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L1[00:00:03] <Natesky9> Oh, right
L2[00:00:10] <Elourge> also bees is another way to get resin
L3[00:00:16] <Natesky9> MFR is one of the most broken mods ever
L4[00:00:23] <Natesky9> Bees is a decent way to get resin
L5[00:00:32] <Natesky9> It's still several steps though
L6[00:00:38] <Elourge> I dont have mfr
L7[00:00:43] <Elourge> its a ic2 harvester
L8[00:00:47] <Natesky9> OH!
L9[00:00:51] <Elourge> crop harvester
L10[00:01:01] <Natesky9> Yeah, I thought you meant the other one
L11[00:01:19] <Natesky9> Eh, it's power tier is low voltage
L12[00:01:34] <Natesky9> I wouldn't consider that one of the first dozen machines you'll make though
L13[00:02:59] <Elourge> I do wish ic2 changed rubber trees, every playthrough ends up with a yard of trees with no leaves
L14[00:03:30] <Natesky9> Do you have Forestry installed?
L15[00:03:56] <Elourge> yea, I know that it has a harvesting mode for resin
L16[00:04:14] <Natesky9> That's a decent way to get tons of resin
L17[00:04:56] <Natesky9> and you can even block it up and make it pretty
L18[00:04:59] <Natesky9> if possible
L19[00:05:42] <Elourge> what I dont like about forestry farms though is that everything has to be on the same y level, so its just a flat square which is very hard to make look good
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L21[00:06:20] <Natesky9> iirc, they're circular
L22[00:06:27] <Natesky9> or rather, octagnal
L23[00:06:31] <Natesky9> or rather, octagonal
L24[00:06:42] <Elourge> default is a diamond shape
L25[00:06:55] <Elourge> config can change it to square
L26[00:07:10] <Natesky9> Yeah, but it's the diamond shape that makes it unique
L27[00:07:14] <Elourge> still a square sort of in diamond
L28[00:08:00] <Natesky9> Anyway, no matter what way you balance it, if people need rubber, they will find ways to get rubber
L29[00:08:25] <Natesky9> I say don't worry so much about changing things so drastically
L30[00:09:27] <Elourge> Im just going for an agriculture tier before machines and ore doubling
L31[00:09:43] <Elourge> animals, crops, bees, etc
L32[00:09:50] <Natesky9> Hmm
L33[00:10:08] <Natesky9> unfortunately, there's not much beyond ore doubling
L34[00:10:56] <Natesky9> You could config it so that every other power method besides biofuel gives 1/4th the power
L35[00:13:50] <Elourge> Im not trying to make people use biofuel, if anything id make it so it doesnt become effective till later on
L36[00:14:05] <Natesky9> I don't know then
L37[00:14:12] <Natesky9> ore doubling is very effective
L38[00:14:27] <Natesky9> mostly because so many mods require so many resources
L39[00:16:35] <Elourge> there is no need to ore double in early game agriculture, its mostly wood, you would need like 10 ingots tops for buckets and tools
L40[00:17:49] <Elourge> keep in mind this is for a modpack, so crafttweaker is going to be used for some of this
L41[00:18:36] <Elourge> heck, you could probably get though all of the agriculture tweaks I have planed without going underground
L42[01:09:52] <Natesky9> whatever boats your float
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L112[20:40:42] <Joshwoo70> IMO CJ shoulddo this instead of crashing the game :
L113[20:40:42] <Joshwoo70> ``` public void fingerprintError(FMLFingerprintViolationEvent event) {
L114[20:40:43] <Joshwoo70> if (Game.isObfuscated()) {
L115[20:40:43] <Joshwoo70> Game.logErrorFingerprint(MOD_ID);
L116[20:40:43] <Joshwoo70> // FMLCommonHandler.instance().exitJava(1, false);
L117[20:40:43] <Joshwoo70> FMLLog.bigWarning("Game is Obfuscated! Are you using a unofficial Build?");
L118[20:40:44] <Joshwoo70> }
L119[20:40:44] <Joshwoo70> }```
L120[20:41:14] <Joshwoo70> `FMLLog.severe` would also do it..
L121[20:41:21] <Joshwoo70> but i will leave it to him.
L122[20:43:45] <Joshwoo70> IMO CJ should do this instead of crashing the game :
L123[20:43:45] <Joshwoo70> ``` public void fingerprintError(FMLFingerprintViolationEvent event) {
L124[20:43:45] <Joshwoo70> if (Game.isObfuscated()) {
L125[20:43:46] <Joshwoo70> Game.logErrorFingerprint(MOD_ID);
L126[20:43:46] <Joshwoo70> // FMLCommonHandler.instance().exitJava(1, false);
L127[20:43:46] <Joshwoo70> FMLLog.bigWarning("Game is Obfuscated! Are you using a unofficial Build?");
L128[20:43:46] <Joshwoo70> }
L129[20:43:47] <Joshwoo70> }```
L130[22:00:32] <Lord_me> Just a question but is railcraft 10.1.0 going to be released on the website any time soom
L131[22:00:39] <Lord_me> Just a question but is railcraft 10.1.0 going to be released on the website any time soon
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L139[23:58:07] <liach> no, more things to implement
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