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L1[00:02:02] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
L2[00:02:02] *** Server sets mode: +Cnt
L3[00:14:27] ⇦ Quits: silent ( (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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L5[00:30:29] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 ( (Quit: Leaving.)
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L8[02:29:16] ⇨ Joins: Hawk777 (
L9[02:52:26] ⇦ Quits: Sketchy ( (Quit: This is not a Quit Message.)
L10[03:15:15] ⇦ Quits: Hawk777 ( (Quit: Leaving.)
L11[09:50:00] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
L12[09:50:04] *** Server sets mode: +Cnt
L13[09:52:36] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2600:1006:b142:c0db:ed9a:b7ea:7125:dfaa) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L14[09:58:15] <Jackson> What's the reason for all the Russian people here? Is it a coincidence, or...?
L15[10:00:05] <Hanakocz> even russians do love trains. xD
L16[10:00:16] ⇨ Joins: sinkillerj (
L17[10:05:33] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2600:1006:b142:c0db:1072:ad59:eac2:6296)
L18[10:13:57] <Jackson> K
L19[10:18:28] ⇨ Joins: Nirek (
L20[10:46:29] ⇨ Joins: Sketchy (
L21[11:36:07] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (
L22[12:10:12] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (
L23[12:16:01] ⇨ Joins: neptunepunk (~root@2601:640:c300:1620:dc4a:8a11:2d7e:498c)
L24[12:17:17] <liach> #trans-siberia
L25[12:17:34] <Ardy> Trains Siberia?
L26[12:32:11] <liach> for russians
L27[12:33:41] *** Santa|afk is now known as SatanicSanta
L28[12:44:39] <Jackson> Right, but is Railcraft popular in the Russian modding community?
L29[12:44:45] <Jackson> Is that why?
L30[12:45:07] <bball> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L31[12:45:09] <Jackson> Huh, weird.
L32[13:02:13] ⇦ Quits: Michiyo ( (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
L33[13:02:28] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2600:1006:b142:c0db:1072:ad59:eac2:6296) (Remote host closed the connection)
L34[13:04:56] ⇨ Joins: Michiyo (
L35[13:06:09] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ ()
L36[13:08:02] <Forecaster> Mimiru: did the address to the Yui builds change?
L37[13:08:16] <Forecaster> Yui/Yuri
L38[13:08:23] <Mimiru> No?
L39[13:08:39] <Mimiru> Oh fml..
L40[13:08:46] <Forecaster> oh now the download worked
L41[13:08:55] <Forecaster> weird
L42[13:08:58] <Mimiru> yeah.. IDK it seems to randomly just derp..
L43[13:09:00] ⇨ Joins: MrConductor (~MrConduct@
L44[13:09:05] <Mimiru> somehow likely related to the move.. idk
L45[13:09:14] <Forecaster> no it worked this time
L46[13:09:20] <Forecaster> ...
L47[13:09:28] <Mimiru> yes, I'm aware.. I DID say "Randomly"
L48[13:09:29] <Forecaster> it's not joining dev again
L49[13:09:31] <Forecaster> :I
L50[13:11:50] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ (Client Quit)
L51[13:13:32] ⇨ Joins: MrConductor (~MrConduct@
L52[13:13:59] <Forecaster> siiigh
L53[13:15:12] <Forecaster> there are no errors...
L54[13:15:44] <Mimiru> Oh... right
L55[13:16:35] ⇦ Quits: Cast0077 ( (Quit: Poof)
L56[13:17:13] <Mimiru> 82 is latest... IDK..
L57[13:18:17] <Forecaster> >:
L58[13:22:10] <Mimiru> paste me your config Forecaster
L59[13:28:38] <Forecaster> Mimiru:
L60[13:36:49] <Mimiru> Forecaster, build 83 logs what channels it's adding to autojoin... I don't handle joins directly, I put them in pircbotx's autoJoins..
L61[13:38:19] <Forecaster> log where? in the console?
L62[13:38:27] <Mimiru> yes
L63[13:38:38] <Forecaster> I don't see a list of irc channels
L64[13:38:43] <Mimiru> you're also on 82
L65[13:38:51] <Forecaster> oh
L66[13:38:56] <Mimiru> I *just* built 82
L67[13:38:57] <Mimiru> err
L68[13:38:58] <Mimiru> 83
L69[13:39:05] <Forecaster> oh
L70[13:39:16] <Forecaster> should I update now then?
L71[13:39:28] * Mimiru shrugs
L72[13:39:33] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ ()
L73[13:39:33] <Mimiru> all I did was add that logging
L74[13:39:49] <Forecaster> better than nothing
L75[13:40:03] ⇨ Joins: MrConductor (~MrConduct@
L76[13:40:35] <Forecaster> well, it adds it
L77[13:41:10] <Forecaster> but still no join...
L78[13:41:58] <Mimiru> It didn't get banned, did it?
L79[13:42:34] <Forecaster> oh, maybe...
L80[13:45:01] <Forecaster> hm, not that I can see
L81[13:45:49] <Forecaster> I don't see a message about it at least
L82[13:45:55] <Forecaster> I don't know how to get a banlist
L83[13:46:05] <Mimiru> /mode +b
L84[13:46:13] <Mimiru> should dump the banlist
L85[13:46:52] <Forecaster> it bans by domain it seems
L86[13:47:38] ⇦ Quits: MrConductor (~MrConduct@ ()
L87[13:48:09] ⇨ Joins: MrConductor (~MrConduct@
L88[13:48:23] <Forecaster> oh hey, there it is
L89[13:48:32] <Forecaster> I cleared the banlist and now it connects
L90[13:48:37] <Forecaster> but it should have my ip...
L91[13:48:50] <Mimiru> ~MrConduct@
L92[13:49:23] <Forecaster> yeah, and that wasn't in the list...
L93[13:49:44] <Forecaster> weird
L94[13:54:10] * Mimiru shrug
L95[13:54:20] <Forecaster> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L96[15:04:52] ⇦ Quits: ImQ009 ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L97[15:25:11] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077 (
L98[17:03:38] *** SatanicSanta is now known as Santa|afk
L99[17:10:26] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L100[18:23:54] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L101[18:29:09] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos ( (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
L102[18:49:50] ⇦ Quits: Rokiyo (~Rokiyo@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L106[20:24:20] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
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L108[20:25:56] ⇦ Quits: MalkContent_ ( (Quit: Leaving)
L109[20:50:09] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj ( (Quit: またね)
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L113[21:39:30] <Alexis Lamontagne> Hello
L114[21:50:08] <liach> halo
L115[22:22:51] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (~Mimiru@2607:5300:61:8d9::1bad:babe)
L116[22:22:54] *** Server sets mode: +Cnt
L117[22:49:59] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away ( (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L119[23:51:16] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2600:1006:b103:c95d:7dff:f6af:d8a:37f2)
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