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L1[00:24:29] <CovertJaguar> They hook into the Forge Chunkloading system
L2[00:24:38] <CovertJaguar> it does all that for me
L3[00:25:17] <CovertJaguar> see mods.railcraft.common.util.misc.ChunkManager
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L12[02:10:03] <PitchBright> It's interesting. I wonder why the other mods use WorldSavedData instead of what you're doing. ChickenChunks for example.
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L19[05:25:29] <Snapples> Heya Railcraft team!
L20[05:25:46] <Forecaster> heya you
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L22[05:26:14] <Snapples> Am I correct that RC world anchors aren't implemented yet?
L23[05:26:22] <Forecaster> yes
L24[05:26:34] <Snapples> ok, good.
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L39[12:33:29] <MalkContent> how do i make coal coke *squints*
L40[12:33:43] <MalkContent> wasn't there coke oven bricks or something?
L41[12:33:49] <MalkContent> not finding it in jei
L42[12:34:32] <Fandroid> Coke bricks?
L43[12:35:22] <MalkContent> got some, but only from ie
L44[12:36:13] <Fandroid> Huh.
L45[12:37:33] <MalkContent> i vaguely recall blusunrize saying something about rc compatibility, but i might be imagining things
L46[12:37:40] <MalkContent> imma asked if he f-ed something up :D
L47[12:39:02] <MalkContent> or rather start without ie first
L48[12:42:13] <MalkContent> nope
L49[12:42:21] <MalkContent> no coke bricks
L50[12:42:29] <MalkContent> *scratches head*
L51[12:49:42] <Forecaster> multiblocks aren't in yet
L52[12:50:25] <MalkContent> a. dang it
L53[12:50:52] <MalkContent> ty, at least im not searching anymore then :D
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L55[13:13:40] <MalkContent> anyways, is rc creosote eventually gonna be compatible with ie creosote or is it a case of different balance?
L56[13:14:26] <MalkContent> considering minetweaking in some recipes so i can craft the rc recipes with creosote so i can get started with rc :)
L57[13:15:49] <Fandroid> Charcoal in a furnace returns creosote, right?
L58[13:16:31] *** Min|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L59[13:18:05] * MalkContent checks
L60[13:18:57] <MalkContent> huh. it does. even in bottle form
L61[13:21:22] <MalkContent> is that recipe meant to stay?
L62[13:21:52] <MalkContent> not that i'm not happy about it :D
L63[13:22:48] <MalkContent> (or was that even always a thing?)
L64[13:27:40] <MalkContent> a! i can also use bottles on barrels with ie creosote to get a bottle of the stuff
L65[13:27:51] <MalkContent> fluid registry being weird
L66[13:28:13] <MalkContent> hehe. i can also pour it in for a bottle made from charcoal
L67[13:28:41] <MalkContent> i'd declare the age of splashpotions but potions need blazepowder now
L68[13:29:48] <MalkContent> weee tracks :)
L69[13:30:03] <MalkContent> i missed you
L70[13:39:26] <SkySom> I assume it's one of the things that are using normal means of crafting until the machines are back.
L71[13:40:52] <Fandroid> I hope that's what it is.
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L139[21:18:59] <The_Fireplace> Hey CovertJaguar, does RailCraft have a Maven?
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L141[21:29:08] <The_Fireplace> I'd like to add integration with it to More Anvils.
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