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L1[00:09:06] ⇦ Quits: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2602:306:8b77:a40:d46c:9ed3:3d74:5481) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L2[00:22:35] ⇨ Joins: guest (webchat@broadband-95-84-156-76.nationalcablenetworks.ru)
L3[00:24:02] <guest> Hello. I have an issue with Railcraft 10.0 for 1.10.2. Basically I have only Mekanism, Railcraft and TESLA API mods installed. The issue is that I cannot find Flux transformer recipe anywhere and can't charge electric tracks!
L4[00:24:52] <guest> IC2 Electric Feeder is present tho, for whatever weird reason it is
L5[00:29:29] <guest> And before you ask, no, IC2 feeder unit won't even connect to Mekanism blocks
L6[00:35:31] <Kodos> Anyone know if you can remove parts out of a Psi CAD or if I have to make new parts for the next tier
L7[01:06:33] <bballboy2002> guest: Railcraft 10.0 is feature-incomplete, wait for the next update (or two)
L8[01:08:22] <guest> So there's absolutely no way to get it to work with Mekanism now?
L9[01:10:47] <bballboy2002> dont think so :/
L10[01:17:47] <Kodos> Mekanism also needs to be updated with a few things, like an updated MCMP API
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L19[03:48:11] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L20[03:49:13] <Skully> Good morning folks. Running 1.10.2. I don't have signal blocks anymore. Looking at module signals, it does not seem to add them.
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L22[03:51:34] <Forecaster> if something is missing it's likely it hasn't been added yet
L23[03:51:56] <Forecaster> added/ported
L24[03:53:33] <Vexatos> Yea, signal boxes aren't there yet, either
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L26[03:59:07] <Skully> "Additionally, Switches and Signals are not ready yet, the goal is to include those in 10.1.0 in a month or so." got it. Bummer, I just upgraded to 1.10.2 so I could bring in OpenComputers and Railcraft together.
L27[03:59:34] <Joshwoo70> you could...
L28[03:59:56] <Joshwoo70> build the latest source @Skully
L29[04:00:04] <Joshwoo70> build the latest source @Skully
L30[04:01:08] <Skully> @Joshwoo70 https://github.com/CovertJaguar/Railcraft/blob/mc-1.10.2/src/main/java/mods/railcraft/common/modules/ModuleSignals.java#L23
L31[04:01:49] <Skully> I forsee myself hacking all weekend to get signals in. ?
L32[04:31:08] <guest> Forecaster: i assume Flux transformer also isn't there yet? Will it arrive in hotfix update at least? :(
L33[04:32:21] <Forecaster> I can't say
L34[04:41:32] <Vexatos> Did someone just mentioned OC and Railcraft in the same sentence?
L35[04:41:36] * Vexatos activates
L36[04:42:30] <Vexatos> @Skully Have you heard about Computronics? :⁾
L37[04:46:38] <Skully> @Vexatos not yet, but it's looking interesting. I was actually wondering whether we could have real (rail) block detection.
L38[04:46:54] <Vexatos> What do you mean?
L39[04:47:24] <Vexatos> I'm always up for new ideas ._.
L40[04:49:44] <Forecaster> @Skully do you mean like detecting what type of rail is under a cart or something?
L41[04:50:45] <Skully> I mean detecting whether a railcar is in a block by having isolators as opposed to signal blocks.
L42[04:50:58] <Vexatos> But
L43[04:51:02] <Vexatos> That's what detectors are for
L44[04:51:08] <Skully> `===|====[X]====|===`
L45[04:51:10] <Forecaster> oh right, those kinds of blocks xD
L46[04:51:10] <Vexatos> Isn't it
L47[04:51:26] <Skully> It doesn't work properly through junctions.
L48[04:51:32] <Forecaster> I'm not sure what you mean by isolators
L49[04:51:43] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L50[04:52:10] <Skully> ```
L51[04:52:10] <Skully> ===|==\=[X]==|===
L52[04:52:11] <Skully> \===|===
L53[04:52:11] <Skully> ```
L54[04:52:12] <Vexatos> Right now, Computronics has pretty much everything I could think of for computer integration: A ticket machine, a detector, two signal boxes and the relay that noone really ever needs to use
L55[04:52:21] <Skully> ```
L56[04:52:21] <Skully> ===|==\=[X]==|===
L57[04:52:22] <Skully> \===|=====
L58[04:52:22] <Skully> ```
L59[04:52:29] <Skully> ```
L60[04:52:29] <Skully> ===|==\=[X]==|===
L61[04:52:30] <Skully> \=====|=====
L62[04:52:30] <Skully> ```
L63[04:52:38] <Vexatos> Well that looks exactly like something you'd need a detector for, no?
L64[04:52:42] <Skully> ```
L65[04:52:42] <Skully> ===|==\=[X]==|===
L66[04:52:42] <Skully> \=====|===
L67[04:52:42] <Skully> ```
L68[04:53:08] <Skully> IRL the junction would be occupied, because the train is in between the isolators.
L69[04:53:21] <Vexatos> Oh
L70[04:53:27] <Vexatos> Forecaster, someone is craving for a token system
L71[04:53:34] <Forecaster> you can already do that
L72[04:53:55] <Forecaster> the pieces are there
L73[04:54:26] <Forecaster> I have a video about token signalling
L74[04:54:30] <Forecaster> :>
L75[04:54:45] <Vexatos> Forecaster, I just realized, you could use OC for checking out and storing tokens D:
L76[04:54:50] <Vexatos> using digital detectors instead of any
L77[04:54:57] <Forecaster> yep, I know
L78[04:55:05] <Vexatos> This could be
L79[04:55:07] <Forecaster> I might do that in my LP
L80[04:55:10] <Vexatos> REALLY powerful
L81[04:55:25] <Skully> `> Could not GET 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.10.2-;. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden`
L82[04:55:37] <Forecaster> not really sure how the rail system in my new base is going to work yet, but maybe
L83[04:56:16] <Vexatos> @Skully I... wouldn't mess with signals.... That system is.... slighly messy.
L84[04:56:25] <Vexatos> With the whole rewrite that CJ has done to wayobjects
L85[04:56:36] <Skully> Yeah, and I don't want to write anything that is not forward compatible.
L86[04:56:36] <Vexatos> it won't be easy to port those in a nice fashion
L87[04:57:06] <Skully> So if I do something it is going to have OCs do the signal blocks ?
L88[04:57:17] <Skully> But that requires train detection properly.
L89[04:57:23] <Forecaster> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVrS_lCmRkw
L90[04:58:17] <Vexatos> @Skully But... Computronics has signal boxes for that D:
L91[04:58:35] * Forecaster points to video
L92[05:02:11] <Skully> @Vexatos what do you mean? how can it detect a train?
L93[05:02:33] <Vexatos> a) using normal signal blocks hooked up to a digital signal receiver
L94[05:02:40] <Vexatos> b) using Forecaster's token system and Digital Detectors
L95[05:04:04] <Forecaster> ugh, the video is to bad
L96[05:04:05] <Skully> Ah yes, the old signal box system. There is a reason that was abandoned 2 centuries ago. ?
L97[05:04:13] <Forecaster> the content is good, but the recording is terrible
L98[05:04:19] <Forecaster> so many random noises D:
L99[05:04:34] <Vexatos> "old signal box system"ß
L100[05:04:37] <Vexatos> What do you mean >_>
L101[05:05:25] <Vexatos> The signal boxes are only half a year old
L102[05:05:28] <Vexatos> If at all
L103[05:06:29] <Vexatos> Yea I rewrote them last February
L104[05:07:05] <Skully> Interlocking as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Saxby before the invention of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Track_circuit
L105[05:07:23] <Vexatos> Ah
L106[05:07:29] <Vexatos> You mean RL signals
L107[05:08:18] <Vexatos> Track circuits are pretty much what Forecaster's token system is about
L108[05:08:26] <Vexatos> you just count who enters and who leaves
L109[05:08:30] <Skully> It is the precursor
L110[05:08:44] <Vexatos> And you can do that with Any or Digital detectors in RC
L111[05:08:50] <Skully> Normally you would have a signalman keeping track in his book
L112[05:09:01] <Vexatos> Which you could have a computer do
L113[05:09:22] <Forecaster> all of which is demonstrated in the video
L114[05:09:39] <Vexatos> Yea
L115[05:09:43] <Skully> It's not a track circuit. It doesn't work with isolators.
L116[05:09:54] <Vexatos> It works with detectors
L117[05:09:57] <Vexatos> how is that different
L118[05:09:58] <Vexatos> at all
L119[05:10:22] <Forecaster> I still don't know what an isolator is or why you need it
L120[05:11:13] <Skully> say I drop a cart onto the track, then any counter system is off
L121[05:11:35] <Vexatos> Because you don't drop a cart onto a track outside a station
L122[05:11:39] <Vexatos> because you are not stupid
L123[05:11:41] <Vexatos> Problem = solved
L124[05:12:18] <Vexatos> If you do, use normal signal blocks
L125[05:12:29] <Vexatos> Linking them together isn't hard
L126[05:12:45] <Vexatos> and it's even easier with OC >_>
L127[05:13:20] <Skully> Right signal blocks is roughly the equivalent, but it doesn't work through junctions.
L128[05:13:30] ⇦ Quits: Nedelosk (~nedelosk@ip-176-198-97-232.hsi05.unitymediagroup.de) (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
L129[05:13:40] <Skully> And right now I don't have signal blocks. ?
L130[05:13:41] <Vexatos> As I said
L131[05:13:43] <Vexatos> make two blocks
L132[05:13:49] <Vexatos> one for the line and one for the other
L133[05:13:56] <Vexatos> link them to a digital receiver box
L134[05:14:03] <Vexatos> and have OC regard them as the same
L135[05:17:56] <Forecaster> I'm pretty proud of the program I wrote for the video
L136[05:23:06] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L137[05:23:08] <Vexatos> Heh
L138[05:23:13] <Skully> Don't get me wrong. It is cool and great to see a token system at work. ?
L139[05:23:25] <Vexatos> It is extremely useful for big intersections
L140[05:23:33] <Vexatos> as you do not need to merge multiple tiny signal blocks
L141[05:25:39] <Forecaster> bleh
L142[05:26:18] <Forecaster> I might need to figure out how to do multi-channel recording with OBS...
L143[05:26:44] <Forecaster> bandicam is pulling the framerate of EtG down to 15 for some reason...
L144[05:29:30] <Vexatos> Forecaster, re-watching the video made me do this http://git.io/vXFBP
L145[05:29:33] <Vexatos> >_>
L146[05:29:56] <Vexatos> I completely forgot :P
L147[05:30:42] <Forecaster> :P
L148[05:30:48] <Forecaster> augh bandicam why
L149[05:30:52] <Forecaster> you've betrayed me
L150[05:35:33] <Forecaster> desktop capture mode works though
L151[05:35:34] <Forecaster> :I
L152[05:39:27] <Forecaster> desktop mode works fine I guess
L153[06:01:07] ⇨ Joins: WatchtowerOrator (~Watchtowe@
L154[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L155[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/E2LMeROvAbM - Modded Minedcrafted [Episode 198] - Fabricating a Building
L156[06:01:07] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Buildcraft,industrialcraft2,PneumaticCraft,Building,Logistics,Piping,Redstone
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L164[08:13:15] <Skully> Just need to implement tokens and proper lights and I'm off. ?
L165[08:13:15] <Skully> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/249537579249041408/unknown.png
L166[08:17:04] <Vexatos> Not using Computronics
L167[08:17:06] * Vexatos disapproves
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L170[08:44:03] <Skully> There is nothing much Computronics can give currently in 1.10.2.
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L174[09:41:07] <Vexatos> Digital detectors? :>
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L193[13:08:50] <Skully> Yes, that one might be useful. But I need a redstone controller anyway for the train block to work. Although... hmm, I could use it instead because it can detect arbitrary vehicles. Where does the event go to?
L194[13:12:40] <Forecaster> what do you mean?
L195[13:13:01] <Forecaster> you have to catch events
L196[13:13:18] <Forecaster> otherwise they go into the void
L197[13:15:05] <Skully> Are they global, over cable or network?
L198[13:16:26] <Forecaster> network
L199[13:16:39] <Forecaster> well, cable I guess
L200[13:16:44] <Forecaster> they don't count as network messages
L201[13:16:48] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
L202[13:19:28] <Skully> ah, I guess bus messages is the closest analogy
L203[13:20:05] <Forecaster> sure
L204[13:40:13] *** The_Fireplace is now known as The_Fireplace|Away
L205[13:50:13] <Skully> oh frag we don't have switch track yet...
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L244[21:26:21] <Fleynic> Uhm. I was wondering. Is Railcraft a heavy mod? (1.7.10 version)
L245[21:26:31] <Fleynic> I mean, if it has some performance impact
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