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L11[05:50:31] <Keridos> It was not missing as far as I know
L12[05:50:43] <Keridos> at least in my own modpack I have tons of it laying around
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L16[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L17[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/yBqZMz7QCzY - RailcraftLP [Episode 27] - Radioactive Robot Rumble
L18[07:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: casting,ic2,industrialcraft2,reactor,opencomputers,robot,E.V.E,code,lua,programming
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L20[07:51:27] <CaveJohnson376> where i can download server version of railcraft?
L21[07:52:23] <LizzyTheSiren> there isn't one
L22[07:52:28] <LizzyTheSiren> just use the same file
L23[07:52:32] <Forecaster> yeah, we hate servers
L24[07:52:59] <CaveJohnson376> i have server version 1.7.10
L25[07:53:41] <Forecaster> server and client have used the same mod file since 1.6 or something
L26[07:53:53] <LizzyTheSiren> 1.3 i think
L27[07:54:03] <CaveJohnson376> ok thanks
L28[07:54:05] <LizzyTheSiren> or at least, it was possible to
L29[07:54:17] <Forecaster> I don't remember at all
L30[07:54:35] <CaveJohnson376> i can error here
L31[07:54:48] <CaveJohnson376> paste error here
L32[07:54:56] <Forecaster> put error into hastebin.com or similar
L33[07:54:59] <LizzyTheSiren> put it on pastebin/gist then paste the link here
L34[07:55:03] <Forecaster> don't paste it in chat please
L35[07:55:09] <CaveJohnson376> ok
L36[07:57:34] <CaveJohnson376> https://pastebin.com/uyZYDAu6
L37[07:59:15] <Forecaster> get this file: https://paste.pc-logix.com/inuwejovoy
L38[07:59:19] <Forecaster> pastebin the contents
L39[07:59:26] <CaveJohnson376> ok
L40[08:00:09] <CaveJohnson376> https://pastebin.com/itYAJQKd
L41[08:01:18] <Forecaster> hm, that's odd
L42[08:01:53] <Forecaster> @CovertJaguar
L43[08:01:56] <Mimiru> Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft- is it normal for Railcraft to report when the jar says
L44[08:02:44] <Forecaster> I dunno, but both of those are for 1.7.10
L45[08:04:10] <CovertJaguar> no
L46[08:04:36] <CovertJaguar> they should get the version info from the same place when being compiled
L47[08:05:32] <Mimiru> Also.. I don't think I've ever seen "This mod only for CLIENT"...
L48[08:05:51] <LizzyTheSiren> @CaveJohnson376 perhaps try re-downloading Railcraft?
L49[08:06:18] <CaveJohnson376> i downloaded it today
L50[08:06:19] <LizzyTheSiren> also make sure you're getting it from the Curse page or the railcraft website
L51[08:06:46] <CaveJohnson376> ok
L52[08:06:53] <CovertJaguar> It smells like you might have a modified jar with the wrong Mod header, but I've never heard of that happening before
L53[08:07:02] <Mimiru> Where DID you download it from the first time..
L54[08:08:04] <Forecaster> @CaveJohnson376 where did you get it from?
L55[08:08:13] <CaveJohnson376> i forgot
L56[08:08:20] <Forecaster> kay...
L57[08:08:36] <CovertJaguar> the only sanctioned sources are CurseForge and Railcraft.info
L58[08:08:43] <CaveJohnson376> ok
L59[08:08:44] <LizzyTheSiren> perhaps look through your browser history?
L60[08:09:02] <CovertJaguar> if you got it from any place else, they are voilating my license
L61[08:09:27] <CovertJaguar> and doing who knows what else
L62[08:09:33] <Forecaster> especially if they modified it
L63[08:11:17] <CaveJohnson376> i downloading it from official resource
L64[08:12:00] <LizzyTheSiren> curse or railcraft.info?
L65[08:12:27] <CaveJohnson376> i found link to curseforge on railcraft.info
L66[08:13:04] <CaveJohnson376> and starting server again
L67[08:13:46] <CaveJohnson376> crashed again
L68[08:14:23] <CovertJaguar> it should be noted that he also running a heavily non-standard server
L69[08:14:24] <CaveJohnson376> but it isn railcraft error
L70[08:14:46] <CovertJaguar> Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'thermos,cauldron,craftbukkit,mcpc,kcauldron,fml,forge'
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L75[10:33:40] <liach> The error message is incorrect in grammar too
L76[10:33:58] <liach> I don't think it is Thermos' fault
L77[10:35:18] <liach> Download from https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/railcraft/files/2299713/download
L78[10:35:37] <liach> file for with no google ads
L79[10:35:40] <CaveJohnson376> error is fixed
L80[10:35:44] <liach> How?
L81[10:36:05] <CaveJohnson376> i downloaded official RC
L82[10:36:17] <liach> ah good then
L83[10:36:36] <CaveJohnson376> you come too late)))
L84[10:38:13] <CaveJohnson376> do you know any good BC-IC crossovers?
L85[10:38:26] <CaveJohnson376> for transforming energy
L86[10:40:04] <LizzyTheSiren> if by IC you mean industrialcraft, then the Electric Engine from Forestry
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L88[10:51:27] <CaveJohnson376> i want transform energy from eU tom RF and back without IC
L89[10:51:47] <CaveJohnson376> not IC without forestry
L90[10:54:36] <LizzyTheSiren> you wont have EU without IC2 installed...
L91[10:54:47] <LizzyTheSiren> wait
L92[10:54:59] <LizzyTheSiren> i think i misunderstood you trhe first time
L93[10:55:19] <LizzyTheSiren> there's no way to convert RF to EU in BC/IC2 alone
L94[10:56:48] <liach> there is another energy converter mod for eu to rf
L95[11:29:08] <Forecaster> aroma's that we have on the server for 1.10+
L96[11:29:15] <Forecaster> e-net bridge for 1.7
L97[11:57:18] <Natesky9> Immersive engineering can convert between EU and RF
L98[11:57:30] <Natesky9> Galacticraft's cables can do that as well
L99[11:58:37] <Natesky9> but wait, you *have* ppowerconverters
L100[11:58:41] <Natesky9> but wait, you *have* powerconverters
L101[11:59:12] <Natesky9> Also, it looks like it was Advanced Solars that was errored
L102[11:59:32] <Natesky9> Hmm, and railcraft, and powerconverters
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L111[15:26:28] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#777 (fix/routing-crash - 993a44d : liach): The build passed.
L112[15:26:28] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/commit/993a44d9fc24
L113[15:26:28] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/257046810
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L116[15:45:41] <Hanakocz> gregtech6 also has RF engines that you can use with your electricity...
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