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L16[05:08:12] <voidUpdate> hi everyone
L17[05:08:38] <Forecaster> hello
L18[05:08:40] <voidUpdate> I'm creating a modpack, and i can't find the licence anywhere. Can someone tell me whee it is please?
L19[05:08:47] <voidUpdate> *where
L20[05:09:10] <Forecaster> on the website
L21[05:09:53] <voidUpdate> I cant see the link though, and curse simply says "read the licence"
L22[05:10:51] <Forecaster> http://railcraft.info/wiki/info:license
L23[05:11:01] <voidUpdate> thanks a bunch
L24[05:11:56] <Forecaster> we should perhaps add a link to that page in the main menu @CovertJaguar
L25[05:12:20] <CovertJaguar> main menu of what?
L26[05:12:26] <Forecaster> the website
L27[05:12:41] <CovertJaguar> its in big letters on the download pages
L28[05:13:02] <Forecaster> I mean like under "About the Mod"
L29[05:13:09] <CovertJaguar> hmm
L30[05:13:21] <Forecaster> as a dropdown option
L31[05:13:32] <CovertJaguar> I'm pretty sure curseforge links to the license page
L32[05:14:36] <Forecaster> I don't see any big letters under releases
L33[05:14:49] <CovertJaguar> huh....well I swear it used too at least
L34[05:14:53] <Forecaster> the only reference is what I think curseforge adds in tiny text under the download links
L35[05:15:08] <CovertJaguar> what I know it links from the download page
L36[05:15:35] <CovertJaguar> "By downloading this file, you are agreeing to terms in the license posted here."
L37[05:15:46] <Forecaster> yeah, that's tiny though
L38[05:15:57] <CovertJaguar> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L39[05:16:04] <Forecaster> and also looks like it could be curseforge's license or something
L40[05:16:16] <Deveyus> Yeah, I found it, but I had to click on not very obvious text to get to the liscence on github.
L41[05:16:48] <CovertJaguar> well I fixed the curseforge link
L42[05:17:02] <Deveyus> Yeah, that actually helps a lot
L43[05:17:30] <Deveyus> Before it just looked like plain text saying "Read the license" which.. I only accidently clicked on. Now it makes more sense.
L44[05:18:15] <Forecaster> that probably helps yeah
L45[05:26:19] <voidUpdate> I think i'll just link to the railcraft page as a neccesary download to save me some hassle
L46[05:26:36] <voidUpdate> am i allowed to do that?
L47[05:28:29] <Forecaster> yes
L48[05:29:19] <voidUpdate> lovely, tanks for everyone's help, i'll be off now
L49[05:29:35] <Forecaster> bye
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L51[05:36:52] <Deveyus> Hm, I have a rather inane question for you CJ: What's your favorite part of Railcraft, from a gameplay perspective?
L52[05:37:57] <Forecaster> definetly the feed station, best railcraft block /s
L53[05:39:36] <Deveyus> hah, It's a neat block because of the cool stuff it enables, though.
L54[05:40:00] <Forecaster> probably not the main reason you install railcraft though generally :P
L55[05:40:37] <Deveyus> I like railcraft for loaders/unloaders and the more detailed rails like Wye tracks and such.
L56[05:41:01] <CovertJaguar> lol
L57[05:41:03] <Deveyus> Also, the bumper rail, because that thing is 10x better than a block of cobble at the end.
L58[05:41:21] <CovertJaguar> probably the world gen and decorative blocks actually
L59[05:41:56] <Deveyus> I would absolutely be using your world gen and not currently violently slamming my head against COG's configs, if railcraft could generate mines for other ores.
L60[05:42:11] <CovertJaguar> is that still beta only?
L61[05:42:20] <CovertJaguar> well next release it will be able too
L62[05:42:37] <Forecaster> COG's gotten ported to 1.10+?
L63[05:42:43] <Deveyus> Yeah.
L64[05:42:52] <Forecaster> I didn't know that
L65[05:43:08] <Forecaster> on the rc patreon server we use the new Railcraft mines
L66[05:43:37] <Forecaster> for most ores
L67[05:43:48] <Deveyus> I want to stab it with a thousand knives, I've spent so long trying to figure out these stupid configs, finally got the weird import nesting to behave, and now when I try to create a second vein type, it tells me it's malformed, when it can't be...
L68[05:44:06] <Forecaster> COG's a pain yeah
L69[05:44:16] <Deveyus> I've easily spent 20+ hours trying to config it at this point.
L70[05:44:33] <Forecaster> I've used it in my 1.7.10 letsplay
L71[05:44:55] <Deveyus> So far I can generate a really nice copper node, and.. that's it.
L72[05:45:13] <Forecaster> I've only made minor adjustments to the default types
L73[05:45:36] <Deveyus> Yeah, that's mostly what I did, adjusted some sizes, and I wannt adjust how it does hint-veins a bit more.
L74[05:46:01] <Deveyus> also smoothed out the craziness of some of the vein branches.
L75[05:46:23] <Deveyus> The copper nodes look REALLY good now though! It just won't do tin as well without telling me it's malformed.
L76[05:46:44] <Deveyus> https://pastebin.com/bJgEPEKH -- If you uncomment that tin, it's invalid even though it's the same thing.
L77[05:47:10] <Forecaster> have you tried running it through an xml validator?
L78[05:50:29] <Deveyus> Just did, at first it said I had errors, then I put in the tags that it's being imported into and it says no errors, so that's not the problem.
L79[05:50:47] <Forecaster> weird
L80[05:50:52] <Forecaster> report to COG devs?
L81[05:52:27] <Deveyus> Gonna try brute-forcing it a bit more see if I can't get it to work that way, so I can at least tell them what the problem is. Error reports that don't pin down the problem to a narrow space aren't worth submitting.
L82[05:52:41] <Deveyus> May as well just say "It's broke"
L83[05:54:10] <Forecaster> it doesn't have to be an "error report"
L84[05:54:11] <Deveyus> Thanks for the sanity-check there Forecaster
L85[05:54:21] <Forecaster> it can be a "I can't get this to work help me" report
L86[05:56:01] <Deveyus> Boom
L87[05:56:26] <Forecaster> boom?
L88[05:56:49] <Deveyus> Positively identifed the error, the XML parser loses track of current context while parsing back up to the root element.
L89[05:57:02] <Deveyus> Seeing as it's off by 1, I bet it's an index that's just off somewhere.
L90[06:02:00] <Deveyus> http://i.imgur.com/fxHJ286.jpg a couple of mines, the frequency is still high, because I'm testing, and I think those two spawned very very close to the maximum size, and I still need to cleanup how 'hint veins' are spawning. But I'm still very happy with this.
L91[06:03:07] <Forecaster> nice
L92[06:05:11] <Deveyus> Need to deal with those earthworks spawns I suppose too. Maybe use strata spawns for it
L93[06:07:53] <Deveyus> Thanks for the sanity check and morale boost there forecaster, I was really close to having to stop again out of frustration.
L94[06:08:06] <Forecaster> no problem
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L97[06:18:00] <Deveyus> heh, now I'm legit excited, after oregen it's just all the custom recipes I wanna do and I'll have a pack ready for me and my friends that includes old favorites like railcraft.
L98[06:54:03] <Deveyus> http://i.imgur.com/IP5BG3V.png Too dense for the surface hints? I could use a second opinion
L99[06:54:26] <Forecaster> maybe a little yeah
L100[06:57:59] <Forecaster> I'd have used something much more subtle
L101[06:58:12] <Forecaster> like a grass block with hints of stone/ore
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L103[07:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L104[07:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/qexOCvCUbNk - RailcraftLP [Episode 26] - Track Troubles
L105[07:01:11] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: circuits,redstone,farms,forestry,minecart,railcraft,tracks
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L107[07:02:15] <Deveyus> I would forecaster, but I don't have easy access to a block like that, sooooo
L108[07:02:30] <Forecaster> make one :P
L109[07:04:49] <Deveyus> My art skills end at drawing REALLY bad arrows in paint
L110[07:05:09] <Forecaster> ah
L111[07:06:04] ⇦ Quits: MCenderdragon (~MCenderdr@ (Quit: Leaving)
L112[07:57:29] <Natesky9> In TerraFirmaCraft, most surface veins are denoted by ore "rocks" scattered on the surface
L113[07:58:46] <Natesky9> Though, these are chunks of ore, kinda in item form planted on the ground
L114[08:00:10] <Natesky9> Of course, they also have a prospectors pick that gives a more accurate reading of the ore underneath
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L118[10:43:14] <NekoMeowww> A little question here, how can I do with the firestone ore?
L119[10:43:17] <NekoMeowww> A little question here, how can I do with the firestone ore? http://tinyurl.com/ycftsgn4
L120[10:43:42] <NekoMeowww> The JEI didn't provide the info about how to get raw firestone
L121[10:53:00] <NekoMeowww> nvm I saw the GitHub issue. ?
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L139[14:13:53] <liach> @NekoMeowww Use ic2 macerator for now
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