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L13[05:03:25] <Elourge> I just pregened a 16000x16000 block world and the closest jungle biome was at 6000 blockas from spawn
L14[05:10:37] <Forecaster> why do you need a jungle?
L15[05:16:13] <Elourge> bees
L16[05:16:24] <Forecaster> ah
L17[05:16:31] <Vexatos> d i d s o m e o n e s a y b e e s
L18[05:16:40] <Forecaster> NO
L19[05:16:41] <Forecaster> shoo
L20[05:16:46] * Vexatos buzzes away
L21[05:16:53] <Elourge> M a y b e e
L22[05:17:00] <Xylush> morning peeps
L23[05:17:07] <Elourge> o/
L24[05:20:50] * neptunepink says bees
L25[05:35:43] *** Corjaantje|Offline is now known as Corjaantje
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L27[05:48:50] <Joshwoo70> NO
L28[05:48:53] <Joshwoo70> NOT THE BEES!!!
L29[06:02:10] *** Corjaantje is now known as Corjaantje|Offline
L30[06:06:09] <Shadows> Beeeeees
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L32[06:45:15] <Hanakocz> I have 10k*10k and probably no jungle :/
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L34[08:28:43] <Nirek> the apiarist villager can sell any of the hive drones, for situations just like those.
L35[09:31:24] ⇨ Joins: Abculatter_2 (~abculatte@2602:306:8b77:a40:2186:7c74:5c07:e90)
L36[10:08:36] <Joshwoo70> oh
L37[10:08:47] <Joshwoo70> looks like i might be able to compile source...
L38[10:09:00] <Joshwoo70> lets see if Railcraft runs ?
L39[10:09:56] <Joshwoo70> narp it failed.. welp
L40[10:09:58] <Joshwoo70> nighty
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L51[13:42:06] ChanServ sets mode: +o on CJ-Phone
L52[13:42:18] <CovertJaguar> @liach github sucks on mobile, I can't see the context of your PRs. I'm not going to touch them until I'm sitting at my computer
L53[13:42:42] <CJ-Phone> OK discord I'd
L54[13:42:58] <CJ-Phone> Is a stinking lier
L55[13:45:40] <SkySom> Github's app or just the mobile site?
L56[13:45:44] <SkySom> Cause GH's app sucks
L57[13:45:50] <SkySom> Forkhub is much better
L58[13:46:16] <CovertJaguar> The app is useless, the site is missing a lot of buttons
L59[13:47:30] <CovertJaguar> And my devices are to slow to render the diffs without lagging
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L89[21:38:55] <zero-ghost> http://thehackernews.com/2016/09/hacking-d-link-wireless-router.html
L90[21:40:10] <zero-ghost> Multiple Backdoors found in D-Link DWR-932 B LTE Router
L91[21:42:08] <Shadows> rip
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L103[23:36:22] <Abculatter_2> Soooo, apparently, ad.fly doesn't let you progress to the link if you have adblock on now
L104[23:37:06] <zero-ghost> run a seperate browser in a sandbox
L105[23:37:11] <Empour> isnt there an extension that instantly links to the actual adf.ly link or something?
L106[23:37:15] <zero-ghost> are you using windows or linux?
L107[23:37:16] <Empour> like
L108[23:37:19] <Empour> the thing it links to
L109[23:37:43] <Abculatter_2> Linux
L110[23:37:54] <zero-ghost> firejail is the most important thing you should be using
L111[23:37:59] <zero-ghost> its like sandboxie on windows
L112[23:38:29] <Abculatter_2> I have no idea about anything you just said
L113[23:38:35] <zero-ghost> unfortunately it only has a seperate gui that is just a launcher for shortcuts you create
L114[23:38:43] <zero-ghost> firejail is an application sandbox
L115[23:38:45] <Abculatter_2> I just want to download 1.6.4 versions of Railcraft...
L116[23:38:54] <zero-ghost> doesnt let the programs you run with it touch the rest of the operating system
L117[23:39:04] <zero-ghost> well im helping you be protected from all the bad shit out there
L118[23:39:14] <Abculatter_2> Okay
L119[23:39:15] <zero-ghost> not just bullshit adfly
L120[23:39:22] <Abculatter_2> I mean, that does sound useful to have around
L121[23:39:33] <zero-ghost> what distro?
L122[23:39:42] <Abculatter_2> Especially for adfly bullshit >->
L123[23:39:45] <Abculatter_2> Ubuntu
L124[23:40:19] <zero-ghost> https://firejail.wordpress.com/
L125[23:40:28] <zero-ghost> im pretty sure its directly in ubuntu repos
L126[23:40:36] <zero-ghost> try "sudo apt-get install firejail"
L127[23:41:43] <Shadows> the only way I know of to get past adfly with adblock on is a chrome ext but I guess thats out of the question
L128[23:42:28] <Abculatter_2> That didn't work, meh...
L129[23:42:43] <Abculatter_2> I'll just try to hitting it with my face some more
L130[23:42:52] <zero-ghost> the link i gave has the installer for ubuntu
L131[23:44:03] <Abculatter_2> Oh look, Curse has the version I want
L132[23:44:13] <Abculatter_2> Yey
L133[23:44:16] <zero-ghost> or just stay unsafe... whiceever
L134[23:44:30] <Abculatter_2> I will still install that thing
L135[23:44:41] <Abculatter_2> I'm just impatient
L136[23:44:43] <zero-ghost> https://sourceforge.net/projects/firejail/files/firejail/firejail_0.9.42_1_amd64.deb/download
L137[23:44:46] <zero-ghost> that is 64bit
L138[23:45:23] <zero-ghost> should be able to click to install it, but if you cant then open the folder where you downloaded it in a terminal and run this: sudo dpkg -i firejail_X.Y_1_amd64.deb
L139[23:45:23] <Abculatter_2> "Firejail is included in Alpine, Arch, Chakra, Debian, Devuan, Gentoo, NixOS, Trisquel, Ubuntu."
L140[23:45:36] <zero-ghost> yea i dont know why you couldnt apt-get it
L141[23:45:50] <zero-ghost> im using manjaro and i dont have any ubuntu virtual machines right now
L142[23:45:54] <Abculatter_2> It said that something something directory was unavailable
L143[23:46:22] <Abculatter_2> Probably because I have some program running that interfered with it
L144[23:47:15] <Abculatter_2> There we go, tried it again and it worked
L145[23:47:46] <zero-ghost> so it has application profiles and the default for firefox is extremely locked down so just running "firejail firefox" is very secure
L146[23:48:06] <zero-ghost> but if you look at the man page for firejail all the flags it has are explained "man firejail"
L147[23:48:22] <zero-ghost> you can run firefox in a throw away sandbox and let all the malware you run want in there (like adfly)
L148[23:48:39] <zero-ghost> then when you close that firefox any super cookies or adware/malware are just gone and never touched your real system
L149[23:48:48] <zero-ghost> a lot like a virtual machine
L150[23:48:56] <Abculatter_2> Interesting
L151[23:49:34] <Abculatter_2> Does it take up a significant amount more computer resources to use?
L152[23:49:48] <Abculatter_2> Not that I'd expect it to
L153[23:50:07] <zero-ghost> nope not at all
L154[23:50:29] <zero-ghost> for the throw away sandbox option you would run "firejail --private firefox"
L155[23:50:37] <zero-ghost> you can read what the --private flag does in the man page
L156[23:50:59] <zero-ghost> and the gui i was talking about is a seperate install its called "firetools"
L157[23:51:09] <zero-ghost> i dont know if that is actually in the ubuntu repo you can try
L158[23:51:15] <zero-ghost> or else its on the home site i linked
L159[23:51:45] <zero-ghost> its just a launcher so you only have to create your shortcuts once then you can click to launch them instead of typing those things everytime
L160[23:52:29] <zero-ghost> i run all my programs including games like minecraft, steam games, wine games in all their seperate sandboxes
L161[23:52:53] <zero-ghost> you can use firejail to completely block those invasive DRM systems like some game devs try to implement that scan your whole hard drive
L162[23:53:01] <zero-ghost> the scanner would just see an empty computer
L163[23:53:16] <Abculatter_2> Wait what
L164[23:53:35] <zero-ghost> which part?
L165[23:53:47] <Abculatter_2> They have some DRMs that scan your whole computer?
L166[23:53:50] <Abculatter_2> Seriously?
L167[23:54:15] <Abculatter_2> I mean, I'm not surprised considering how some companies are with that shit, but still...
L168[23:55:10] <zero-ghost> yea some games have snuck that in for many years now
L169[23:55:23] <zero-ghost> the most recent bullshit was when ARK survival evolved tried that
L170[23:55:38] <zero-ghost> i dont knnow if its still there but they put that in and maybe people got too pissed so they took it out again dont know
L171[23:55:58] <zero-ghost> i think origin is the worst malware system
L172[23:56:12] <zero-ghost> not the games on origin but the origin drm by itself
L173[23:57:06] <zero-ghost> http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Says-Origin-Isn-t-Spyware-Although-It-Does-Scan-Your-Entire-PC-36690.html
L174[23:57:25] <Abculatter_2> Yeah, I knew origin was something I wanted to stay the hell away from the moment I heard of it
L175[23:57:50] <Abculatter_2> EA making their own online distribution platform is no-bueno
L176[23:58:22] <zero-ghost> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4311264
L177[23:58:46] <zero-ghost> so thats why i say firejail is kinda the most important thing all linux users should be running
L178[23:58:57] <zero-ghost> but it does need to get easier and more automated to use
L179[23:59:05] <zero-ghost> with profiles for games and things like that
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