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L15[03:47:15] <Vexatos> @CovertJaguar Is there any ETA for the next Railcraft release? >_>
L16[03:47:22] <Vexatos> Or any estimate at all
L17[03:47:43] <Vexatos> Because if it's like "In two days", it wouldn't be worth to release a new Computronics version now
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L20[05:05:32] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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L22[05:29:19] <Natesky9> https://gyazo.com/118cbb24cdb5fe0af512d18e3c3951e1
L23[05:29:22] <Natesky9> heh
L24[05:30:02] <Natesky9> aww
L25[05:30:08] <Natesky9> it got removed...
L26[05:33:59] <Forecaster> The official creative railcraft server is online
L27[05:34:50] <Forecaster> it's publically available at creativerailcraft.g.akliz.net, requiring the latest public railcraft release
L28[05:35:45] <Forecaster> it's public (ie no whitelist) but default gamemode is spectator, for creative mode you need to message me
L29[05:35:52] <Forecaster> while on the server
L30[05:36:25] <CovertJaguar> @Vexatos probably not two days, working on Token Signals atm, but its very rough still and after that I need to finish tweaking the charge net and maybe look at porting Posts
L31[05:36:51] <Natesky9> Do posts still have that bug where breaking one removes the color?
L32[05:37:17] <Forecaster> that's not a bug :P
L33[05:37:27] <Forecaster> if you have silk touch that doesn't happen
L34[05:39:32] <Natesky9> Oh
L35[05:39:35] <Natesky9> I didn't know that
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L46[09:28:44] <Deveyus1> I haven't seen anywhere, but it's safe to assume 1.11.2 is getting skipped in favor of jumping to 1.12, correct?
L47[09:34:17] <Forecaster> skipped by what?
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L57[15:47:35] <CovertJaguar> no
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