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L1[00:12:04] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L2[00:30:46] <neptunepink> Yes. They do not exist.
L3[00:32:50] <Kodos> I love my little cottage :3 http://puu.sh/sShMR/40dd81b627.png
L4[00:44:22] <Kodos> Question: How does the metals chest know what to compress and what not to?
L5[01:16:40] <liach> @CovertJaguar Finally you are available
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L13[03:52:49] <AllenY> ooh that's nice
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L23[06:01:07] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L24[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L25[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/xu0OV3in-1c - Modded Minedcrafted [Episode 206] - Papercraft
L26[06:01:08] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Nether,industrialcraft2
L27[06:02:43] ⇦ Quits: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L28[06:03:35] <Vexatos> Forecaster, don't you dare tell me you're crafting paper
L29[06:03:36] <Vexatos> D:
L30[06:04:14] <cloakable> Well, he is using Gregtech, so it probably took him up to this point to be able to craft paper :P
L31[06:05:53] <Vexatos> ...he isn't
L32[06:06:15] <Vexatos> also paper in GregTech is pretty much just water and wood
L33[06:12:48] <cloakable> xP
L34[06:13:21] <Forecaster> why am I not allowed to craft paper?
L35[06:15:03] <cloakable> paper is op
L36[06:15:24] <cloakable> it lets you make books and therefore enchantment tables
L37[06:19:13] <Vexatos> it allows autocrafting
L38[06:19:16] <Vexatos> D:
L39[06:19:27] <Vexatos> So it's the most overpowered state of matter D:
L40[06:20:28] <Forecaster> well, you're free to come on and craft these thousands and thousands of blocks for me if you like :P
L41[06:20:56] <Forecaster> I'm sure it'll only be a little repetitive
L42[06:21:33] <Vexatos> Pfft
L43[06:21:37] <Vexatos> it's only six thousand
L44[06:21:46] <Vexatos> plus eighteen thousand
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L46[06:37:59] <Vexatos> Forecaster, manually crafting all of these would actually not take as long as you might think
L47[06:38:08] <Vexatos> with stuff like your fancy crafting tables there
L48[07:00:53] <Forecaster> I didn't say it'd take time
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L67[11:07:03] <Xopharios> Does anyone on the rail-craft IRC know ho chunk loading works? I know chunk loading carts aren't implemented yet, but on singleplayer the carts will go on forever, on multiplayer they freeze if your approximately 20 blocks away. How do I fix this?
L68[11:08:14] <Vexatos> Railcraft does have anchor carts...
L69[11:09:14] <Xopharios> Oh I meant in 10.0.1 cuz most things are missing
L70[11:09:38] <Vexatos> Ah.
L71[11:10:21] <bballboy2002> ^
L72[11:10:28] <bballboy2002> ^
L73[11:10:31] <bballboy2002> ^
L74[11:10:41] <Xopharios> I have tried using different chunk loaders from other mods, bt they don't work either. But if they work in singleplay maybe theres a setting I missed?
L75[11:15:35] <Xopharios> Has Covert mentioned anywhere about this?
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L96[15:29:48] <Vbear> since switches aren't in 10.0.1 is there a way to have a locomotive switch from one track to another?
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L99[15:34:55] <cloakable> only the vanilla way
L100[15:37:26] <Vbear> okay no problem
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