signalling will probably be long still, because it's one big subject
L19[02:46:07] <Heimbad> still, keep up the good work! those videos are a lifesaver to get to understand this awesome mod ?
L20[02:46:38] <Forecaster> though maybe I'll split that up into parts or something
L21[02:46:59] <Heimbad> I liked the practical examples, like in the routing one, on how to make a 3-way junction
L22[02:47:24] <Forecaster> we'll see, I'm holding of on making new videos until a feature complete 1.10 version is done
L23[02:47:33] <Forecaster> holding off*
L24[02:47:35] <Heimbad> and the supply station was nice too, you even pointed out its big flaw ?
L25[02:47:50] <Heimbad> (which I would've missed lol)
L26[02:48:00] <Forecaster> I don't even remember that
L27[02:48:24] <Heimbad> it was that if a train is low on coal AND the supply is also low on coal, it would just keep going round and round
L28[02:49:06] <Heimbad> well I hope that was you anyway... lol
L29[02:49:26] <Heimbad> oh yeah, in the Railcraft Routing Tutorial
L30[02:49:35] <Forecaster> ah, yeah
L31[02:51:45] <Heimbad> If I may ask, in your future videos, can you make sure to point out if something is from a different mod? I haven't seen that it was a problem in your vids, but I've seen it in other older tutorials.. If something needs another mod to work, just point it out -- main example that comes to my mind is with electric rails.. I think you can't really use that without other mods that include some sort of electricity/RF generation
L32[02:52:12] <Forecaster> you can
L33[02:52:21] <Heimbad> oh
L34[02:52:21] <Forecaster> the turbine provides power
L35[02:52:23] <LizzyTheSiren> in the 1.10 versions RC has it's own power system
L36[02:52:27] <Heimbad> oooh
L37[02:52:32] <Forecaster> though it's not in the 1.10 version yet of course
L38[02:52:36] <LizzyTheSiren> oh
L39[02:52:42] <Heimbad> hehehe
L40[02:52:42] <LizzyTheSiren> well whatever
L41[02:53:12] <Heimbad> alright well, I guess that's an example of why it's a good idea for you to wait for all the features to be implemented then lol
L42[02:53:21] <Forecaster> in 1.10 you require IC2, since only the feeder exists, and it only takes charge or EU
L43[02:53:50] <Heimbad> ah well that's what I mean anyway
L44[02:53:59] <Heimbad> if there's anything like that, just to point it out ?
L45[02:54:13] <LizzyTheSiren> you could use power converter mod if you have a lot of RF/FE based stuff
L46[02:54:14] <Forecaster> Charge has always been used by the tracks by the way, the difference now is that all the machines use it internally in railcraft, such as the Rolling Machine
L47[02:54:39] <Forecaster> well, just the rolling machine
L48[02:54:53] <Heimbad> that power thing was my very first question in this chat several months ago, because I just couldn't figure out how to make that stuff work and after a lot of time trying to figure out the answer, I was told here that it just needed another mod lol
L49[02:55:22] <Forecaster> yeah, but once the boilers and turbine is re-added you wont
L50[02:56:03] <Heimbad> yeah I avoided using those power-generating mods cuz they all came with other stuff I didn't want possible in the world.. I know I *could*'ve removed them manually or just avoided using them, but I preferred to just keep clear
L51[02:56:13] <Heimbad> ok that's cool then ?
L52[02:57:03] <LizzyTheSiren> i donlt think the ones i used ever came with extra stuff, but then again when i last played with RC in survival it was on 1.7.10
L53[02:57:03] <Heimbad> I was very happy to see that the signal blocks (the ones with the lights showing clearly) were re-added in the last update.. that is definitely something I want to use hehe
L54[02:57:33] <LizzyTheSiren> i donlt think the ones i used ever came with extra stuff, but then again when i last played with RC in survival it was on 1.7.10 and didn't need the power converter mods [Edited]
L55[02:57:40] <Heimbad> Lizzy: yeah Forecaster seems to say that it was included before.. just not ported to the new version yet
L56[02:57:55] <LizzyTheSiren> yeah, a few of the multiblocks are still in process
L57[02:57:57] <Heimbad> I haven't played with railcraft in any earlier version than 1.10.2
L58[02:58:10] <Forecaster> no multiblocks have been ported yet
L59[02:58:31] <LizzyTheSiren> IIRC something between 1.7.10 and 1.10.2 changed the way they work so ^ what forecaster saud
L60[02:58:34] <LizzyTheSiren> *said
L61[02:58:49] <Forecaster> a lot of things take a lot of time to convert to the new model system
L62[02:58:56] <Forecaster> such as the signal lights
L63[02:59:03] <Forecaster> the boxes were easy because they're simple
L64[02:59:15] <Forecaster> the lights weren't as simple
L65[02:59:15] <Heimbad> well while we're here, maybe you can help me with another question.. what's the best way to link signals in a long/high slope? do I need to add relays every 4 blocks?
L66[02:59:43] <LizzyTheSiren> as long as the track is going straight, you can just use the linker to link them
L67[02:59:47] <LizzyTheSiren> *surveyor
L68[02:59:57] <Forecaster> I'd use a token signal for a slope
L69[03:00:13] <Heimbad> oh, I thought it wouldn't work for more than like 4 blocks difference in altitude
L70[03:00:29] <Forecaster> a token signal should, I think
L71[03:00:39] <Forecaster> they don't work the same as regular signals
L72[03:00:53] <LizzyTheSiren> nope, any straight peice of track will work, though for ease with slopes a token signal would be best
L73[03:01:09] <Heimbad> ok cool I'll use that ? thx a bunch both of you!
L74[03:01:21] <LizzyTheSiren> otherwise if you have another track running underneath the slope one it'll confuse the slope signals
L75[03:01:26] <Forecaster> signals don't look up or down more than four blocks no
L76[03:01:46] <LizzyTheSiren> @Forecaster i thought that was just for the track they 'connect' to?
L77[03:01:53] <Forecaster> no
L78[03:02:13] <Forecaster> there's a maximum height difference between the two block signals
L79[03:02:35] <Forecaster> if I recall correctly
L80[03:02:37] <LizzyTheSiren> oh, was that there in 1.7.10? i remember having quite long inclines
L81[03:02:47] <Forecaster> I think so
L82[03:02:52] <Forecaster> I'm unsure now...
L83[03:03:22] <LizzyTheSiren> hmm, well i guess it didn't work because i had a tunnel that dropped about 20 or so blocks and only had the relay boxes at the top and bottom
L84[03:03:31] <Heimbad> I'm gonna try to test it out right now... it'll take a while though I haven't even tried to do any signal yet, I only watched videos so far hehe
L85[03:04:10] <LizzyTheSiren> unless it changed, i thought that the signal relay boxes would make a 'capture' area with the signal boxes being in the opisite corners of the detection block
L86[03:04:52] <LizzyTheSiren> hence sometimes having to have multiple relay boxes to shrink the size of those detection ranges if you had another track passing under it
L87[03:07:21] <LizzyTheSiren> i'll be testing the limits of stuff soon as i'm in the process of making an automated rail network of sorts in creative. I'll maybe even stream some of it sometimes
L88[03:08:41] <LizzyTheSiren> and maybe i'll also finish my oc control suite stuff
L89[03:10:19] <Heimbad> well, this worked.. http://tinyurl.com/y8sjb5bl
L90[03:10:42] <Heimbad> both are block signals
L91[03:12:08] <Forecaster> hm, maybe I just remembered wrong
L92[03:12:47] <Heimbad> I guess lizzy was right and the 4 blocks limit is only to detect the closest rail, and not to "follow" the rail
L93[03:13:12] <Heimbad> anyway, I guess that fixes the problem I thought I would have hehe
L94[03:14:41] <LizzyTheSiren> try placing a rail underneath the slopped track and put a cart on it. IIRC that'll trigger the block signals
L95[03:15:32] <Heimbad> yup, it does
L96[03:16:54] <Heimbad> but only while the cart is directly underneath the rail, so that would turn the signal red for only a fraction of a second in any practical situation
L97[03:17:02] <Heimbad> so I guess it wouldn't be too much of a problem
L98[03:18:02] <Heimbad> well, unless maybe I start adding automated trains like crazy ?
L99[03:19:19] <LizzyTheSiren> yeah, that's the reason i would have multiple relay boxes (though now you can just use a token signal) would be to shrink the detection area
L100[03:19:43] <Heimbad> alright, I'll try to keep that in mind ?
L101[03:27:18] <LizzyTheSiren> though if you do have long/large slopes, token signals would be your best bet. they were not in the 1.7.10 version
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L109[06:03:16] <Hanakocz> !!!
L110[06:03:17] <Hanakocz> https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/298988093996793856/377783782641762312/thaumic_news.png?width=400&height=295
L111[06:03:17] <Hanakocz> !!!¨
L112[06:12:07] <Hanakocz> the thing that he got back to it went completely under my radar O_o
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L114[06:12:37] <Forecaster> I thought it died
L115[06:12:52] <Forecaster> then again I don't really care about it, so no surprise there :P
L116[06:16:01] <Hanakocz> even though it is too magic, it was always cool mod that fitted well with railcraft ?
L117[06:28:32] <Forecaster> I've never really been a fan of high-magic mods
L118[06:30:50] <Cream Tea> I forgot
L119[06:30:56] <Cream Tea> is there a downside to using charcoal
L120[06:30:59] <Cream Tea> instead of coal?
L121[06:31:12] <Cream Tea> I'm in a massive forest so charcoal is more sustainable.
L122[06:32:01] <Forecaster> it has a lower fuel value
L123[06:32:18] <Cream Tea> By much?
L124[06:32:48] <Cream Tea> 74 charcoal seems to be enough to get me from one end to the other
L125[06:32:55] <Cream Tea> with a full chest cart behind.
L126[06:32:56] <Forecaster> oh wait, no apparently they're the same
L127[06:33:04] <Forecaster> huh, I thought there was a difference
L128[06:33:08] <Cream Tea> Same
L129[06:33:11] <Cream Tea> I thought that
L130[06:33:36] <Hanakocz> also afaik you cannot use charcoal to turn it into coalcoke (even though with only RC you cannot do that anyways, YET)
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L132[06:33:46] <Cream Tea> ya
L133[06:33:48] <Forecaster> ah
L134[06:33:50] <Cream Tea> I just use it as charcoal.
L135[06:33:51] <Forecaster> it used to be lower
L136[06:33:56] <Forecaster> but it was undone
L137[06:33:58] <Cream Tea> It uses it up more
L138[06:34:00] <Cream Tea> but I mean
L139[06:34:00] <Forecaster> during 1.7
L140[06:34:09] <Cream Tea> the amount of trees here means I can still use it as a viable fuel source.
L141[06:34:44] <Forecaster> https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/blob/a8d71964ee213feca0aded85ff825c245ae70dfe/src/main/resources/change_log.txt#L761
L142[06:36:37] <Cream Tea> Hurry up with that diesel engine ?
L143[06:36:59] <Cream Tea> I wanna be able to use fuel or ethanol.
L144[06:37:05] <Cream Tea> ?
L145[06:37:40] <Forecaster> it wont use either of those
L146[06:37:57] <Forecaster> it will use bio-diesel
L147[06:59:19] <andsim> ghost still happening how long it go
L148[06:59:32] <andsim> ghost still happening how long it go back normal [Edited]
L149[06:59:55] <andsim> train as io m talking about
L150[07:10:18] <Mimiru> Til November 10th
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L165[13:21:03] <Heimbad> I personally like that it's not only the one day, on Oct. 31
L166[13:21:16] <Heimbad> so easy to miss out when it's only one day ?
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L182[18:41:19] <Natesky9> Charcoal = Coal
L183[18:41:28] <Natesky9> Coal coke > coal
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