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L21[10:04:45] * darkelarious felt the need to share http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202017-01-29%2017:03:07.png
L22[10:07:03] <Forecaster> nice
L23[10:09:35] <darkelarious> random aesthetic screencap
L24[10:10:16] <darkelarious> only issue left is that some trains somehow get stuck on the middle of the track, without apparent reason
L25[10:10:42] <Forecaster> probably a chunkloading issue
L26[10:10:51] <Forecaster> you're using anchor carts?
L27[10:11:07] <darkelarious> admin anchor carts
L28[10:11:12] <Forecaster> yeah
L29[10:11:25] <darkelarious> but they also end up with an empty tank
L30[10:11:30] <Forecaster> try using world anchors and sentinels to load the track instead
L31[10:11:54] <Forecaster> because the trains get stuck, but don't stop running, so they run through their water
L32[10:12:11] <darkelarious> what does the sentinel do?
L33[10:12:41] <Forecaster> when bound to a world anchor it makes the anchor load the chunks between it and the bound sentinel, instead of the normal radius
L34[10:13:22] <Forecaster> it can still only load up to 9 chunks total, but also less than that, with a minimum of 1
L35[10:13:36] <Forecaster> which is achieved by putting the sentinel in the same chunk as the anchor
L36[10:14:02] <darkelarious> now i wish i made less turns
L37[10:14:12] <Forecaster> you bind the sentinels using a crowbar of course
L38[10:14:47] <darkelarious> trying that
L39[10:14:54] <darkelarious> and see what happens
L40[10:15:04] <darkelarious> fyi, you're still welcome to visit if you want :)
L41[10:15:13] <Forecaster> this happens with all locomotives by the way
L42[10:15:24] <Forecaster> I have the same issue with my electric oil locomotive
L43[10:15:26] <darkelarious> maybe record a 40 minute video of the entire track back and forth, while nothing really happens
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L45[10:15:30] <darkelarious> electrive oil?
L46[10:15:44] <darkelarious> electric*
L47[10:15:49] <Forecaster> I mean the electric locomotive transporting oil
L48[10:15:50] <Forecaster> :P
L49[10:15:58] <darkelarious> i was wondering about the science behind that, lol
L50[10:16:21] <Forecaster> it's gotten stuck several times on the way back and has run out of power
L51[10:16:37] <Forecaster> but I've made sure it has enough power to make it there and back on one charge
L52[10:17:03] <darkelarious> http://darkelarious.blicky.net/share/Screenshot%20from%202017-01-29%2017:16:37.png one more and back to work
L53[10:17:39] <darkelarious> sometimes trains also appear to be breaking apart mid track
L54[10:17:43] <darkelarious> anyway
L55[10:17:45] <darkelarious> testing this
L56[10:17:49] <Forecaster> that's also a known issue
L57[10:18:25] <Forecaster> I've also had carts disappear
L58[10:18:49] <Forecaster> all of these are related to loading/unloading
L59[10:20:01] <darkelarious> yeah, i figured
L60[10:20:11] <darkelarious> i'm pretty sure server restarting is also involved
L61[10:20:21] <darkelarious> anyway, letting it run for a while and back to work
L62[10:20:23] <darkelarious> bbl
L63[10:20:28] <Forecaster> that causes things to unload/load, so yeah :P
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