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L14[00:53:18] <Xenoniuss> Looks pretty nice @Joshwoo70
L15[00:53:45] <Xenoniuss> Although I would suggest changing the green lights to white or something, and maybe something smaller aswell?
L16[01:00:06] <Joshwoo70> i could
L17[01:00:18] <Joshwoo70> but i feel that white is too bright
L18[01:00:52] <Joshwoo70> @Xenoniuss also i sunve this is for the railcraft trailer better take it over to cream tras server
L19[01:01:04] <Joshwoo70> since*
L20[01:01:07] <Joshwoo70> teas*
L21[01:01:29] <Xenoniuss> Yeah, good point, will state it there aswell ^^
L22[01:02:07] <Joshwoo70> if you can come online after the server is back up.. i need a couple of stackable skyscrapers.
L23[01:02:18] <Xenoniuss> I'm at school atm
L24[01:02:31] <Joshwoo70> thats fine
L25[01:02:34] <Xenoniuss> From 8am till 5pm and then 2h of travelling home
L26[01:02:41] <Xenoniuss> Will be online around 7pm
L27[01:02:52] <Xenoniuss> But I can give advice via my phone
L28[01:02:56] <Joshwoo70> exams today.. came home earlier. ahould be at home roughly now
L29[01:03:23] <Joshwoo70> Amaths is the last "proper" paper for tomorrow
L30[01:03:45] <Joshwoo70> then it is some lisening comprehension for FREE MARKS AND WIFI
L31[01:04:07] <Joshwoo70> seriously LC is basically giving free marks
L32[01:04:40] <Xenoniuss> Nice
L33[01:04:46] <Xenoniuss> What are you studying?
L34[01:05:20] <Xenoniuss> And ugh... 9 hours of school left...
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L49[02:14:14] <Forecaster> @Joshwoo70 he's the one who told me that :P
L50[02:27:55] <Joshwoo70> Additional Maths @Xenoniuss
L51[02:37:55] *** Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
L52[02:56:54] <Forecaster> TooMuchMathException: Too much math
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L56[04:08:03] <Joshwoo70> PolynomialException : Poly NOM NOM NOM error
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L60[04:27:14] <Joshwoo70> OH SHIY
L61[04:27:21] <Joshwoo70> OH SHIT
L62[04:27:27] <Joshwoo70> OH GREAT
L63[04:27:35] <Joshwoo70> I DIVIDED BY 0!!!
L64[04:27:41] <Joshwoo70> oh shi----
L65[04:28:25] <Joshwoo70> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-62eJfLXcm2o/U11e7p58NOI/AAAAAAAAAkM/k1YM2yUQXR8/s1600/divided+by+zero.jpg
L66[04:32:35] <Forecaster> Great! now divide by ∞
L67[04:56:02] <4000DC> Zero.
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L73[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Time for a new episode from Forecaster! You're welcome!
L74[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> https://youtu.be/as-791OYESI - Modded Minecraft [Episode 187] - Twilight Fire
L75[06:00:47] <WatchtowerOrator> Tags on this video: Crafting,Fighting,Twilight Forest,Weapons
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L84[08:18:12] <Joshwoo70> new mini game i suppose?
L85[08:18:12] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235753069013499914/2016-10-12_21.18.09.png
L86[08:18:19] <Joshwoo70> hint : duck
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L89[09:19:05] <Forecaster> there are no ducks in minecraft, I call shenanigans!
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L94[10:29:08] <ccgfok> Tunnel Bore sometimes go wrong direction
L95[10:29:19] <Forecaster> "sometimes"?
L96[10:29:23] <Forecaster> when is sometimes?
L97[10:32:42] <Lizzy> sometimes
L98[10:32:53] <Forecaster> > - >
L99[10:34:20] <Lizzy> :)
L100[10:38:29] <ccgfok> When I place track and going to the North, it go South
L101[10:39:01] <ccgfok> And so as Wesr - East
L102[10:39:16] <ccgfok> And so it West - East
L103[10:41:22] <Elizabeth> so is it going backwards or just being oriented the wrong way?
L104[10:42:47] <ccgfok> Both two
L105[10:43:09] <ccgfok> You can test it on Railcraft 10.0.0-beta-2 for mc 1.10.2
L106[10:52:58] <Forecaster> ah I see
L107[10:53:02] <Forecaster> it's moving in reverse
L108[10:53:18] <Forecaster> yeah that's a bug
L109[10:54:25] <Forecaster> @ccgfok please make a ticket on the issuetracker
L110[10:57:13] <ccgfok> @Forecaster Thank you. But I have a question is can I summit 2 bugs in one post?
L111[10:57:38] <Forecaster> we'd prefer if you make one issue per bug
L112[10:57:54] <Forecaster> just make two tickets, it's fine
L113[10:59:42] <ccgfok> Okay. Thank you so much
L114[11:03:14] <Forecaster> https://beam.pro/Forecaster
L115[11:03:18] <Forecaster> stream time
L116[11:05:40] <Vexatos> strim tim
L117[11:09:25] <CovertJaguar> yeah, I was poking at the tunnel bore orientation code a while back
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L120[11:31:20] <CovertJaguar> @ccgfok I can only replicate the issue when facing west
L121[11:41:19] <CovertJaguar> I think just figured out why pigs float over minecarts...the entity bounding box is screwy
L122[11:43:52] <SkySom> Lol. I hadn't even noticed that.
L123[11:43:58] <SkySom> Hadn't looked too closely though
L124[11:44:29] <CovertJaguar> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235804717232422912/2016-10-12_09.41.45.png
L125[11:45:14] <CovertJaguar> it seems to eventaully fix itself, and I have no idea why its like that
L126[11:46:11] <CovertJaguar> seems to be a client side thing only
L127[11:46:18] <CovertJaguar> server is probably correct
L128[11:47:07] <Michiyo> I noticed that last night with players, wife and I were riding a long haul, and both of us were sitting above the cart, then we both snapped into it like normal
L129[11:47:24] <CovertJaguar> I would be interesting in knowing if it happens in vanilla too (F3+B)
L130[11:48:09] <CovertJaguar> the tunnel bore seems to not suffer the same issue...hmm
L131[11:48:14] <CovertJaguar> but the other carts do
L132[11:49:34] <Cream Tea> The other carts are based on the vanilla cart code though right?
L133[11:49:49] <Cream Tea> And the vanilla code wasn't done to uh, best standards shall we say by Notch.
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L135[11:55:24] <CovertJaguar> well the hopper cart, which I haven't properly overriden yet, also has the issue, so it seems to a be a vanilla bug
L136[11:56:07] <CovertJaguar> pig and such however don't suffer the issue
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L139[12:11:56] <CovertJaguar> as soon as the cart goes off-track, it fixes itself
L140[12:12:18] <CovertJaguar> I also can't seem to isolate what about the Tunnel Bore prevents it from happening
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L142[12:25:43] <CovertJaguar> ok, enough time wasted on that...its too complicated for too little gain
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