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L1[00:08:07] <Joshwoo70> hey @CovertJaguar will you get back to Railcraft anytime soon? the community (liach) mentioned about making a community ediotn for Railcraft. however, the current licence is not permitted for redistribution. So we as a community wpuld like to ask if you can consider relicensing railcraft to an equivalent more open source licence that allows redistribution. thank you.
L2[00:08:13] <Joshwoo70> @liach
L3[00:09:29] <CovertJaguar> I do plan to get back to it soon
L4[00:10:00] <Joshwoo70> there are a few PR that are currently open... any news on them?
L5[00:10:51] <vedrit> Woo! Jaguar responded!
L6[00:10:58] <Joshwoo70> yep
L7[00:11:30] <CovertJaguar> I haven't looked at the PRs in a while
L8[00:11:43] <CovertJaguar> they are usually a pain to deal with so I've been avoiding it
L9[00:11:51] <Joshwoo70> i think liach should be allowed for unoffical redistributions.
L10[00:12:03] <Joshwoo70> he is very helpful at fixig and tweakjng of bugs
L11[00:12:43] <Kodos> I think a community edition is a terrible idea, and people should just be patient
L12[00:12:43] <Joshwoo70> he also attempted to port to 1.11.
L13[00:12:52] <Joshwoo70> @Kodos i am being patient here
L14[00:12:57] <Amerem> @Kodos I agree
L15[00:13:00] <CovertJaguar> To be perfectly fair, while he is good at fixing bugs, nearly everyone one of his larger PRs have been rejected due to errors
L16[00:14:12] <Joshwoo70> but he does make a effort to fix those errors
L17[00:14:56] <CovertJaguar> anyway, my schedule and motivations are returning to normal, baring WW3 I should be back on track sometime this month with a release
L18[00:15:06] <Joshwoo70> woot!
L19[00:15:19] <Joshwoo70> thanks for the response anyways ?
L20[00:15:43] <CovertJaguar> the problem with the errors in the larger PRs is that they are usually large scale design errors not fixable with a few lines of code
L21[00:16:05] <Kodos> Take all the time you need, CJ ?
L22[00:16:37] <Joshwoo70> yeah take your time.. people are just impatient... i am waiting for 1.10.2 big mods to hit then i will port over my .17.10 server
L23[00:16:38] <CovertJaguar> I wasn't even at my PC for most of oct and dec, Jan has been more normal
L24[00:16:51] <Joshwoo70> yeah take your time.. people are just impatient... i am waiting for 1.10.2 big mods to hit then i will port over my 1.7.10 server
L25[00:17:14] <Joshwoo70> think by feb shuld by alright.
L26[00:17:32] <Joshwoo70> but by making a return many people should be happy
L27[00:18:12] <Amerem> its feb now ? lol I waited 3yrs for traincraft I can wait a long time
L28[00:18:38] <Joshwoo70> think the progress has been extremely slos for that team
L29[00:18:47] <Amerem> lol not really
L30[00:18:51] <Joshwoo70> @Amerem try Zora no Denshina XD
L31[00:18:56] <Amerem> HAHA
L32[00:18:58] <Amerem> no
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L34[00:19:24] <Amerem> also its Zora no Densha and its a decent ways from being ready
L35[00:19:44] <Amerem> traincraft just got the mallard in its latest release
L36[00:20:12] <Amerem> and a re-write for it is in the works
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L40[00:32:09] <Amerem> I did learn how to glitch the vanilla tracks into floating in mid air today tho
L41[00:32:30] <Amerem> haven't yet tried it with railcraft track lol
L42[00:33:53] <vedrit> @CovertJaguar I know how that goes... I haven't been at my PC for most of the time since October
L43[00:49:20] <Nothins> I hate to be that guy, but does any one know anything about the ore generator setting?
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L46[01:20:38] <liach> wow
L47[01:20:44] <liach> Covert is HERE
L48[01:27:51] <Lostgeek> why are people always surprised when the bosshat of a channel is present....
L49[01:28:11] <Lostgeek> also, mornin' :)
L50[01:28:29] <Nothins> mornin
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L53[01:31:32] <Kodos> Yes, liach, he's here, now you can stop fretting
L54[01:32:56] <vedrit> Lostgeek: He's logged in often, sure, but in the few weeks I've been here, he's never said anything
L55[01:33:10] <vedrit> That's the surprise
L56[01:38:46] <Lostgeek> heh, nothing new under the sun :)
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