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L1[00:06:06] *** Ajloveslily is now known as Ajloveslily|Sleep
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L26[07:29:35] <Joshwoo70> @Forecaster ur routing editor is BROKEN!
L27[07:29:35] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235016059243986944/2016-10-10_20.29.19.png
L28[07:30:00] <Forecaster> show me the input?
L29[07:31:34] <Forecaster> @Joshwoo70
L30[07:31:41] <Joshwoo70> Dest=Depot
L31[07:31:41] <Joshwoo70> OR
L32[07:31:41] <Joshwoo70> Ridden=false
L33[07:31:51] <Joshwoo70> directly copied and pasted into book
L34[07:32:18] <Forecaster> show me the in-game book?
L35[07:32:49] <Joshwoo70> here ya go
L36[07:32:50] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235016873740075008/2016-10-10_20.32.52.png
L37[07:33:03] <Joshwoo70> looks EXACTLY THE SAME
L38[07:33:05] <Forecaster> oh, well
L39[07:33:09] <Forecaster> did you validate it?
L40[07:33:12] <Joshwoo70> yes
L41[07:33:14] <Forecaster> in the application?
L42[07:33:17] <Forecaster> what did it display?
L43[07:33:19] <Joshwoo70> it is valid in the editor
L44[07:34:08] <Forecaster> ah I see
L45[07:34:21] <Forecaster> it's because the editor doesn't check for missing parameters
L46[07:34:29] <Forecaster> the second OR would need another item
L47[07:35:35] <Joshwoo70> so could you explain to me how do o go about fixing it?
L48[07:36:04] <Forecaster> you don't put OR or AND between the parameters in this script
L49[07:36:07] <Forecaster> it's
L50[07:36:12] <Forecaster> OR
L51[07:36:12] <Forecaster> condition
L52[07:36:13] <Forecaster> condition
L53[07:36:20] <Forecaster> AND
L54[07:36:20] <Forecaster> condition
L55[07:36:21] <Forecaster> condition
L56[07:36:23] <Joshwoo70> ahh
L57[07:36:24] <Joshwoo70> okie
L58[07:36:57] <Forecaster> that *is* explained in the instructions that are included both in the editor and the in-game routing table :P
L59[07:37:10] <Joshwoo70> still...
L60[07:37:10] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235017967102984192/2016-10-10_20.37.14.png
L61[07:37:15] <Joshwoo70> what is that LF
L62[07:37:46] <Forecaster> also, you don't need the OR
L63[07:37:58] <Forecaster> there's an implied OR at the base of the tree
L64[07:38:03] <Joshwoo70> um forecaster
L65[07:38:03] <Forecaster> it's shown in the editor
L66[07:38:13] <Joshwoo70> i think the LF makes it go wack
L67[07:38:19] <Forecaster> LF?
L68[07:38:34] <Joshwoo70> this is a cleaned one
L69[07:38:34] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235018318719746048/2016-10-10_20.38.34.png
L70[07:38:36] <Joshwoo70> it works
L71[07:38:49] <Joshwoo70> OR*[LF]*
L72[07:38:59] <Forecaster> oh
L73[07:39:20] <Forecaster> well, you're not really supposed to copy from the editor to the game
L74[07:39:30] <Joshwoo70> well...
L75[07:39:34] <Joshwoo70> you are the dev.
L76[07:39:36] <Joshwoo70> fix it ?
L77[07:39:42] <Forecaster> are you in 1.10?
L78[07:39:46] <Joshwoo70> nope
L79[07:39:49] <Joshwoo70> 1.7.10
L80[07:39:52] <Forecaster> because last time I tried it would just paste a line at a time
L81[07:39:59] <Forecaster> I couldn't get it to paste the whole page
L82[07:40:04] <Joshwoo70> 1.10 does not have routing enabled afaik
L83[07:40:33] <Forecaster> so you're just copying the input field?
L84[07:40:40] <Forecaster> or the parsed view?
L85[07:41:41] <Joshwoo70> this
L86[07:41:41] <Joshwoo70> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/225184360049934336/235019103558041600/Screenshot_2016-10-10_20.41.40.png
L87[07:41:54] <Forecaster> ah, so input
L88[07:42:06] <Forecaster> well, I can't really control the line breaks in that
L89[07:42:28] <Forecaster> I can maybe have a "copy to clipboard" button that cleans it up first
L90[07:43:37] <Joshwoo70> https://tenor.co/v7wr.gif
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L106[11:42:22] <TyRao> How do I put in a request for a feature to be added
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L110[11:46:26] <Forecaster> TyRao: issuetracker on github
L111[12:04:45] <TyRao> that is for issues not requests for a feature
L112[12:05:20] <Forecaster> it's for both
L113[12:15:52] <Forecaster> TyRao: ^
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L117[12:41:55] <bballboy2002> both
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L120[13:01:10] <Forecaster> both!
L121[13:25:19] <Mimiru> Just to make sure I'm not overlooking something obvious.. World Anchors/Anchor carts are not in 1.10 yet, correct?
L122[13:26:24] <Xilandro> I had a roadmap around here somewhere
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L124[13:31:35] <Forecaster> well, my instance wont start xD
L125[13:32:02] <Forecaster> http://hastebin.com/ibabiyuloc.pas
L126[13:32:04] <Forecaster> what the heck
L127[13:33:07] <Forecaster> I have no idea why this is happening
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L129[13:34:06] <bballboy2002> something with RC preinit, strange
L130[13:36:06] <Mimiru> java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: CHEST
L131[13:36:12] <Shadows> update your rc
L132[13:36:13] <Mimiru> that looks like you have a dev build of RC
L133[13:36:59] <Forecaster> oh, I do xD
L134[13:37:12] <Forecaster> just noticed that the file says "alpha", not "beta"
L135[13:37:14] <Forecaster> dammit
L136[13:37:16] <Mimiru> lol
L137[13:37:18] <Forecaster> otherwise it's the same
L138[13:37:22] <Mimiru> yeah CHEST would be deobfed
L139[13:38:15] <Mimiru> I need to make an RC addon so I can get the pretty color.. :P
L140[13:38:26] <Forecaster> what?
L141[13:41:20] <Forecaster> OH
L142[13:41:24] <Forecaster> dubz
L143[13:41:32] <Forecaster> I'm slow this evening it seems
L144[13:42:37] <Forecaster> @Mimiru yes, world anchors are disabled in beta 2
L145[13:42:57] <Mimiru> That'd be why I couldn't find 'em then heh
L146[13:43:19] <Mimiru> I'll work around it for now and add a chunkloader mod and just load my tracks
L147[13:43:37] <Mimiru> one of my trains got lost and I had to go hunt it down heh
L148[13:43:56] <Forecaster> :P
L149[14:11:44] <CovertJaguar> LF is Line Feed, or in other world end of line
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L151[14:11:50] <Forecaster> yeah I know
L152[14:12:11] <Forecaster> clicked after a while
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L175[18:21:14] <Hanakocz> railcraft tank valves have 1000mB/t cap, right?
L176[18:23:08] <Hanakocz> railcraft steel tank valves have 1000mB/t cap, right?
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