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L5[02:28:16] <MatthiasM2> I think Railcraft (in 1.10.2) doesn't generate it's ores when used together with RTG (Realistic Terrain Generation) - I now made some very huge mines and there is no copper
L6[02:32:44] <MatthiasM2> I'll try with aroma's mining world
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L38[11:39:21] <MatthiasM2> I mined 28 stacks in an 3x3 tunnel (~12 chunks) on level 53 in Aroma1997's mining world and no railcraft ores
L39[11:39:27] <MatthiasM2> which level should have copper?
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L43[11:48:13] <Forecaster> MatthiasM2: Copper is centered at 60 - 63 I believe
L44[11:48:25] <MatthiasM2> hmm
L45[11:48:34] <Forecaster> or 57-63
L46[11:48:38] <MatthiasM2> can it appear in the mining world at all then?
L47[11:49:04] <Forecaster> I don't know, I've not used these world-gen changing mods
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L64[14:52:37] <MatthiasM2> I just mined a 3x3x304 tunnel on y=60 (based on the code copper should be around 60+-3) and found none - but I found quarried stone
L65[14:57:40] <Aroma1997> MatthiasM2: iirc, salpeter doesn't spawn in the mining world, because it's bound to a desert biome and the mining world doesn't have a desert biome.
L66[14:57:48] <Aroma1997> All other ores should spawn there though
L67[14:57:49] <MatthiasM2> I mined in the overworld
L68[14:58:03] <Aroma1997> oh
L69[14:58:14] <Aroma1997> I don't change overworld world gen...
L70[14:58:19] <MatthiasM2> I think it will not generate anything in your dimension: https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/blob/mc-1.10.2/src/main/java/mods/railcraft/common/worldgen/GeneratorMine.java#L164
L71[14:58:44] <Aroma1997> Hmm
L72[14:58:54] <MatthiasM2> Aroma1997: I had hoped I could use your mining world to fix the lack of copper ore gen in the overworld but :(
L73[14:59:16] <Aroma1997> CJ: you should check if the biome is of type Hell or End and you shouldn't check for dimension ids
L74[15:00:49] <MatthiasM2> at least I get copper as by product of processing gold ore with EnderIO
L75[15:14:51] <Forecaster> Aroma1997: could you make an issue about that?
L76[15:15:14] <Aroma1997> umm
L77[15:15:17] <Aroma1997> sure
L78[15:21:17] <Aroma1997> MatthiasM2: what MC version?
L79[15:21:24] <MatthiasM2> 1.10.2
L80[15:21:47] <MatthiasM2> Railcraft_1.10.2-10.0.1.jar and RTG-1.10.2-
L81[15:21:53] <MatthiasM2> using RTG as world type
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L94[17:07:12] <Aroma1997> ok, done
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