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L12[01:26:33] <Kane_Hart> I'm a bit confused
L13[01:26:35] <Kane_Hart> what is this?
L14[01:26:36] <Kane_Hart> # Copper Mine, spawns a cloud of ore over a large but localized region
L15[01:26:41] <Kane_Hart> Is this just the Poor Copper?
L16[01:27:24] <Kodos> Should be, yeah
L17[01:28:14] <Kane_Hart> ahh
L18[01:28:24] <Kane_Hart> thanks
L19[01:28:34] <Kodos> Yep
L20[01:28:51] <Kane_Hart> it's confusing not sure if these are old entries? https://i.imgur.com/VET4kPS.png
L21[01:30:38] <Kodos> Hm, is that a freshly generated config?
L22[01:31:37] <Kane_Hart> yeah for 1.10.2
L23[01:32:07] <Kane_Hart> the grouping of them I think is the old style but not used anymore I assume since it never worked hehe
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L26[02:14:17] <CovertJaguar> the poor.x stuff is old and can be deleted
L27[02:14:27] <CovertJaguar> and the mines are not quite "just poor ore"
L28[02:14:37] <CovertJaguar> read the description at the top
L29[02:15:17] <CovertJaguar> they now form tendrils and also include normal ores
L30[02:16:17] <Hanakocz> how big will be new copper deposits? Like GT ones, or bigger/smaller?
L31[02:17:34] <CovertJaguar> something like this, only I increased the distance between the mines since this ss
L32[02:17:34] <CovertJaguar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/237474256659808256/2016-10-12_15.22.27.png
L33[02:21:44] <Kane_Hart> wait you guys are on discord :P
L34[02:21:45] <Kane_Hart> link
L35[02:21:53] <Forecaster> topic
L36[02:22:23] <Kane Hart> Much better lol
L37[02:22:35] <CovertJaguar> I'm curious, how does this compare to GT?
L38[02:22:38] <Kane Hart> Ahh that looks sweet.
L39[02:22:58] <Hanakocz> GT has veins more in round shape
L40[02:23:20] <Kane Hart> I think in GT their all connected too. Not sure though. Have not touched it in years.
L41[02:23:45] <Hanakocz> they are from one square chunk for rarer, to at most nearly 3*3 chunks for big veins of coal
L42[02:24:05] <CovertJaguar> oh....well...bigger then....much bigger
L43[02:24:06] <Hanakocz> kinda slim, like 10 blocks at height
L44[02:24:33] <Hanakocz> but well, every 3*3 chunks, you have chance to spawn one random vein in random Y
L45[02:25:14] <Hanakocz> (so when Y is too high, nothing spawns), and Y ranges do depend on type of ore
L46[02:25:41] <CovertJaguar> yeah, same here, y level depends on ore
L47[02:25:50] <CovertJaguar> they are more flat than tall
L48[02:25:50] <Hanakocz> most of veins are mixed from 2-3 ores, that have similar elements
L49[02:26:32] <CovertJaguar> yeah, I didn't go that far, but you can find overlaping mines for different ores
L50[02:27:20] <Hanakocz> We had a lot of discussions on topic "make mines at one place so rich, that it will promote you for making a railroad there for mining it up"
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L52[02:27:49] <CovertJaguar> like the monster that made me turn all the numbers down and spread things apart, this was too much
L53[02:27:50] <CovertJaguar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/237476838778077184/2016-10-12_14.51.17.png
L54[02:27:52] <Hanakocz> but that would need way higher density of ores per block
L55[02:28:03] <Hanakocz> lol
L56[02:28:39] <Hanakocz> people had thoughts about various density of ores
L57[02:28:55] <Hanakocz> like poor ore, then full ore as it is even now
L58[02:28:57] <Kodos> Now that I've been playing Factorio, I've been setting up automated cargo carts more and more
L59[02:29:23] <CovertJaguar> the different ores do have different densities, iron and copper are very think, gold and silver more sparse
L60[02:29:24] <Hanakocz> but then in veins, it would be fun to get ore that you can mine like 10 times to get rid of block
L61[02:29:45] <Kodos> I like how RSMC did ores
L62[02:29:56] <Hanakocz> then you can really setup a permanent mine
L63[02:30:06] <CovertJaguar> yeah, I went the other way to solve that, make the blocks yield less, but increase the number of them massively
L64[02:30:08] <Hanakocz> with railroads and so ?
L65[02:30:44] <Hanakocz> when you make more blocks, it spreads more, then you have less tension to setup permanent camps on minesites
L66[02:31:17] <CovertJaguar> perhaps, I'll admit not thinking of much denser blocks
L67[02:31:32] <Kodos> Railcraft having something like Dense Ores would be neat
L68[02:31:35] <Kodos> You already have poor ones
L69[02:31:43] <Hanakocz> but well, one would need to make ores "heavy" so they would need to be transported by trains ...and that is WAY big overhaul ?
L70[02:31:47] <CovertJaguar> but I think you still don't quite get scale of these things ;)
L71[02:31:58] <CovertJaguar> yeah, I like the idea
L72[02:32:08] <CovertJaguar> put some of those in the core of the mine
L73[02:32:14] <Hanakocz> Scale is the easiest thing to change
L74[02:34:00] <Hanakocz> I think TFC has some poor/rich system of ores
L75[02:35:01] <CovertJaguar> the biggest issue at the moment that people complain about is ore double (or the lack there off) of poor ore, so I've tossing around the idea for the poor ores, add some rock crusher recipes, output being 1-3 ore chunks, then you could combine 9 ore chunks into a standard ore block and then do whatever you normally do with them
L76[02:35:39] <Hanakocz> Hm, one block can have 16 metadatas, thus one can make ore mineable 16 times at most ?
L77[02:36:15] <Hanakocz> well, I think again, Greg has kinda neat solution with crushed ores system
L78[02:36:32] <Hanakocz> (it is from IC2 I think , but still)
L79[02:37:04] <Hanakocz> small ores do drop crushed ores / dusts, then full block ores drop themself so you can macerate for double gains
L80[02:37:22] <Kodos> It's really too bad I can't configure IE to display EU in its GUIs
L81[02:37:29] <CovertJaguar> that's basically the same buut without the extra step
L82[02:37:42] <Hanakocz> then it is play with chances, you can mine small ore and get more than one dust, or get only one...
L83[02:39:19] <Hanakocz> hm, maybe I have temptation to make soem prototype of more-times-mining-ore, heh
L84[02:39:29] <Hanakocz> but well, it would change so many things
L85[02:40:24] <Hanakocz> Did they raised number of possible IDs for blocks for 1.10.2 ?
L86[02:40:30] <CovertJaguar> no
L87[02:43:00] <CovertJaguar> yeah, that would be 7 new blocks, and 7*16 new textures
L88[02:43:18] <CovertJaguar> the textures are probably the bigger issue
L89[02:47:34] <Hanakocz> what about one block for one type of ore?
L90[02:47:44] <Hanakocz> then make it use metadata
L91[02:48:39] <Hanakocz> if higher than (lowest meta), drop unit of ore, make meta = meta - 1, and deny destroying the block
L92[02:49:19] <Hanakocz> texture by meta showing the density of ore
L93[02:49:38] <Hanakocz> I have artist for RCC, maybe she can make some ?
L94[02:49:49] <Forecaster> would still need textures :P
L95[02:49:58] <Hanakocz> I have artist for RCC, maybe she can make some textures ?
L96[02:52:33] <Kodos> That moment when you figure out how to add mineral mixes http://puu.sh/rLPdO/181f1495f5.png
L97[02:59:57] <Kodos> Welp, this is a thing http://puu.sh/rLPrC/2795168a65.png
L98[03:01:14] <Kodos> Will loaders pull from adjacent inventories
L99[03:01:26] <Forecaster> yes
L100[03:01:38] <Kodos> Okay, that'll be much faster than hoppers then
L101[03:01:42] <Forecaster> only when loading though
L102[03:01:46] <Kodos> Trying to figure out how to buffer items for the loaders
L103[03:01:49] <Forecaster> it doesn't pull things into it's buffer
L104[03:02:06] <Kodos> erm
L105[03:02:07] <Kodos> waht
L106[03:02:38] <Kodos> I need a go-between for use between a cargo loader into a cart, and the conveyor that's loading the cargo loader
L107[03:02:51] <Forecaster> a loader wont pull items from a chest into it's buffer
L108[03:03:07] <Forecaster> but it can take items from a chest and put them into the cart it's loading
L109[03:03:18] <Kodos> That's fine
L110[03:03:36] <Kodos> As long as I can have conveyors shoving shit into the chest, and hte loaders work, I'm good
L111[03:15:55] <CovertJaguar> the problem isn't making the textures, its the fact that we probably have fewer texture slots than we do block ids
L112[03:16:51] <CovertJaguar> large modpacks are starting to hit the texture ceiling, espeically if you try to use a 32x or 64x pack
L113[03:28:33] <Snapples> Glad we added Railcraft to our pack already ?
L114[03:28:55] <Snapples> We were like "no unfinished mods" but RC is pretty much a must-have.
L115[03:36:51] <CovertJaguar> quick everyone go blow up some pumpkin carts and let me know if its working correctly (potions and mobs)
L116[03:47:38] <Hanakocz> Hm, we can still make less textures than block states, you can change texture like every 4 states. I think that it won't be so many of them compared to some other mods...
L117[03:47:57] <CovertJaguar> um oh.. I should probably mention that pumpkin carts are slightly dangerous...
L118[03:48:05] <CovertJaguar> but they do seem to work
L119[03:48:19] <Hanakocz> is it masked tnt?
L120[03:48:38] <Hanakocz> Or it will spawn pumpkin boss?
L121[03:48:58] <CovertJaguar> some texture issue with the flashing though...
L122[03:49:58] <CovertJaguar> well..not the pumpkin boss...skeletons with pumpkin heads, witchs, bats, ghasts, and well that other denzen of the nether that will ruin your day
L123[03:50:39] <CovertJaguar> he's currently terrorizing a village...
L124[03:51:41] <Hanakocz> Cool.
L125[03:52:48] <CovertJaguar> oh! I need to make this spawn skeleton knights...
L126[03:53:35] <Hanakocz> What about angry villager-like mob, called Angry Technician, that will spawn in rc house in villages? Aggressive towards players if they don't wear track suit as he
L127[03:53:50] <CovertJaguar> haha
L128[03:54:06] <Hanakocz> Same one-per-house spawn as witch in her hut
L129[03:54:44] <Hanakocz> Wielding big wrench or crowbar
L130[03:55:23] <Hanakocz> Really annoyed when you try to get his rc loot
L131[03:55:24] <Snapples> Haha, awesome ?
L132[03:55:37] <Snapples> "Angry Technician"
L133[03:55:48] <Snapples> OC needs that as well.
L134[03:55:53] <Snapples> "Angry Admin"
L135[03:55:55] <Hanakocz> I probably should build workspace myself and contribute rather code heh
L136[03:56:14] <Hanakocz> Lol admin
L137[03:56:39] <Hanakocz> Throwing diskettes as a weapon?
L138[03:57:02] <CovertJaguar> hmm....how to spawn zombie and skeleton horses...
L139[03:57:33] <Hanakocz> Don't they have their own entity nown
L140[03:57:45] <Hanakocz> Don't they have their own entity now?
L141[03:59:02] <CovertJaguar> doesn't look like it
L142[04:00:31] <Hanakocz> /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {Type:4}
L143[04:01:24] <CovertJaguar> er...dunno, I need code not commands
L144[04:01:39] <CovertJaguar> found it though
L145[04:03:24] <Hanakocz> Oh okay
L146[04:09:33] <CovertJaguar> I wonder if a skeleton horse will be a trap
L147[04:09:55] <CovertJaguar> oh wait, yes it will, there is a function setting that
L148[04:13:17] <CovertJaguar> well that worked, now if I could just make the have pumpkins on their heads...
L149[04:13:18] <CovertJaguar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/237503381080506369/2016-10-17_02.12.55.png
L150[04:14:05] <CovertJaguar> oh! traps work by just adding an AI task, how hacky and wonderfully elegant at the same time, so easy replicate and modify
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L152[04:27:26] <Hanakocz> :) playing rc will be kinda destructive it seems xD
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L155[04:38:49] <Hanakocz> So dark
L156[04:39:39] <CovertJaguar> now to make a zombie trackman
L157[04:39:56] <Snapples> make him so he's charged with electricity
L158[04:40:48] <Snapples> He died while working with the fancy new electric tracks.
L159[05:08:53] <4000DC> Less dark.
L160[05:09:23] <4000DC> Or darker?
L161[05:09:41] <4000DC> I mean, what would be correct?
L162[05:10:18] <CovertJaguar> hmm....ok no trackman it appears, there is a bug in Forge that prevents non-vanilla zombie villagers from spawning with the correct texture
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L164[06:08:06] <Forecaster> aw
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L166[06:58:11] <Joshwoo70> no
L167[06:58:23] <Joshwoo70> OC should add angry IT's
L168[06:58:46] <Joshwoo70> *Hello IT... yeah have you tried turning it on and off again?*
L169[06:58:56] <Joshwoo70> -Jen, IT crowd
L170[07:01:12] <Joshwoo70> @Snapples
L171[07:03:52] <Snapples> ?
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L348[11:37:00] <Kane Hart> I'm sorry @CovertJaguar I been a traitor for sometime now ?
L349[11:37:12] <Kane Hart> Factorio Trains ... They just keep bring me back and back ?
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L374[16:34:48] <JayLocke> What happened to the railcraft.info page? Did it move or get deleted?
L375[16:35:27] <CovertJaguar> it'll be back soon according to my host
L376[16:35:51] <JayLocke> Oh awesome, just technical difficulties.
L377[16:35:53] <Kane_Hart> was about to check make sure your domain did not expire lol
L378[16:36:07] <JayLocke> Thanks for the quick reply CJ
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L403[19:40:09] <ccgfok> *The locomotives has no whistle*
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L427[23:37:25] <CovertJaguar> Yeah, that's because my release branch (where the sounds are located) hasn't been touched at all yet
L428[23:37:53] <CovertJaguar> so the beta builds are missing them
L429[23:54:52] <Fandroid> Is there any sort of lag issues associated with recent Railcraft builds?
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