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L15[06:10:07] <Kodos> Damn, I'd have sworn I could use adv item unloaders to move stuff into the bottom port of an IE silo
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L18[06:16:58] <Kodos> Okey doke, Storage Crates it is
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L27[10:40:42] <mogazor> Hi, i was looking forward to using Railcraft's liquid steam boiler for producing steam, but I understand it's not available yet in MC 1.10 :\ I was wondering if anyone had alternate suggestions I can use in the meantime please?
L28[10:42:54] <Forecaster> I don't think there are any other mods than have an equivalent system
L29[10:43:41] <liach> rc is moving away from steam
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L33[10:44:41] <mogazor> oh ?
L34[10:44:58] <mogazor> so the steam boiler isn't going to be reappear?
L35[10:45:09] <LuigiHutch> It is? I thought it was just moving away from rf?
L36[10:45:22] <Forecaster> what... no we're not
L37[10:45:38] <mogazor> phew!
L38[10:46:04] <mogazor> I guess that makes sense, since locomotives are steam powered ?
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L41[10:48:00] <mogazor> Whilst I'm here, does anyone happen to know if there is an estimated timeline for when the steam boilers will be back please?
L42[10:48:11] <Forecaster> no, sorry
L43[10:48:18] <Michiyo> Right about when they're released.
L44[10:48:20] <mogazor> understood
L45[10:48:21] <Michiyo> Sorry...
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L47[10:49:05] <mogazor> I'll need to do some research and find an alternate power source in the meantime, thanks anyway!
L48[10:49:24] <Forecaster> get an ic2 reactor running :P
L49[10:50:03] <mogazor> IC2 was cool, but I kinda went off it.
L50[10:50:31] <mogazor> I prefer to use renewable energy sources
L51[10:54:20] <liach> @mogazor 10.3.0
L52[10:54:37] <liach> The planned version
L53[10:54:53] <liach> contributions will make it faster
L54[10:56:22] <liach> also dependent on if we devs want to or have time to code
L55[10:57:18] <liach> I suggest ic2 wind turbines for clean energy
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L57[10:59:04] <Michiyo> easiest idea, is to just create a microverse, make time inside it move faster than time outside it, wait til life evolves, go inside, give them the gift of power, but siphon off like 80% of that power and use it yourself..
L58[10:59:47] <Michiyo> then just stay really drunk like all the time, and go on adventures and stuff.
L59[11:00:01] <Michiyo> and hope they don't have the same idea.
L60[11:00:03] <LizzyTheSiren> Michiyo, what have i said about exposing our plans for world domination!? :P
L61[11:00:10] <Michiyo> Oh umm...
L62[11:00:11] <Michiyo> crap.
L63[11:07:50] <Forecaster> I wouldn't mind as long as they kept giving me 80% of the power they get from their miniverse
L64[11:12:20] <liach> /kill LizzyTheSiren
L65[11:12:36] <Forecaster> please stop doing that
L66[11:14:30] <LizzyTheSiren> That's not very nice, is it?
L67[11:14:43] <Kodos> Did you kill him back?
L68[11:15:45] <LizzyTheSiren> well, i mean he didn't manage to succeed
L69[11:40:17] <vigilian> Do we have an estimation of how much items is already accessible in the new version of railcraft from the old version?
L70[11:40:50] <Forecaster> the only major part that hasn't been ported yet is multiblocks I believe
L71[11:41:04] <vigilian> that's it you think?
L72[11:41:14] <vigilian> so tank and all tools which were in multiblocks then?
L73[11:41:25] <Forecaster> what?
L74[11:42:15] <vigilian> all the things that were using mutliblocks like steel tanks and steam turbine ?
L75[11:43:16] <Forecaster> what else would I be talking about?
L76[11:43:40] <vigilian> I don't knwo man!!! come one lol I was just asking for a clarification ^^
L77[11:43:51] <vigilian> okey so nearly done then
L78[11:45:40] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L79[11:47:22] <Forecaster> I wouldn't say that, the multiblocks make up a pretty large part of railcraft
L80[11:55:56] <vigilian> that's sad, I was trying to evaluate time before a possibility to have the 1.12
L81[12:00:54] <Forecaster> you're better off not doing that
L82[12:02:52] <LizzyTheSiren> Take the time you estimated then add another month to it for every question of "when 1.12 release?"
L83[12:03:10] <vigilian> oh come on guys
L84[12:03:18] <vigilian> don't be so harsh
L85[12:03:40] <vigilian> y ou know that's only because more and more mods are doing their transition to 1.12
L86[12:04:05] <vigilian> and they don't keep support for 1.10 progressively
L87[12:23:23] <LuigiHutch> People only have so much time. if CJ wants to work on 1.10, he can work on 1.10. Begging people into doing things you want doesn't help, it's more demotivating than anything
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L89[12:23:43] <Janrupf> Hi
L90[12:24:29] <vigilian> Have I begged? don't think so. I was making an estimation on my own based on what it has previously been said on this particular chan about it
L91[12:26:32] <Janrupf> Hey, I need soe Help, os there a way to link a singalreciver and a motor-switch to one signal?
L92[12:27:48] <Forecaster> Janrupf no
L93[12:28:29] <Janrupf> Ok, thank you
L94[12:28:45] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077_ (~Cast0077@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L95[12:28:49] <Forecaster> you have to split using a receiver and two controllers
L96[12:29:56] <Janrupf> I trying to make a computercraft controller, so it needs feedback if there is a train on the track. I going to try this ;)
L97[12:30:24] <Forecaster> Janrupf get computronics
L98[12:30:37] <Forecaster> it has a digital receiver you can use
L99[12:30:50] <Forecaster> I think it's compatible with computercraft
L100[12:31:27] <Janrupf> Hmm, how could it help me?
L101[12:31:53] <Forecaster> you can read it directly with the computer instead of doing it with redstone
L102[12:32:00] <Forecaster> and it can connect to multiple sources
L103[12:32:06] <Forecaster> up to 30 or something I think
L104[12:32:07] <Janrupf> well, thats nice
L105[12:32:57] <Janrupf> now im going to rewrite 3 hours of work xD (lua scripting and project red cabel placing)
L106[12:37:19] <liach> @vigilian If I have time I can move the mod to 1.12 in one day, but I don't have time
L107[12:37:49] <liach> We are fixing multiblocks first
L108[12:39:19] <vigilian> no problem liach as I said it was just an estimation nad before it has been said that railcraft has to be finished or nearly finished first then moving to another version. (Yes before asking quesiton I do search) So don't worry it was not begging just wondering about how much items were lacking from the actual alpuha version of railcraft. But thanks for the clarificaiton anyway ?
L109[12:39:26] <vigilian> @liach
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L112[12:41:40] <CovertJaguar> I want to get the posts done before september, then we can push out 10.2.0. If I have time after that I'll see about pushing a build for 1.11
L113[12:41:59] <CovertJaguar> anyway, that's the current plan
L114[12:42:13] <CovertJaguar> 1.12 will come at some point after that
L115[12:44:18] <vigilian> no prob CJ ? and again thanks for the clarification ? I just don't like being taken for an idiot or that people are being harsh about something that they actually over-interprated. Take all the time you need anyway, it's your mod. I just have to manage problem of logistics here.
L116[12:44:45] * Kodos grumbles something about too many cooks in the kitchen
L117[12:44:47] <Forecaster> oh yeah, posts
L118[12:45:11] <vigilian> and by the way i totally understand that these kind of questions can be ... problematic.
L119[12:45:52] <CovertJaguar> I will admit that between various other irl things, posts being a pain, and once again taking on too much at once, I've been slacking a bit lately =P
L120[12:46:19] <SkySom> It happens. Too much BS with porting
L121[12:46:59] <Kodos> Man, it's too bad there isn't a stable version that mods could've stayed on... Oh wait ;-D
L122[12:47:29] <Forecaster> yeah, like 1.8
L123[12:47:32] <Forecaster> :D
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L125[12:55:46] <Kodos> lol
L126[12:56:19] <SkySom> I was fine with updating passed 1.7.10, a Port everyone and awhile isn't awful
L127[12:56:54] <SkySom> It was the relatively rapid 1.8 -> 1.8.9 -> 1.9/1.10 -> 1.11 -> 1.12 that was awful
L128[12:57:43] <Kodos> I honestly wonder if the rapidfire version changes was what drove Emoniph away
L129[13:01:55] <Forecaster> ?
L130[13:02:02] <Forecaster> I'm fine with 1.10 for now
L131[13:34:20] <Janrupf> Ok, I need agian some help, does anyone know how to use the digital signal controller / reciver from computronics (using Computercraft and I know how warpping and so on works, I just need the methods and an explanation)
L132[13:35:29] * Michiyo prods Vexatos
L133[13:37:12] <Vexatos> D:
L134[13:37:23] <Vexatos> uuh
L135[13:37:38] <Vexatos> Janrupf, I'd say "read the manual" but that's only available from OpenComputers, so, uuuh
L136[13:37:39] <Vexatos> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
L137[13:37:49] <Janrupf> ehhhm, lol
L138[13:38:10] <Vexatos> documentation is https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/computronics/doc/opencomputers/computronics/en_US/block/railcraft
L139[13:38:40] <Janrupf> ohhh, i looked at the old wiki xD
L140[13:38:43] <Vexatos> You pair the box like normal, then you use these methods https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/integration/railcraft/tile/TileDigitalReceiverBox.java#L257
L141[13:39:01] <Vexatos> On the receiver
L142[13:39:05] <Vexatos> and these on the controller https://github.com/asiekierka/Computronics/blob/master/src/main/java/pl/asie/computronics/integration/railcraft/tile/TileDigitalControllerBox.java#L220
L143[13:39:26] <Michiyo> lol...
L144[13:39:34] <Vexatos> if you scroll a bit up in the code, you can see the OpenComputers definitions of them, those also show the proper function documentation :I
L145[13:39:55] <Vexatos> the ComputerCraft functions work exactly the same as their OC counterparts
L146[13:40:01] <Vexatos> so you can just read that instead ._.
L147[13:41:23] <Vexatos> if you want to set or get the aspect of a specific paired box, you need to refer to it by name
L148[13:41:38] <Vexatos> "name" being the name you give it using a signal label
L149[13:41:55] <Vexatos> (which, by the way, was added mostly for this feature :D)
L150[13:42:12] <Forecaster> by mostly you mean entierly :P
L151[13:42:20] <Vexatos> pretty much, yeah
L152[13:42:50] <Vexatos> ComputerCraft has no good way of doing in-game documentation which makes this stuff really annoying
L153[13:43:28] <Vexatos> Janrupf, if you have any more or more specific questions, just ask :I
L154[13:43:36] <Vexatos> I'm the guy who made them :I
L155[13:45:16] <Janrupf> I'll do :D
L156[13:52:14] <Janrupf> Ehhm, Im not able to wrap these as normal devices
L157[13:53:37] <Janrupf> ehhm, lol, sry
L158[13:53:44] <Janrupf> my failure
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L177[19:02:20] <Natesky9> oops.irl http://tinyurl.com/ybm48nkn
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