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L8[01:21:10] <Forecaster> @KryptonCaptain fixed
L9[01:30:18] *** The_Fireplace is now known as The_Fireplace|Away
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L11[02:47:44] * CovertJaguar looks around and dusts off the keyboard
L12[02:49:14] <Joshwoo70> welcome back CJ
L13[02:49:23] <Joshwoo70> @CovertJaguar
L14[02:49:32] <Joshwoo70> how's life?
L15[02:52:06] <CovertJaguar> not as bad as it could have been
L16[02:56:28] <Joshwoo70> heh
L17[02:56:41] <Joshwoo70> went shoping on cyber monday or anything?
L18[02:57:02] <CovertJaguar> got some decent deals on black friday
L19[02:57:18] <Joshwoo70> cool!
L20[02:57:51] <Joshwoo70> don't want to ask anymore... but any eta for the next update? maybe end of dec?
L21[02:58:30] <CovertJaguar> well I'm poking at outstanding bugs atm, should have a hotfix release sometime to day, its way overdue
L22[02:58:57] <CovertJaguar> I hope to have 10.1.0 out by Christmas
L23[02:59:17] <CovertJaguar> I applogize for the delay, but my original plans didn't count on the election being such a big deal
L24[03:00:19] <CovertJaguar> its been kind of hard to reorient to more mundane matters after spending weeks agonizing over the nations future ;)
L25[03:01:21] <Forecaster> minecraft? mundane?! the nerve
L26[03:25:59] <CovertJaguar> ugh...why is my test world so damn laggy?
L27[03:26:48] <CovertJaguar> I'm getting like 6 fps and it seems to be caused by "diplay_updates"
L28[03:26:52] <CovertJaguar> whatever that is
L29[03:27:10] <Forecaster> no idea
L30[03:29:09] <Forecaster> is fastcraft ported to 1.10?
L31[03:32:50] <Player> not yet
L32[03:33:42] <Player> if you keep getting low fps, something's spamming chunk updates
L33[03:34:03] <CovertJaguar> no, no chunk updates
L34[03:34:19] <Forecaster> wait, did fc include sampler, that was separate wasn't it
L35[03:34:41] <CovertJaguar> its definitely display_update which appears to be related to the hardware
L36[03:35:03] <CovertJaguar> the amount of time spent waiting for the screen buffer to draw or some such
L37[03:35:32] <CovertJaguar> it spikes whenever I spin around to about 75% of of the pie
L38[03:37:44] <Forecaster> I used to get that kind of lag back with my terrible processor
L39[03:40:09] <CovertJaguar> maybe I just need a restart
L40[03:40:19] <CovertJaguar> its actually doing visible tearing
L41[03:41:07] <CovertJaguar> meh, there is something wrong with the fluid lighting on the tank carts, but I'm not going to mess with it for now
L42[03:47:53] <Player> the spinning problem is known, their culling is rather slow
L43[03:48:18] <Player> it skips the calculation if your view angle or position doesn't change much
L44[03:51:03] <CovertJaguar> if I just spin in circles the percentage of the pie grows and grows until I'm at 2-5 fps
L45[03:51:32] <CovertJaguar> even just walking around creates lag spikes and fps drops to <10
L46[04:04:00] *** CovertJaguar changes topic to 'Do NOT ask CJ if he is here! | 10.0.1 is out! Bugfixes! | http://www.patreon.com/CovertJaguar | The Dark Tower Begins! http://goo.gl/5JF1j | Website: http://railcraft.info/ | Bug reports: http://goo.gl/90fqi | Change Logs: http://bit.ly/1jhFbXf | API: http://adf.ly/N2b30 https://t.co/AJBI0J8X6W | Discord: https://discord.gg/xRk8MnD'
L47[04:06:33] <Forecaster> @everyone 10.0.1 is out!
L48[04:06:49] <vico> thanks
L49[04:07:06] <Snapples> ?
L50[04:09:03] <CovertJaguar> sssshhhh! curse hasn't approved the file yet
L51[04:10:09] <Forecaster> they will soonyish though :P
L52[04:24:21] <Snapples> WHERE IS THE DOWNLOAD ;D
L53[04:25:02] <Snapples> Awesome, there's a changelog link in the thread!
L54[04:25:06] <Snapples> Awesome, there's a changelog link in the thread header!
L55[04:25:33] <Snapples> Oh, cheered to early
L56[04:25:50] <Snapples>
L57[04:50:37] <vigilian> the download has disappeared ?
L58[04:50:39] <vigilian> ?
L59[04:50:41] <vigilian> so sad
L60[04:50:50] <vigilian> :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
L61[04:55:17] <Forecaster> it's not been approved by curse yet
L62[04:55:34] <Forecaster> it will pop up later once they approve it
L63[04:55:53] <vigilian> you can put on the drive then
L64[04:55:59] <vigilian> in place of put it on curse
L65[04:56:35] <Forecaster> you can get it from the first mirror
L66[04:57:23] <Forecaster> or wait, that goes to CF too :P
L67[04:57:24] <Forecaster> nevermind
L68[04:57:44] <vigilian> lol yes
L69[04:59:57] <Forecaster> also you mean "in addition"
L70[05:00:10] <Forecaster> "in place of" would mean only on the drive :P
L71[05:02:57] <vigilian> true
L72[05:12:32] <vigilian> so where do you want to put it?
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L74[05:17:43] <Forecaster> it's already on curse, it'll appear soon enough :P
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L76[05:56:09] <Forecaster> http://imgur.com/gallery/tGGFRK4
L77[05:56:20] <Forecaster> I kind of want one of those just because
L78[05:56:29] <Forecaster> I'd have nowhere to put it, but I still want one
L79[05:56:46] <vigilian> we can do a group order if you want :p
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L81[06:01:04] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L82[06:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L83[06:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/PhKihwEr0Kk - Modded Minedcrafted [Episode 201] - Stalking 101
L84[06:01:04] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Twilight Forest
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L90[07:18:43] <ccgfok> Curse "File Not Found."
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L92[07:39:21] <Forecaster> it's not been approved yet
L93[07:44:17] <Hanakocz> do it contain stable semaphores and carts yet? I mean for addon purposes. Or I shall wait more?
L94[07:51:23] <Forecaster> wut
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L98[08:33:09] * Lizzy reboots @Hanakocz
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L100[09:03:10] <Hanakocz> he?
L101[09:05:58] <Forecaster> no link, the princess is in another castle
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L104[09:36:07] <bballboy2002> @Forecaster I have one of those IKEA lamps in storage somewhere
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L107[10:05:41] <vigilian> ooho god
L108[10:05:47] <vigilian> don't you have two?
L109[10:05:54] <vigilian> @bballboy2002
L110[10:09:28] <vigilian> yes
L111[10:09:34] <vigilian> curse have validated the package!
L112[10:09:50] <Forecaster> woo
L113[10:10:49] <vigilian> I am the first downloader!!!
L114[10:10:54] <vigilian> do I receive something for that? :p
L115[10:10:56] <vigilian> just kidding
L116[10:21:41] <Forecaster> well, you get railcraft :P
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L118[10:56:35] *** Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
L119[10:58:04] <bballboy2002> lol
L120[11:02:43] <ccgfok> I found a bug in 10.0.1
L121[11:06:32] <Forecaster> what bug?
L122[11:11:24] ⇨ Joins: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L123[11:15:23] <ccgfok> Locomotive will broken link to minecart:
L124[11:15:23] <ccgfok> https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/issues/1030
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L129[12:01:58] *** Ajloveslily|Sleep is now known as Ajloveslily
L130[12:24:28] <MalkContent> wee new version
L131[12:25:58] <MalkContent> what's that with config files not being generated correctly
L132[12:26:12] <MalkContent> generated wrongly somehow?
L133[12:36:56] <Forecaster> it generated empty config files
L134[12:40:08] <MalkContent> okay, i can live with that :)
L135[12:44:17] <Forecaster> the new one doesn't...
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L140[13:56:20] <MalkContent> :x
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