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L1[00:00:29] ⇨ Joins: Nedelosk (~nedelosk@ip-176-198-97-232.hsi05.unitymediagroup.de)
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L11[01:20:48] <Forecaster> @Lexynide it's not "broken" per say, no multiblocks have been ported yet
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L13[01:39:01] <????????¹₂¹?> what are you speaking on? how can you speak through the bot?
L14[01:40:07] <Forecaster> IRC
L15[01:40:15] <????????¹₂¹?> IRC?
L16[01:40:59] <Forecaster> Internet Relay Chat
L17[01:41:04] <Forecaster> your name looks like that by the way
L18[01:41:05] <Forecaster> :P
L19[01:41:08] <????????¹₂¹?> ohh okay
L20[01:43:35] <Forecaster> Irc is where most moding communities have lived since the beginning
L21[01:43:55] <Forecaster> modding*
L22[01:43:58] <????????¹₂¹?> is it like cmd?
L23[01:44:04] <Forecaster> ...no
L24[01:44:09] <????????¹₂¹?> oh
L25[01:44:28] <Forecaster> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
L26[01:44:30] <????????¹₂¹?> how come your ui looks like a command line?
L27[01:44:44] <Forecaster> because my IRC client looks like that
L28[01:45:01] <????????¹₂¹?> what client do you use?
L29[01:45:05] <Forecaster> Irssi
L30[01:45:22] <Forecaster> there are many different clients, native to any system
L31[01:45:39] <????????¹₂¹?> interesting
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L41[03:15:22] <Snapples> Most of them look like command line, tho ;D
L42[03:15:27] <Snapples> That's IRC.
L43[03:24:39] <Forecaster> well, they print text to a window in that fasion yeah
L44[03:24:46] <Forecaster> mine is litterally a command line interface
L45[03:29:05] <PrincessKnoeki> I *like* IRC because it's so simple.
L46[03:29:20] <PrincessKnoeki> slack/discord are like IRC with training wheels :D
L47[03:39:25] <Forecaster> it's also garbage without a bunch of additional stuff :P
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L49[03:42:49] <Forecaster> and I'm not just talking about chatting, but setting up channels and such
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L53[04:37:02] <Elourge> Atleast with discord I can look at past messages
L54[04:38:44] <Forecaster> you can do that with irc as well
L55[04:38:55] <Forecaster> but like I said, it requires additional stuff
L56[04:41:39] <Elourge> Ahh, to be honest I never understood Irc, discord just works nicely for me ?
L57[04:43:05] <Forecaster> Irc is just a very old, very established chat protocol
L58[04:44:01] <Forecaster> the large services, like esper.net have a lot of additonal features built onto them and there's third party services that do certain things as well, like capture messages while you're offline for you for example
L59[04:44:56] <Forecaster> the advantages include it being open and free, meaning you can set up your own hosted irc server if you want, free from anyone's control, and that it's very light-weight
L60[04:45:06] <Forecaster> plus there are many different clients for it
L61[04:45:57] <Forecaster> the drawbacks include a higher learning curve to use (not to mention setting up a server) as well as requiring a bunch of addons and third party services to be truly useful
L62[04:47:08] <Forecaster> and of course it's very old and well established, while comparatively discord was born yesterday
L63[04:47:11] <Forecaster> :P
L64[04:51:29] <Snapples> A very fair comparision.
L65[04:51:41] <Snapples> 8/8
L66[05:08:48] <Forecaster> I would also have accepted 5/7
L67[05:40:41] <DaMachinator> the nice thing about IRC is that it works on just about any internet connection...
L68[05:40:49] <DaMachinator> even when normal webpages don't load
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L72[06:53:48] <Forecaster> you'll notice light-weight was in there
L73[06:53:50] <Forecaster> :P
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L79[09:03:57] <Amerem> station im working on building
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L81[09:05:26] <Forecaster> Nice
L82[09:05:59] <Forecaster> (FYI these wont show up on IRC, for that you'd have to put them on something like imgur and link them)
L83[09:06:18] <Amerem> oh ok
L84[09:07:02] <Amerem> https://imgur.com/a/vy8n1
L85[09:07:26] <Forecaster> like that yeah :>
L86[09:08:26] <Forecaster> mine looks like http://i.imgur.com/TsaGkxB.png
L87[09:09:41] <Amerem> what glass is that?
L88[09:09:56] <Forecaster> Strengthened glass from Railcraft
L89[09:10:01] <Amerem> ah
L90[09:13:00] <Joshwoo70> @Amerem why is it floating!?
L91[09:13:21] <Amerem> oh I have it up off the ground as I will be moving it when im done
L92[09:13:49] <Amerem> I have it on an iron blockplatform as thats my method of block counting
L93[09:15:57] <Amerem> @Forecaster what track are you using railcraft or another mod?
L94[09:16:15] <Forecaster> railcraft only
L95[09:16:26] <Forecaster> why?
L96[09:17:38] <Amerem> oh Im using this on a traincraft server so lol
L97[09:18:24] <Forecaster> I don't use trailcraft
L98[09:18:51] <Amerem> fair enough
L99[09:20:15] <Forecaster> it doesn't really add anything of value to me :P
L100[09:21:57] <Amerem> I like having the trains lol
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L102[09:28:40] <SkySom> I like the trains
L103[09:28:47] <SkySom> But they weren't very automatable
L104[09:32:22] <Amerem> I know someone who knew someone that had written up a computercraft program for automating switches and different things
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L112[10:51:55] <Forecaster> @Amerem Lizzy has done that :P
L113[10:52:09] <Forecaster> but for OpenComputers
L114[10:53:42] *** Corjaantje|AFK is now known as Corjaantje
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L116[10:58:48] <Amerem> o.o
L117[11:13:30] <LizzyTheKitty> *coughs*
L118[11:13:32] <LizzyTheKitty> *started
L119[11:16:13] <Forecaster> that's the state of any software :P
L120[11:17:10] <Michiyo> So true
L121[11:56:07] <PrincessKnoeki> software is never completed, at some point you're just done with it :P
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L137[15:12:48] <vico> anyone knows a good github bot (which logs commits and whatever)?
L138[15:19:09] <Hanakocz> you mean that when you write, it will make commits on github?
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L140[15:30:09] <Forecaster> @vico that does what?
L141[15:30:18] <Forecaster> logs commits to where?
L142[15:30:27] <vico> forget, i've already solved this
L143[15:30:41] <vico> i will use webhooks to send github commits to my discord server
L144[15:30:45] <Forecaster> okay then
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L147[16:26:53] <Celtic> Sorry to just bust in, but what are these images for?
L148[16:42:03] <Forecaster> Its a station they're building
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L151[17:03:39] <Celtic> I've been mindlessly playing with the snowflakes on the Railcraft website for like 10 minutes now.
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L154[17:05:28] <Forecaster> :P
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L156[17:27:03] <neptunepink> "Happy Halloween!" "Merry Christmas!"
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L166[19:42:37] <Elourge> Snowflakes?
L167[19:43:03] <Elourge> omg they just appeared
L168[19:43:05] <The_Fireplace> Are they the special kind?
L169[19:43:08] <The_Fireplace> XD
L170[19:44:11] <The_Fireplace> jk, in case it wasn't obvious
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