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L1[00:54:06] ⇨ Joins: AlmtyBob (~almtybob@ip68-7-134-108.sd.sd.cox.net)
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L3[01:48:43] <neptunepink> Sangar: The TIS3D manual is pretty great.
L4[01:50:27] <Natesky9> Hardcore darkness is really cool
L5[01:50:33] <Natesky9> spooky, but cool
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L8[03:34:05] <neptunepink> The terminal doesn't support ANSI escape sequences tho?
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L11[05:12:41] <Kane Hart> I always try to add the TIS3D to my packs. I just never get a chance to play it
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L21[07:43:52] <31trainman> Where can I get tis3d ?
L22[07:44:25] <Lizzy> https://github.com/MightyPirates/TIS-3D
L23[07:45:59] <31trainman> Ah ok, where are the downloads as I can't find em on there?
L24[07:46:29] <Lizzy> one sec
L25[07:46:52] <Lizzy> http://ci.cil.li/view/TIS-3D/
L26[07:47:03] <Lizzy> 1.10 & 1.11 versions there
L27[07:47:33] <31trainman> I assumed they would also be on curse but I guess not
L28[07:47:39] <31trainman> Thank you
L29[07:51:57] <31trainman> It's on curse but curse isn't working so good for browsing in a mobile browser
L30[08:02:37] <Lizzy> curses mobile site is meh
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L38[10:52:16] <Jason> choo choo
L39[10:52:26] <Jason> bye
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L44[11:22:05] <Natesky9> *Choo Choos in spanish*
L45[11:40:45] <dshatneriii> Hello, the RC multiblocks are still not available in 1.10.2 yet correct?
L46[11:40:53] <bball> correct
L47[11:41:01] <dshatneriii> Thank you
L48[11:42:19] <Natesky9> https://twitter.com/AlexRoseGames/status/859106750032728067
L49[11:45:47] <dshatneriii> I'm getting better acquainted with the server modpack offline first as I'm not familiar with many of them before jumping back into the server play. I plan to jump back in this weekend. Thanks again for all the question assistance earlier @CovertJaguar @Forecaster @Hanakocz
L50[11:46:27] <Forecaster> no problem
L51[12:29:53] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L52[12:34:38] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCD67A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L53[13:23:37] <AngelOfDeath> im playing with railcraft in 1.10.2 and every time i start the server all the carts that were linked are unlinked also if i leave the tunnel bore unattended it loses carts that where linked . is this a bug ?
L54[13:23:53] <bball> yes
L55[13:24:10] <AngelOfDeath> thank you
L56[13:24:19] <Lizzy> also a known one
L57[13:24:27] <AngelOfDeath> apparently ?
L58[13:25:30] <AngelOfDeath> so what is the bug is it just when i leave sight of the carts they unlink or just do it when they want to
L59[13:26:08] <Lizzy> the bug is carts not remembering their linkings / not being able to restore them on chunk load
L60[13:26:45] <AngelOfDeath> ah alright thank you for the info
L61[13:28:07] <liach> Railcraft for mc 1.7 is the classic
L62[13:29:48] <AngelOfDeath> yea but im playing around with spongeforge and .... i dont remeber where i was going with that i dont rember why im useing 1.10.2
L63[13:30:30] <AngelOfDeath> oh tough as nails that was it
L64[13:31:12] <bball> we just mentioned TAN in the server chat so its kinda creepy how you mentioned it at the same time xD
L65[13:31:42] <AngelOfDeath> lol
L66[13:33:30] <AngelOfDeath> i wanted the water bar i would use terrafirmacraft but railcraft is not very compatably with it hopping TFC2 is gunna be much better for mod support
L67[13:56:30] <Hanakocz> strange that I never seen those link breaks in my playings
L68[13:57:33] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/lvlqtwv
L69[13:58:32] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/m8cawte
L70[13:59:19] <AngelOfDeath> http://tinyurl.com/mgp2p7u
L71[13:59:34] <AEnterprise> there now is a discord for BC, would it be alright if i put an invite to it here?
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L73[14:04:44] <Forecaster> sure
L74[14:09:36] <AEnterprise> discord.gg/QZAtRuM
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L78[14:16:45] <Hanakocz> isnt it because of "too long" train?
L79[14:17:34] <Lizzy> i don't think so
L80[14:17:46] <Lizzy> i've had it happen to trains that were 4 carts long
L81[14:18:01] <Michiyo> 4 carts?! that's huge! :P
L82[14:18:15] <Hanakocz> is that always problem with RCC carts or it happens between RC carts as well?
L83[14:18:54] <Lizzy> RC carts, i can't remember if we had RCC on the pack it happend on
L84[14:19:15] <Lizzy> we'd also get the train duping itself as well as unlinking itself
L85[14:27:37] *** MalkContent_ is now known as MalkContent
L86[15:01:37] <Natesky9> It happens with just RC by itself
L87[15:01:43] <Natesky9> apparently it's a vanilla bug
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L96[17:28:12] <Hink> Can explosions from H.S. rails be disabled anyway?
L97[17:29:06] <GeneralCamo> Entities can be excluded
L98[17:29:32] <GeneralCamo> But the explosions were implemented because of weird behavior vanilla has with entities moving that fast
L99[17:36:35] <Hink> Can I just add the ID of the locomotives etc. to the configuration file?
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L102[18:00:20] <Natesky9> I'm having a world... crash?
L103[18:00:25] <Natesky9> it happens in one area
L104[18:03:46] <Natesky9> The server doesn't hang, tps is fine, but players cannot connect while their player is still logged on
L105[18:04:15] <Natesky9> there is no crashlog, server has to be manually shut down
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L111[19:14:44] <CovertJaguar> anything in console?
L112[19:16:11] <Natesky9> Nothing
L113[19:16:25] <Natesky9> I was able to track it down to only happen at a single block
L114[19:16:32] <Natesky9> then realized it happened anywhere in this chunk
L115[19:16:44] <Natesky9> just deleted the "problem chunk"
L116[19:16:46] <Natesky9> going to test now
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L121[19:54:30] <vedrit> Well then
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L123[20:04:44] <Natesky9> I derped and deleted the chunk in the single player test
L124[20:04:49] <Natesky9> so I had to reupload it
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L128[22:22:21] <Natesky9> Oh yeah, forgot to report. Problem fixed. It was exactly that chunk
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