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L19[10:27:43] <StrayFire> Regarding my problem with Rc ores not being generated: I downloaded an xray mod. Using xray I cannot spot any Railcraft ores at all. But when skygen is enabled, there are huge RC ore veins in the sky.
L20[10:28:45] <StrayFire> Is there a known problem with other mods, that generate the world? (Biomes O Plenty, Realistic Terrain Generation, ...)
L21[10:31:27] <Forecaster> there shoukdn't be
L22[10:31:41] <Forecaster> the official railcraft server uses BoP and RTG
L23[10:32:33] <StrayFire> Right now I am creating a whole new profile using the Twitch app and installing everything again. Maybe my game was broken.
L24[10:33:56] <LuigiHutch> try using https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/world-stripper to help you find them
L25[10:39:05] <MalkContent> do poor ores output 3 nuggets now?
L26[10:39:16] <Hanakocz> yes
L27[10:39:35] <Hanakocz> 2 was really bad number ?
L28[10:39:39] <MalkContent> huh. i was a bit baffled ^^
L29[10:39:53] <MalkContent> why so?
L30[10:40:01] <MalkContent> how*
L31[10:40:15] <Hanakocz> because 9 nuggets per ingot are not divisible by 2
L32[10:40:29] <MalkContent> i mean. i guess.
L33[10:40:57] <MalkContent> but not like you can't do 2 ingots
L34[10:41:21] <Hanakocz> that's just not good idea xD
L35[10:41:24] <MalkContent> not like having too little poor ore is a real problem once you find a vein :D
L36[10:41:44] <MalkContent> or 1 ingot and 1 nugget :x
L37[10:43:27] <MalkContent> i mean, i can see the aesthetic appeal
L38[10:43:41] <MalkContent> and i'm not complaining about a 50% increase in yield :D
L39[10:44:17] <MalkContent> i just thought there might be a technical reason and got curious about potential new stuff :3
L40[10:49:38] <CovertJaguar> It integrated with the ic2 ore processing chain poorly at two nuggets
L41[10:50:02] <CovertJaguar> Requiring new intermediate items and other garbage
L42[10:50:32] <CovertJaguar> Bumping it to three means we can just use existing intermediate items
L43[10:52:10] <CovertJaguar> Ores are kind of strict about spawning in normal stone in only the overworld
L44[10:52:40] <CovertJaguar> Usually it's just a failure to locate mines though
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L47[10:59:34] <MalkContent> a, alright :)
L48[11:05:55] <Natesky9> By the way, what all is planned for the chemical stuff?
L49[11:09:39] <Forecaster> I think there's an issue that has some of that stuff
L50[11:14:03] <StrayFire> @LuigiHutch World Stripper is not working for me.
L51[11:14:37] <StrayFire> It says "world stripping successfully done", but everything looks the same ?
L52[11:15:06] <LuigiHutch> Odd, you using UBC?
L53[11:15:22] <StrayFire> Never heard of UBC
L54[11:16:04] <LuigiHutch> Ok, I'm not sure then :/
L55[11:16:50] <StrayFire> I am going to try another xray mod
L56[11:18:15] <LuigiHutch> Game mode 3 with night vision might help and just keep flying through caves till you find some poor ore
L57[11:19:26] <StrayFire> Why would I do that? Shouldnt Xray be enough to spot RC ore veins?
L58[11:20:13] <LuigiHutch> Yh it should, it was just an suggestion which might help
L59[11:32:02] <StrayFire> No RC ores at all.
L60[11:32:16] <StrayFire> I even disabled ore generation of every other mod to make sure.
L61[11:32:35] <StrayFire> All I see are the vanilla ores.
L62[11:48:51] <StrayFire> Wow.. walked for like 60 seconds in one direction and fin ally I have found a Nickel mine. Is it really supposed to be this hard to find ores with RC? Because, without xray I would have never been able to find the mine. And still no sight of all the other ores.
L63[11:50:52] <Forecaster> they're really big though, so once you find one you'll have ore for a while
L64[11:50:55] <Forecaster> that's the point
L65[11:51:00] <Forecaster> further apart, but big
L66[11:53:13] <Hanakocz> and best to make you build railroad to each of those, for permanent mining
L67[11:54:24] <Natesky9> Well....
L68[11:54:39] <StrayFire> Hmm, but this seems to be a pain in the ***. I like the idea, but if I cant even spot them with xray, that means that I would have to dig for many ours to even find one single block of every ore. I am disabling RC ores and will use IE ores instead. Too bad.. would be nice to have an option to adjust the mines and make them the way I like. I am using many other tech mods and I cant achieve anything without copper and tin in these.
L69[11:55:24] <Natesky9> In TerraFirmaCraft, the ore generation is pretty similar
L70[11:55:46] <Natesky9> Even with the multiple ore per ingot
L71[11:55:48] <Natesky9> But
L72[11:56:01] <Natesky9> They had a prospectors pick
L73[11:56:26] <Forecaster> I recommend the scannable mod
L74[11:56:29] <Natesky9> Which would tell you the nearby ore
L75[12:00:17] <StrayFire> Do you really want someone to install other mods to enjoy RC? ? I do not want to scan or xray the world. I want to dig, like I have always done in Minecraft. I want to go down there and come up with some of everything. I cannot walk and dig around for hours, just to have found a mine for every ore there is. I see why this would be useful to someone, who specializes in railways. but for me the GIGANTIC mines are not that helpful.
L76[12:00:49] <LuigiHutch> @StrayFire there plans to help solve thay issue: https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/issues/889
L77[12:01:28] <Hanakocz> do you really need all ores just below your house? Minecraft is perfectly aimed at exploring
L78[12:01:36] <Forecaster> then don't use the friggin ore gen we provide
L79[12:01:37] <Forecaster> -_-
L80[12:01:41] <Forecaster> use use regular ore gen
L81[12:01:52] <Forecaster> or some other mods
L82[12:01:55] <Forecaster> we don't care
L83[12:04:25] <Hanakocz> also you can mix it, have scattered ores and mines.
L84[12:04:52] <StrayFire> Don't be salty. I thought you would like to get feedback. And I really like the idea of these mines, but for someone like me it would be great to have way to change the size and chances in the config. I am sorry to hear that you do not care about how players that are trying RC for the first time are confused about how even get started without ore.
L85[12:06:36] <StrayFire> @Hanakocz But then I have multiple ingot versions of the same metal. I guess I would have to live with that.
L86[12:06:46] <Forecaster> I'm talking right now, in the current version
L87[12:07:07] <Forecaster> options may come later, and like luigi showed there's also plans for maps
L88[12:07:24] <Forecaster> the mines are very new
L89[12:07:36] <StrayFire> I see.
L90[12:08:14] <Forecaster> if you have specific suggestions feel free to create a ticket if one doesn't already exist
L91[12:09:05] <Forecaster> or add to existing ones
L92[12:09:08] <Forecaster> that works too
L93[12:09:40] <Hanakocz> then use gregtech and have only one ingot ever for each material
L94[12:09:59] <Hanakocz> there is no better way ?
L95[12:10:21] <Forecaster> there's a mod called unidict
L96[12:10:43] <Forecaster> I'm not sure if it affects ore drops, I know it tries to unify outputs from machines and such
L97[12:11:13] <StrayFire> I think that won't be necessary. I like the idea of these maps and mining huts with zombies protecting the entrance. Just wanted to share my confusion with your mod. For hours I thought that Rc is not generating any ores at all. It costed me several hours of my life ?
L98[12:11:34] <Forecaster> maybe you should have asked earlier
L99[12:11:45] <Forecaster> :P
L100[12:12:41] <StrayFire> Maybe you could add a line in your config describing how ore mines are generated so that other players won't be as confused as I was ?
L101[12:12:57] <Hanakocz> normal players don't open configs xD
L102[12:14:35] <StrayFire> Thanks for pointing me to unidict. That seems like something I would be interested in.
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L126[18:20:21] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#521 (mc-1.10.2 - 9601302 : liach): The build passed.
L127[18:20:21] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/b2e088f54272...960130237ea7
L128[18:20:21] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/236558212
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L133[19:43:24] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#522 (mc-1.10.2 - 49dd6c4 : CovertJaguar): The build passed.
L134[19:43:24] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/960130237ea7...49dd6c4ab461
L135[19:43:24] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/236571996
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L140[20:14:23] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#524 (hotfix-ench - ee06151 : liach): The build passed.
L141[20:14:23] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/commit/ee0615168920
L142[20:14:23] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/236576161
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L145[20:17:30] <travis-ci> Railcraft/Railcraft#525 (mc-1.10.2 - 33aa4b4 : liach): The build passed.
L146[20:17:30] <travis-ci> Change view : https://github.com/Railcraft/Railcraft/compare/49dd6c4ab461...33aa4b40db84
L147[20:17:30] <travis-ci> Build details : https://travis-ci.org/Railcraft/Railcraft/builds/236576623
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L149[21:21:24] <Kodos> Well shit, with Immersive Petroleum now, I can make my rail-based industrial world
L150[21:25:02] <Kodos> Someone go tell Flaxbeard I need colored asphalt to make roads with ?
L151[21:38:25] <Natesky9> Don't they have that in vanilla?
L152[21:44:08] <Natesky9> wait, is it cement, concrete or asphault?
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