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L12[03:08:56] <vigilian> hi guys, does anyone of you know that there will be changes to make to mods from 1.10.2 to 1.11?
L13[03:11:41] <Forecaster> Probably not very many changes, as 1.11 appears to be a content update
L14[03:12:28] <vigilian> that's what I thought yeah
L15[03:13:29] <vigilian> will try to test the existing mod then to see if it oppose any resistance
L16[03:24:24] <Snapples> I suppose it would resist running on 1.11 ;D
L17[03:27:14] <vigilian> :p
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L19[05:10:45] <Elourge> Since railcraft is semi buildcraft related, whats the chance buildcraft would ever have a frame system?
L20[05:22:06] <Forecaster> that's something you'll have to ask the buildcraft people
L21[05:22:19] <Forecaster> whether that's something they'd consider or not I can't say
L22[05:25:07] <Snapples> What do frames have to do with RC/BC?
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L35[07:13:58] <Elourge> Yea your right, was juts a shower thought
L36[07:14:07] <Elourge> Yea your right, was just a shower thought
L37[07:15:19] <Elourge> And never eat a soul bead
L38[07:21:11] <Forecaster> sound advice
L39[07:32:30] <Elourge> I ran out of potions within 5 mintues
L40[07:32:41] <Elourge> I got slimes now though which is nice
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L56[10:00:40] <Snapples> Man, these things are lovely :D
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L61[10:40:05] <Forecaster> what things?
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L66[12:19:21] <Snapples> Quark Soul Beads
L67[12:20:26] <Snapples> They give you a 20min debuff that causes all mobs to spawn around you, regardless of any restrictions.
L68[12:21:00] <DaMachinator> sounds fun if you have a mob grinder
L69[12:21:43] <Snapples> Yea, though they'll spawn *everywhere*
L70[12:25:50] <DaMachinator> looks like its time for my daily computer restart
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L103[16:25:50] <MalkContent> did rc add the crushed obsidian recipe for IE?
L104[16:27:49] <MalkContent> obsidian dust*
L105[16:29:35] <MalkContent> now i'm feeling unfair because i wrote ie big and rc small :o only writing ie big because it makes me think "internet explorer" otherwise
L106[16:31:42] <Forecaster> what do you mean "for IE"?
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L115[17:27:59] <mattym> Immersive Engineering?
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L135[23:07:45] <Bysokar> Random question, do any items in RC transfer items between dimensions?
L136[23:07:57] <Bysokar> Or players!
L137[23:08:06] <Vexatos> yea
L138[23:08:16] <Bysokar> Which onesv
L139[23:08:20] <Bysokar> ?
L140[23:08:21] <Vexatos> Just place obsidian in a rectangular shape
L141[23:08:23] <Vexatos> then light it on fire
L142[23:08:24] <Vexatos> :3
L143[23:08:27] <Bysokar> Oh
L144[23:08:29] <Bysokar> Smartass
L145[23:08:31] <Bysokar> Haha
L146[23:08:37] <Bysokar> Thx
L147[23:08:45] <Vexatos> works just fine for me
L148[23:08:49] <Vexatos> sending carts through portals
L149[23:09:37] <Bysokar> I'm actually creating logic on a server side mod to simulate distances between worlds
L150[23:09:50] <Bysokar> And using warp drive mod to travel through space between them
L151[23:10:09] <Bysokar> Was wondering if I needed to create an add on to rc to modify behaviour of those items inn my server
L152[23:10:18] <Bysokar> But looks like not needed thank you!
L153[23:22:30] ⇦ Quits: Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E6531424D7AA808AA72B343.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔)
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