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Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
L2[00:27:13] ***
Keridos is now known as Keridos|away

<Shadows> player do you even use

<Apsmar> @CovertJaguar I was poking
around rail craft configs and I must say having done programing in
the past your files are very clean, formated well and easy to read,
I was impressed. just want to let you know ?
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<CovertJaguar> thanks! ^^
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L73[12:29:28] <Abculatter_2> What is the
percentage chance of getting a diamond from gravel?
L74[12:33:10] <Forecaster> .01% or so
L75[12:35:57] <Abculatter_2> ... 1 in
L76[12:36:02] <Abculatter_2> Are you
L77[12:41:12] <Abculatter_2> Where are the
rock crusher recipes defined in the code?
L78[12:41:30] <Abculatter_2> I'm
findin it difficult to find that...
L79[12:45:35] <Abculatter_2>
L80[12:45:42] <Abculatter_2> That is a very
small number...
L81[12:46:10] <Abculatter_2> 1 in 20,000?
Why even bother having it there at that point?
L82[12:46:30] <daniel> just to mess with
people? ;)
L83[12:48:03] <Abculatter_2> I mean, I know
that there's a shittone of cobblestone in minecraft, given
that it's literally renewable, but it does still cost energy
to crush it twice
L84[12:48:17] <Abculatter_2> So
there's still a cost even with cobblestone
L85[12:49:29] <Abculatter_2> 640,000,000
RF, on average, to be exact
L86[12:52:02] <Forecaster> I don't see
the problem
L87[12:53:36] <daniel> I think that
it's not worth it to get diamonds, but it's enough to
mess up badly designed automation systems.
L88[12:54:03] <daniel> which I think is
just fine.
L89[12:55:00] <Abculatter_2> ... It would
take, on average, 28 real-life hours to make one diamond
L90[12:55:28] <Abculatter_2> That's I
mean, I see why it is that way
L91[12:55:38] <Abculatter_2> Because
servers and all
L92[12:55:42] <Forecaster> maybe it's
*not* supposed to be the primary way of getting diamonds
L93[12:55:48] <Abculatter_2> Well,
L94[12:56:01] <Abculatter_2> I'm not
saying it should be a GOOD way to get diamonds
L95[12:56:19] <Forecaster> I have my
processing set up so excess cobblestone is crushed, excess gravel
is crushed, excess sand is voided
L96[12:56:41] <Forecaster> there's a
tiny chance to get a diamond now and then
L97[12:56:53] <Forecaster> that's fine
by me
L98[12:57:13] <Abculatter_2> It would take
real-life weeks to recoup the diamond cost of one crusher
L99[12:57:14] <Kodos> All my excess sand
gets crafted into silicon
L100[12:57:32] <Abculatter_2> 2 real-life
L101[12:57:36] <Abculatter_2> Is what I
meant to say
L102[12:57:54] <Kodos> Railcraft Coal
Veins should have a very low chance to spawn a diamond ore =D
L103[12:57:54] <Abculatter_2> That's
only in any way useful on a server, with 24/7 chunkloader
L104[12:58:12] <Abculatter_2> Railcraft
coal veins?
L105[12:58:18] <Abculatter_2> When were
these added?
L106[12:58:32] <Abculatter_2> And why,
considering how abundant coal already is in minecraft?
L107[12:59:31] <Forecaster> hopefully you
didn't make the crusher soley to make diamonds
L108[12:59:44] <Forecaster> I don't
see how it's relevant that it's slow to pay itself
L109[12:59:53] <Forecaster> it's not
supposed to
L110[13:00:36] <Abculatter_2> I
didn't make one yet, though I was planning on it eventually in
this pack. I'm also making a personal ban on cobble gens,
L111[13:00:51] <Abculatter_2> So that
makes it non-renewable
L112[13:02:10] <Abculatter_2> I know I can
always change the recipe, and I probably will at some point, but
still, those numbers seem pointlessly small/large
L113[13:02:18] <Kodos> If you're on
1.7.10, I'd recommend making water finite as well, with
L114[13:02:21] <Kodos> It's in the
L115[13:02:42] <Abculatter_2> No, I
don't like that change
L116[13:02:53] <Kodos> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L117[13:02:56] <Kodos> I love finite
L118[13:03:04] <Kodos> Makes it a
challenge to get infrastructure up
L119[13:03:06] <Abculatter_2> I prefer
water being infinite, but immovable
L120[13:03:26] <Abculatter_2> So you
can't just set up a 2x2 water area and get infinite water
L121[13:03:47] <Abculatter_2>
Unfortunately, the only mod that does that properly is Better than
L122[13:05:13] <daniel> hm. immovable
water. sounds interesting.
L123[13:05:25] <daniel> are there mods
that do that at all?
L124[13:05:30] <daniel> besides btw
L125[13:06:10] <mattym> you could probably
achieve that with configs from several
L126[13:06:27] <Abculatter_2> The closest
I know of is a mod that makes it so that infinite water sources are
only possible at certain biomes and world heights
L127[13:06:58] <daniel> blocking the
placement of water source blocks with water buckets is all you
need, right?
L128[13:07:09] <daniel> and what mod would
that be?
L129[13:07:22] <Abculatter_2> There's
still the issue of other mods placing water source blocks
L130[13:07:41] <Forecaster> it sounds like
it'd be a lot better to make water finite conditionally
L131[13:07:53] <Abculatter_2> That's
what I'd like to see happen
L132[13:07:54] <Forecaster> like in every
biome except ocean and river for example
L133[13:07:54] <Abculatter_2>
L134[13:08:01] <Abculatter_2> Oh\
L135[13:08:06] <Abculatter_2> That's
already a thing
L136[13:08:11] <Abculatter_2> Lemme get a
L138[13:08:33] <Abculatter_2> There
L139[13:11:35] <daniel> bookmarked. that
might go into my next pack :)
L140[13:12:41] <Forecaster> so why
don't you just use that
L141[13:25:29] <Abculatter_2> Because I
just added it now
L142[13:25:42] <Abculatter_2> I forgot it
existed until now
L143[13:26:13] <Abculatter_2> This
discussion does remind me of a mod I've been wanting to see; a
mod that lets you change what cobble generators produce
L144[13:27:51] <Abculatter_2> In
particular, I've been wanting these to produce an
'extruded' version of stone/cobblestone that is visually
exactly the same, but can be used by modpack creators to
differentiate between stone that's been dug from the world,
and stone that's been generated
L145[13:28:50] <Abculatter_2> So, for
example, you could add a small chance of getting additional ores
from processing natural stone
L146[13:29:20] <Abculatter_2> Not a large
amount, but enough to make it worth doing
L147[13:30:06] <daniel> well, there are
more types of stone now. so maybe add that to those?
L148[13:30:24] <Abculatter_2> Interesting
L149[13:31:01] <Abculatter_2> You'd
have to remove the ability to make those stones with quartz,
L150[13:31:11] <Abculatter_2> Which could
be annoying to people who like building with them
L151[13:31:52] <daniel> I don't see a
problem. If you invest the quarz, might as well get a small chance
to get ores out of it.
L152[13:32:04] <daniel> if that chance is
low enough, it isn't worth it
L153[13:32:45] <Abculatter_2> Ehhh... The
thing is, I don't want to devalue aesthetic blocks
L154[13:32:54] <Abculatter_2> As aesthetic
L155[13:33:01] <daniel> iron, coal, gold
and redstone are renewable anyways
L156[13:33:52] <Abculatter_2> If I make it
so those stones give you ores when processed, I'm basically
making it so the ideal way to use them is to process them, rather
then using them for building
L157[13:33:54] <daniel> with just vanilla
L158[13:34:23] <Abculatter_2> Which is
fine for the people who don't like building with them, but is
kinda annoying for those who do
L159[13:34:27] <Abculatter_2> And I
already know that
L160[13:34:32] <Abculatter_2> You also
forgot glowstone
L161[13:34:54] <daniel> I don't
really cound glowstone as an ore, but yes
L162[13:35:10] <daniel> count
L163[13:35:25] <Abculatter_2> I also
personally feel that ghasts should also drop nether quartz instead
of gunpowder, but meh
L164[13:36:47] *
daniel still needs to find a renewable source for nether quartz
that makes sense in some way
L165[13:37:28] <Abculatter_2> I just make
ghasts drop a nether quartz block using Mob Properties, whenever I
L166[13:38:36] <Abculatter_2> In addition
to being potentially useful to people who like building with quartz
and giving them a project to build to get a lot of it, I also find
the idea of ghasts 'deflating' when you kill them
L167[13:39:57] <mattym> reskin a squid and
spawn it in as one dies to fake it
L168[13:40:38] <mattym> squids gotta die
on its own fairly quick in the nether
L169[13:41:49] <Abculatter_2> Er...
L170[13:42:00] <Abculatter_2> Why go
through that effort?
L171[13:42:07] <Abculatter_2> Just... Make
it drop quartz?
L172[13:43:38] <mattym> you said
L173[13:43:56] <mattym> reskined squild
would look like a deflated ghast
L174[13:45:38] <Abculatter_2> You
accomplish the same basic idea but with far less effort by just
adding a quartz block to the drop list
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